I had this same thought when i started my first business, heres the problem.
People are stupid, they almost always buy by price . Thats why they end up buying so many things again. and again and again
You gotta get yourself in a position where YOU choose your customers...
If you go whoring yourself out from the start you will find yourself in a bad place... The typical consumer thinks because you are in business then they own you. ESPECIALLY in America...
If a customer doesn't work for me (not talking mj here)... i'll flat out tell them... i'm too busy, sorry.
Getting there requires you to get in demand. Quality that no one else can offer.
Again, this is regional... but there are other customers out there than the fool who buys a dvd player for $25 every 4 months... Avoid these folks. If you have the finances to back your company, you are in a great position when it comes to bargaining... NEVER find yourself in a situation where you need quick money. That's when you start compromising what it is you want... High $ for high quality..
I'll demo my work at 50% off... 9 times out of 10 the customer is fully willing to pay full price in the future. AFTER they see what they can get for the money.
i'M starting to sounds cocky.. haha.. sorry.