Why are Americans so afraid of Socialism?

Yah...I can't remember exactly when I saw Money Masters, but it was before YouTube started up. I used to watch WinAmp TV and one morning I saw this "conspiracy" channel that happened to be showing it. Blew my mind, I have to admit, and probably planted the seeds which have led me to the current pursuits I am engaged in.

I don't think the guaranteed income idea is "utopian". All it does is provide a basic floor from which many of the negative externalities imposed by poverty are eliminated.
That alone helps to assuage several problems in society which indirectly saves money.
I suppose it can be considered a shift in spending...
Another approach is the idea suggested by Professor Steve Keen (among others) of the "debt jubilee", which would also have a positive net effect if enacted. But the income base would be more forward-looking especially in light of the technological push (and globalization) causing a literal gutting of necessary labour from developed economies.
I don't know what "responsibility" has to do with it. Could you elaborate?

As for the killing, looting, etc., I've heard others say that as well in application to the US. I don't like that idea, though...it is the solution of Neanderthals and eugenicists.
There are better paths to travel down...

The reason you give people a minimum income each year is so that they can take care of themselves with it. Things like heathcare, rent, food, utilities. The extra money they earn with a job can buy them the things they want , but don't necessarily need , things like the Gucci Purse, Brooks Brothers Shirts, 5th car, Yacht, Sailboat etc. etc.

The problem with people is that they are not responsible so instead of paying their utilities and rent with their basic income, they instead decide to bet it on race horses, or spend it all on booze or drugs. Once the booze and drugs run out or the horses fail to win, the person is left with nothing and cannot afford to feed himself or pay rent or stay warm in the winter. Now someone either needs to pay for those things for him, leading us right back to where we are now, or the person starves and freezes.

The reason we have all these programs now is because people are not responsible for themselves, if you just give them money they will piss it away.

UC did a study in San Diego on the homeless people there, they gave them $2,000 a month, clothes, a car and a apartment and helped them find employment. Once the 2 year program was over, every single person was back to living on the street.
Nobody teaches kids that life is actually hard.

They are taught that they are special and they are entitled and thrown to the wolves.

And it is no wonder we got to where we are now.
UC did a study in San Diego on the homeless people there, they gave them $2,000 a month, clothes, a car and a apartment and helped them find employment. Once the 2 year program was over, every single person was back to living on the street.

Do you have a link or citation for that study?

Was it UCSD?

When was it done?

How many people?


Anything at all?
Nobody teaches kids that life is actually hard.

They are taught that they are special and they are entitled and thrown to the wolves.

And it is no wonder we got to where we are now.

the most powerful nation on earth?

do you have any point whatsoever to your nonsensical ramblings today?
Nobody teaches kids that life is actually hard.

They are taught that they are special and they are entitled and thrown to the wolves.

And it is no wonder we got to where we are now.
You never met my Grandfather..or my dad..or me
You never met my Grandfather..or my dad..or me

i honestly believe that he is a child who is just now figuring out that life is hard, perhaps just getting over his ayn rand phase.

no way do i believe the online persona he portrays in any way whatsoever.
i honestly believe that he is a child who is just now figuring out that life is hard, perhaps just getting over his ayn rand phase.

no way do i believe the online persona he portrays in any way whatsoever.

I have no doubt you are an angry little man trying to be a boss on the internet...

It doesnt really matter what you think of my RL as you have no effect on it.
I would comment, but then the thread would end up being about me defending unpopular ideas while 6 or 7 republicans call me a Marxist. I guess I just commented.

Why are Americans so afraid of socialism? Religious reasons.
I would comment, but then the thread would end up being about me defending unpopular ideas while 6 or 7 republicans call me a Marxist. I guess I just commented.

Why are Americans so afraid of socialism? Religious reasons.

That makes absolutely no sense since it can be proven that religious people are the most giving to charity, etc. Charity is voluntary socialism.

So yeah... that was just crazy talk...
Why are Americans so afraid of socialism?

i would be inclined to answer a question with a question: do any of the deranged, unhinged, lunatic fringe right wingers on this board even understand what socialism is, or are they just basing their misconceptions off of old time, cold war propaganda and signs their daddies held?

That makes absolutely no sense since it can be proven that religious people are the most giving to charity, etc. Charity is voluntary socialism.

So yeah... that was just crazy talk...

explain to me why sweden, perhaps the most atheist nation on the planet, also donates to charity at the highest rates.

you stooge.
Uncle Buck forgets that the segregationists were the Democrats...

History is so malleable when dealing with low information voters.
Uncle Buck forgets that the segregationists were the Democrats...

key word is highlighted.


An unreconstructed Southern conservative, he began his political career in the Democratic Party in the days when many white Southern politicians championed racial segregation and most blacks were disfranchised. He moved to the Republican party in the 1970s. Helms was the most stridently conservative politician of the post-1960s era,[SUP][4][/SUP] especially in opposition to federal intervention into what he considered state affairs (integration, the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act). Helms conducted a 16-day filibuster to stop the Senate from approving a federal holiday to honor Martin Luther King, Jr.

History is so malleable when dealing with low information voters.

i would be inclined to answer a question with a question: do any of the deranged, unhinged, lunatic fringe right wingers on this board even understand what socialism is, or are they just basing their misconceptions off of old time, cold war propaganda and signs their daddies held?


He just demonstrated that he does not with that dumb comment about voluntary charity.