enjoy the bud, and im sure you dont need to hear anyone preaching to you but please be careful mixing benzos and opiates...it can become a very dangerous situation especially if your mixing it wiht any other drugs including alcohol.im not saying a couple mg's of xanax and a p15 will make you overdose, but you would be surprised what can happen when you mix two very powerful drugs such a alapraz and oxycodone, especially if you dont have a tolerance...if you do have a tolerance though, your absolutley fine, enjoy it, but watch that addiction monkey, it sneaks right the fuck up on you, take it from someone who has experience...moderation is key.dont overdo any of the drugs in single usage let alone mixing and combinations...again, im sure you dont need to hear anyone preaching, i just care about the members here and i dont want to see anything bad happen to anyone, especially becoming addicted to either opis or benzos...benzos is a very bad W/D which can cause seizures and death, and opiates while it may not be able to exactly kill you, i promise you you will fucking wish you were dead that is FOR SURE....lol...again, moderation is the key to all drugs, but ESPECIALLY opiates and benzos...please be safe, enjoy them and if you feel at anytime your going to be sick or did to much please either get up and move around to get the blood flowing or if you cant do that please at least lay on your back or stomach so that if you do vomit in your sleep you dont choke on your own sick....please be safe and have fun! I didnt want to come in here and be a negative nancy or a party pooper, its just these drugs, especially opiates and oxycodone really hit home for me so i cannot resist saying at least something....again. be safe and have a fun and good night.