Well-Known Member
hotcha cha chaaaa...
1 in 5 in the US are infected with herpes.
hotcha cha chaaaa...
hotcha cha chaaaa...
1 in 5 in the US are infected with herpes.
wow 20% is a lot when you say it like that.
while in "Latin America", the rates for HSV-2 infection are MORE THAN DOUBLE those of "North America" (which does NOT include mexico)...
but still better than SE Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
choose your prostitutes accordingly.
http://goaskalice.columbia.edu/cold-sores-oral-sex-genital-herpesHerpes is a common condition that affects up to 80% of the United States population. Approximately one-fourth of New York City inhabitants have genital herpes. However, the herpes virus has mostly cosmetic ramifications. If you’re concerned about preventing transmission, it’s important to understand the differences between herpes simplex 1 (HSV-1, also referred to as oral herpes), and herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2, also called genital herpes). The bottom line is that both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can be transmitted through oral sex, but transmission is uncommon, and there are many easy, cheap, and even tasty ways to prevent this from happening. Many people infected with herpes have no visible symptoms and confuse outbreaks with pimples, insect bites, razor burns, allergic reactions, and jock itch. As a result, around 80% of 14 to 49-year-olds with HSV-1 or -2 are never officially diagnosed with the virus. Although genital herpes are considered to be less common than oral herpes, both HSV-1 and HSV-2 may be expressed (symptomatic) orally and genitally. For example, even if you are diagnosed with HSV-1, you may experience herpes in your genital area, or vice versa. In general, HSV-1 prefers the mouth, and HSV-2 calls the genitals “home.” The two strands of herpes don’t typically like to swap locations, but oral-to-genital (or genital-to-oral) transmission is possible.
Look at your grouping though. The us has a region with rates worse than most of the Latin American rates. You're also judging (yeah judging) Mexico in a group that includes Brazil. World wide I have heard it is something between 1 in 4 and 1 in 3 but I'm not sure if that estimate is based on which strain of hsv. I have seen what I consider a credible source (but not peer reviewed) that NYC has a 1 in 4 prevalence of genital hsv-2.
I don't hate on people for seeing prostitutes, because there are some prostitutes who enjoy the job (and they do not deserve disrespect) but I do not frequent them. I would probably fuck for money though, if it was an option and if women were looking to pay me for sex.
Look at your grouping though. The us has a region with rates worse than most of the Latin American rates. You're also judging (yeah judging) Mexico in a group that includes Brazil. World wide I have heard it is something between 1 in 4 and 1 in 3 but I'm not sure if that estimate is based on which strain of hsv. I have seen what I consider a credible source (but not peer reviewed) that NYC has a 1 in 4 prevalence of genital hsv-2.
I don't hate on people for seeing prostitutes, because there are some prostitutes who enjoy the job (and they do not deserve disrespect) but I do not frequent them. I would probably fuck for money though, if it was an option and if women were looking to pay me for sex.
When blacks started wearing their pants low, white people called it "saggin"
Now spell saggin backwards..................fuckin sneaky ass whitey!
I went to the movies with a 9 year old just like that last night.
And Finds Out Hes Part Black
Well, thats awkward: A white supremacist who made headlines worldwide for plotting to take over a town in North Dakota received the results of a DNA test and the results say hes 14% black.
White supremacist Craig Cobb found out hes part black. (Credit: Daily Mail via News Breaker)
And this all happened while cameras were rolling.
Craig Cobb, 61, who has tried to create a white enclave in tiny Leith, N.D., submitted a DNA sample to the Trisha Goddard talk show and got the results back during a recent taping.
Read more: http://ktla.com/2013/11/13/white-supremacist-takes-dna-test-finds-out-hes-part-black/#ixzz2kawIvkal
Does he hate himself now?
Nigger in the woodpile?
Nigger in the woodpile?
yeah... not really apropos.
and for once, actually Racist.
why you gotta make UB right?
the classier way to say it would be:
"He bears the Bend Sinister on his Knightly Robes."
A couple Crabapples hanging in the family tree.
Aww Snap! Hereditary Pwnage!!
clearly you don't know how this goes.
insid33 has claimed pre-emptively in his signature that he is not racist, thus he is not racist, despite using outdated racial slurs.
The indigenous people were immigrants, too.Seeing how this land was taken from the indigenous people...we all are illegal immigrant.
The indigenous people were immigrants, too.
clearly you don't know how this goes.
insid33 has claimed pre-emptively in his signature that he is not racist, thus he is not racist, despite using outdated racial slurs.