What's your biggest fear?


Well-Known Member
That the Galaxy is stone silent for all the wrong reasons.
Sure, maybe it's silent because we're the only ones, ever. Or maybe every other civilization has annihilated themselves before being able to travel faster than light. Or it's just all microbes and nothing else out there. That's depressing.

Or maybe we're living in a bubble created by a vast community that we're not a part of yet, and shouldn't be allowed to know about before we're ready for it. Because we aren't. Less depressing.
buried alive. that ryan reynolds movie with him in a coffin in the desert, ya made it thru 20 minutes and left..wife and everything just walked.

Buried alive or in a tight space.


Well-Known Member
becoming a prisoner in my own body, paralysis or old age/dementia

to be aware of my surroundings but unable to move
Then you'd love this episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Breakdown

[h=2]Synopsis[/h] William Callew is a cold-hearted and stoic businessman who believes displaying emotion is a sign of horrible weakness. He gets into a car accident during a drive to New York. He regains consciousness only to find himself completely paralyzed. Everyone who sees his body presumes Callew is dead. His body is taken to the morgue, where a coroner examines him and rules him dead. In desperation and hopelessness, Callew begins to cry. Someone notices and he is saved.



Well-Known Member
Going to prison and get my shit pushed in (not that i'll be going , just saying ) fuck that
Getting killed by another person or animal
getting burnt alive
my little jack russell getting out and being hit by a car
heights above 3 metres
deadly spiders and snakes
big dogs i don't no


Well-Known Member
That seems too abstract to be your biggest fear.

Unless you live in North Korea, or Syria, or somewhere similar.
Disagree. If I lived in North Korea my biggest fear would be starvation, for myself and my family or friends. If I lived in Syria, my biggest fear would be my countrymen, since they're killing each other in mass numbers right now.
Since I live in the USA and have watched all the changes in my government, including now using FEMA camps (right now, today, as you read this) around the country to lock up people simply for being homeless (in the Carolinas, New York and other places) and I know we're all being watched and listed, I fear my government.
I honestly feel like we're seeing the same type of division, spying, imprisonment, etc as the world was seeing in the early 1930s coming from Germany as Hitler's power grew. And I'm far from the paranoid type.


Well-Known Member
I fear running out of weed. Also, when I don't put the dish drain cover in the kitchen sink, I fear that one of my cats is going to stick its head down the sink out of curiosity, and the other cat is going to rub up against the garbage disposal switch, turn it on, and liquefy my other cats head.


Well-Known Member
Disagree. If I lived in North Korea my biggest fear would be starvation, for myself and my family or friends. If I lived in Syria, my biggest fear would be my countrymen, since they're killing each other in mass numbers right now.
Since I live in the USA and have watched all the changes in my government, including now using FEMA camps (right now, today, as you read this) around the country to lock up people simply for being homeless (in the Carolinas, New York and other places) and I know we're all being watched and listed, I fear my government.
I honestly feel like we're seeing the same type of division, spying, imprisonment, etc as the world was seeing in the early 1930s coming from Germany as Hitler's power grew. And I'm far from the paranoid type.
It isn't government you should fear, but rather the millions of idiots who place them in office residing in your neighborhood.


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube_share;HgDsCbdec0E]http://youtu.be/HgDsCbdec0E[/video] my biggest fear is ill lose sight of everything music and musicians have done to enrich my life.


Well-Known Member
I fear doing a cave dive at night and losing my compass and torch at 20 meters. Low on air and disorientated aaaarrhhhh , it'd be awful!


Well-Known Member
Really the only thing that scares the shit out of me is being diagnosed with a mental disease. I'd never want to feel brain dead. Not knowing who I am or where I am would scare the hell out of me. To feel like a stranger in my own body. I'm scared of dementia.. or anything similar. Well that's my fear, this guy doesn't scare me anymore lol, but he did my entire childhood View attachment 2895255 what fear(s) do you have? I'm trying to remember if padawan already made this thread, but I'm not sure.. so here it is again :)
Son, I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is you have an incurable mental disease. The good news is you'll be too whacked out to know or care what that means.


Well-Known Member
I fear running out of weed. Also, when I don't put the dish drain cover in the kitchen sink, I fear that one of my cats is going to stick its head down the sink out of curiosity, and the other cat is going to rub up against the garbage disposal switch, turn it on, and liquefy my other cats head.
OK, I think you win the prize.


Well-Known Member
It isn't government you should fear, but rather the millions of idiots who place them in office residing in your neighborhood.
Yeah, you're probably right. So then, your neighborhood is obviously full of smart people who only support losing candidates in every election? I thought you said you were from Chicago? *coughOBAMAcough*
