What does it take to yield BIG

I can say I get 20+oz for my 1000 so for me.to get 6 pounds id need a 4000 watt flower and 2000 watt veg area flowering 16 plants while vegging 16 chop every 3 months


That sounds correct. My indoor grow buddies get a minimum of 16oz per 1000. That's in fairly crowded conditions with all plants semi- lollipoped. Hydro in coco.
Ok man, dont take my post the wrong way as it may be alittle long but worth the read...

I start alittle over a yr ago with same type of posts as you. Didnt wanna spend a ton in equipment just to realize i needed more or different kinds. Figured id learn as i go but atleast the equipment was purchased correct the first time... there is a major issue with that...

Starters, everyone on here will give your THEIR way of growing and THEIR way of equipment/enviroment. This will not work for you. Each grower has heir own level of talent when it comes to this. They have their own attention to detail and ambition to be inside the room ALL the time. You need to do a run on your own with very small simple setup. You need to see what training you prefer to do and if your strain likes that training. You need to dial in a solid nute program with your strain. Some people can only be in the room once a day if that compared to someone being there everyday multiple times. You need to decide which you can do and then decide your system based off that. Then learn that system.

You need to stop and realize each individual plant even if the same cutting from same mom plant will grow at its own pace. This takes dedication and the ability to put your pride aside. Also, light may = wieght but only to a degree. Training, enviroment and food control is absolutly more important than having ton of light. A 9x12 room with 4-6 lights will be a pain to keep in good temps without enough money of fans ect. I could go on and on but i know your going to overlook this cause its basic info. Knowledge is nothing without experience.

IMO, get poly and make a small room for less than 100$ 5x5 with 1 or 8x8 with 2 lights. Buy ac and venting fans to cool the room. Run the room for acouple days while checking humidity temps and light leaks. When that is accomplished you need to find a strain and IMO use soil or coco your first time so you can spend your time learning nutrients,deficiency and training for your strain and how much time your able to spend in the room. You start right into hydro you will spend more time keeping your system clean and maintained and nutrient issues then be able to learn to read the plant and train the plant. People get 2 lb off 1 light all the time. Its because they will take each plant and care for it and train it. Starting with a big setup and mult. Rooms there is no chance you can train and go through every single plant with detail. Idc if you spen 10hours in your room, without the experience you will oversee a ton of stuff.

As for alittle advice i learned from my experience is that a healthy plant does not mean it is living up to its potential. I rand a basic hydro ebb n flow for a good while. My plants always stood tall and grew awesome(so i though). They grew 3x faster than soil and just way better altogether. Still my yeild and plant size vs my veg time were just shit compared to these other guys i knew. After spending more money on my setup(fairly large size from the start) i began seeing even more amazing growth. The root structure is EVERYTHING. Keep enviroment in tact is easy once the money is spent right.but with nutrients and water moving and worrying about algae is a big deal. Plants love food/oxygen in the root zone. Too much of each will hurt it. Either dry out of burn them. If you do hydro pay attention to this because you will have healthy plants but slow growth and not even notice the potential your missing. Find a setup you know and are capable of using to provide the most water and oxygen as often as possible. If soil then learn about micro organisms and amending your soil properly. My experience, i will never use a ebb n flow again because the growth sucks compared to a bubble bucket or undercurrent. The plant getting fed for 15 min several times kept them healthy but not at thier potential...

I know this seems like all obvious things and will be dismissed but a year from now you will have changed your setup multiple times and spent a ton because you started big without seeing what you capable of... why have 24 plant pull 6 lbs off 6 lights when you could have 12 plants pull 6 lbs for 4 lights. After afew grows youll understand where im coming from alittle more im sure.

Id say learn to get atleast 6oz a plant before doing 3 or more lights. If your not getting that off less than 4 week veg then no point in spending big money on big setup. Whether it is enviromental issue/ light issue/food or training. They all take time to learn.
One more final comment... this is the most most important i say to ANYONE...

If you find an issue with your plant or your room, fix it right there and then. Plants will not tolerate being put off to the side until your ready for them. Every small detail matters to your plant.
So you want to be a dad, and without knowing how to do it you want to have about 10 kids at the same time. I have a little theory in my high brain "many state that you might get 1g per watt. Well I believe that instead, its around 1g per hour of reading." Even if you have all the ingredients and the money to make a good dish, if you don't have the ability and the knowledge you will probably not get what you want. Im not saying its impossible I'm just saying that even if people here tell you all you need which is a lot, you will end up asking so much that you will end up reading anyways so why not start now? Cheers from a cannabis bookworm newbie :eyesmoke:
There's much wisdom in these post....some contradictory, but that's just because everyone grows differently. I agree that you should start with a relatively small grow and get the feel on how YOU grow and scale it up from there. I'm the one that pointed you to Craigslist.....why.....because there's many people that feel they want to grow poundage right off the bat and after spending a fortune on equipment at the grow-shop then realize they're over their head because they just don't have the experience.

I started with two plants a year ago, and now I'm up to 11 plants in flower and 9 plants in veg.....my average at the moment is 3 zips a plant....so total capacity of 33 ounces per cycle....just over 2 lb's...and it took me a year to be able to grow at that capacity.

Take your time and enjoy the learning process.....the only part of pot that's addicting is growing it.
Growing it really is addicting lol.. i think its awesome to see how different they grow and training does to them.
Growing it really is addicting lol.. i think its awesome to see how different they grow and training does to them.

Growing is VERY ADDICTING!!! LOL...I have said it all along..since my very first seed that I planted that came out of a bag of Mexi or Columbian or whatever the hell was going around many years ago!!! It was even super tuff to get the dam thing to finish because I didnt know a dam thing about Sativa or Indica...Long season flowering plants or short season flowering plants...ETC. I was trying to grow sativas in the high mountains with short growing seasons..LOL But try I did brodys!!! We were just kids back then.

So as CANNANONYMOUS said...I bought a book and back in the day...its not like cannabis grow books were falling out of trees or anything like that....if you catch my drift!! Here i am years later...been growing a long time and to this day...I just cant resist buying any book that says cannabis on it!! And yes I read them...all of them. There are many guides available today, some good and some just ok but where you are really going to learn is in the grow room or at the grow ( if outdoors ) That is where you will see and become familiar with " THE PLANT " but books will provide you with a broad base knowledge and understanding of the plant you are growing, what it likes, what it does not like...temps, climate ETC..I could go on and on but ya'll get what I am saying so to sum it up......A good grow book is worth its weight in GOLD!!! GREEN GOLD!!

Growing is VERY ADDICTING!!! LOL...I have said it all along..since my very first seed that I planted that came out of a bag of Mexi or Columbian or whatever the hell was going around many years ago!!! It was even super tuff to get the dam thing to finish because I didnt know a dam thing about Sativa or Indica...Long season flowering plants or short season flowering plants...ETC. I was trying to grow sativas in the high mountains with short growing seasons..LOL But try I did brodys!!! We were just kids back then.

So as CANNANONYMOUS said...I bought a book and back in the day...its not like cannabis grow books were falling out of trees or anything like that....if you catch my drift!! Here i am years later...been growing a long time and to this day...I just cant resist buying any book that says cannabis on it!! And yes I read them...all of them. There are many guides available today, some good and some just ok but where you are really going to learn is in the grow room or at the grow ( if outdoors ) That is where you will see and become familiar with " THE PLANT " but books will provide you with a broad base knowledge and understanding of the plant you are growing, what it likes, what it does not like...temps, climate ETC..I could go on and on but ya'll get what I am saying so to sum it up......A good grow book is worth its weight in GOLD!!! GREEN GOLD!!


Of all the grow-books you've read, is there any one that you would recommend to a new grower?
Of all the grow-books you've read, is there any one that you would recommend to a new grower?

There are a few....Jorge Cerevantes MJ Horticulture..all though it is slightly outdated...it is a classic and I love that grow guide. Also Greg Greens MJ Cannabis grow Bible...another good one. Mel franks books are super as well. I think I own every dam book on cannabis that is in print...LMAO..Ya...its addicting. Go to www.fsbooks.com and have a look at all the grow books that are avail there.

That is just one source and they mail very discreet. Borders book store has some to but some people have a problem walking to the register with a cannabis grow guide in there hand. I love to do that just to watch peoples expressions...same when I go to Hastings and pick up my High Times or Skunk Mags...I actually stand there in line and look at them while I wait..LMAO...people are funny bro...Some people go to great extremes to act like they are not looking at what you have in your hand...lol