No Consensus on 'Man Made' cause of Global Warming....

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I know for sure. One major valcanic eruption spews out more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than mankind has during its entire existance. Mankind is a piss ant compared to nature. A large enough mass entering our atmosphere that makes impact can result in an explosion far greater than mankinds nucleur weapons. Our Earth is in fact a dying planet and the decreased size of biological creature over the melleniums is proof of this. Eventually, the atmosphere of the Earth will be boiled off like the planet Mars and there is nothing mankind can do to stop it. As the Earths core tempature continues to decrease so will the planets ability to support life.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I remember they had a study in the praries that was going on about cows farting must have something to do with global warming. This all ended pretty abruptly when I mentioned that long before we came to North America that there were countless buffaloes farting out on the praries:)


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New Member
As I read this story, it struck me, it is a poll of more than 1,800 atmospheric scientists....

And they can not come to a consensus.... 48 % believe not real or not man made, and 52 % Yes it's real....

Considering just this study, I'd have to say.... WTF, who knows for sure?
I know one thing for sure.

If Al Gore is connected to it, that's all the proof I need.


Well-Known Member
So much misinformation, so magnanimously offered to others quick to agree. Volcanic eruptions do not equal our continuing effluent and there are far more rumiment domestic species now than during the time of the buffalo.


New Member
So much misinformation, so magnanimously offered to others quick to agree. Volcanic eruptions do not equal our continuing effluent and there are far more rumiment domestic species now than during the time of the buffalo.
What you are really saying canndo is, none of us on this forum, including you, can distinguish valid information from invalidated information.
And I would agree with you, but my theory still holds strong for me. Anytime there are politicians (Al Gore) that have a financial stake in it, I will always be strongly skeptical.


Well-Known Member
I am saying that the same rightist blather springs up constantly and the generated myths remain. A little reasearch shows the ops points as incorrect, as has been established on this site alone.

and then there is your conveniently lazy litmus test.


Well-Known Member
So much misinformation, so magnanimously offered to others quick to agree. Volcanic eruptions do not equal our continuing effluent and there are far more rumiment domestic species now than during the time of the buffalo.
True, buffalo are not domesticated, but they still fart. And there were hundreds of millions, far than we have cattle. One volcanic eruption blanketed the Earth and started "ice ball Earth" that lasted hundreds of millions of years. So what you label as "misinformation" is true. Liar.


Well-Known Member
I am saying that the same rightist blather springs up constantly and the generated myths remain. A little reasearch shows the ops points as incorrect, as has been established on this site alone. and then there is your conveniently lazy litmus test.
Established? You pretending to "correct" others by just claiming they're wrong without any evidence of it is hardly "established".


New Member
I am saying that the same rightist blather springs up constantly and the generated myths remain. A little reasearch shows the ops points as incorrect, as has been established on this site alone.

and then there is your conveniently lazy litmus test.
When you are calling dissenting scientific findings as blathering, you are claiming to have the knowledge to distinguish valid information from invalidated information. I may be wrong, but I don't believe you can.


Well-Known Member
When you are calling dissenting scientific findings as blathering, you are claiming to have the knowledge to distinguish valid information from invalidated information. I may be wrong, but I don't believe you can.
There is no valid information, in science, only valid data and invalid data.

The IPCC has disclosed that the data has been altered to benefit those who believe in global warming.

The ultimate problem and one that no scientist can solve at this point is that we lack enough data to make an informed decision on mankind's impact on the natural warming and cooling of the globe.

What I can say simply from a common sense aspect is the CO2 correlation is simply bullshit. CO2 has been rising steadily and the temperature has remained the same over a decade. In addition to the fact that CO2 is what plants use and more CO2 causes more plant growth causes CO2 decrease. Every seasoned grower knows by comparative data that adding CO2 to the grow room atmosphere when done properly yields bigger plants and more growth.

What we need to do is learn to adapt to the changing climates of the world because what we do know from the geological data is that the earth goes through heating and cooling cycles with or without us.


Well-Known Member
Agriculture, the only way to sustain large populations. is impossible during the cool periods. Global warming benefited the rise of Man. Now the chicken littles want to return us to the ice age.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Agriculture, the only way to sustain large populations. is impossible during the cool periods. Global warming benefited the rise of Man. Now the chicken littles want to return us to the ice age.
the global warming fearmongers have no more power to end the holocene epoch and bring about an ice age than human industry has to prevent the ice age from coming.

the ice age WILL come whether we want it to or not.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I know for sure. One major valcanic eruption spews out more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than mankind has during its entire existance. Mankind is a piss ant compared to nature. A large enough mass entering our atmosphere that makes impact can result in an explosion far greater than mankinds nucleur weapons. Our Earth is in fact a dying planet and the decreased size of biological creature over the melleniums is proof of this. Eventually, the atmosphere of the Earth will be boiled off like the planet Mars and there is nothing mankind can do to stop it. As the Earths core tempature continues to decrease so will the planets ability to support life.
The Earth's core is rising to that of the the Sun's surface.


Active Member
Dino farts caused the last ice age.
The Sea is coming to swallow our major league sports stadiums, according to my Senator. Wow, Sheldon. WTF are you smoking?!

Senator: Sports Stadiums 'at Risk from...Sea-Level Rise Effects of Climate Change'

He then predicted the end of pond hockey as apparently we soon won't be experiencing temperatures below freezing during winter so no more ice on ponds, and ski areas will soon be a thing of the past in Massachusetts and Connecticut. Brilliant!