Obama Uses Executive Order to Delay Small Business Sign-Ups

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New Member
how does a party "get back control" of something they already have control over, sketchy etchy?

i know you are averse to straightforward questions like that, so i apologize in advance for inconveniencing you with such anathema.
don't get angry now stormfrontBUCK* - Obama is crashing and burning, which must really piss you off seeing as your narcissistic condition dictates - The fact that no one can be perfect is usually lost on the idol-worshipping narcissist

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
how does a party "get back control" of something they already have control over, sketchy etchy?

i know you are averse to straightforward questions like that, so i apologize in advance for inconveniencing you with such anathema.
Geez Louise, don't get your panties in a bunch.


Well-Known Member
how is it tyranny to have duly elected representatives vote on a bill? that's actually what the constitution calls for, not tyranny.

you are a fucking idiot.
It won't pass. The house won't let it. That was just one example of many. Go back to the OP.

I'm telling you what the Democrat party wants. What their agenda is. To concentrate more and more power in the hands of Barack Obama.


Well-Known Member
Wow just tyrannical. Giving people money left and right, radically expanding welfare, putting white god loving conservatives in concentration camps... Crowning Eric Holder king and making people worship Jesse Jackson, socializing every industry we have, killing the business class, god where does it end....
didn't obama also force white christian males to marry homosexuals or go to FEMA camps?


Well-Known Member
“This mismanagement and inadequacy is causing the American people and small business owners to lose trust in their government’s ability to do just about anything.”

Damn, Obama broke the gubbermint!!

not really, but he's gonna get all the blame regardless.


Well-Known Member
that's tyranny, chumlee.
Is that why you try changing the subject to Chris Christie or the debt ceiling or whatever you possibly can? So that we don't need to go on about how Obama is constantly threatening to impose his will WITHOUT Congress?



Well-Known Member
Any way to get around Congress is the Obama way



Well-Known Member
Is that why you try changing the subject to Chris Christie or the debt ceiling or whatever you possibly can? So that we don't need to go on about how Obama is constantly threatening to impose his will WITHOUT Congress?
ya mean, how he uses fully constitutional executive orders to do what few things he can, like directing the CDC to conduct studies on pressing problems?

is the constitution tyranny?

why do you hate the constitution, and why do you hate america?

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
ya mean, how he uses fully constitutional executive orders to do what few things he can, like directing the CDC to conduct studies on pressing problems?

is the constitution tyranny?

why do you hate the constitution, and why do you hate america?
Obama Abuses the constitution like Bill Clinton did.
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman".

Too many lawyers in football, baseball's got a few.


Well-Known Member
ya mean, how he uses fully constitutional executive orders to do what few things he can, like directing the CDC to conduct studies on pressing problems?

is the constitution tyranny?

why do you hate the constitution, and why do you hate america?
Can you show me where in the Constitution it explains executive orders? Just go ahead and quote that relevant part here for all to see please.


Well-Known Member
ya mean, how he uses fully constitutional executive orders to do what few things he can, like directing the CDC to conduct studies on pressing problems?

is the constitution tyranny?

why do you hate the constitution, and why do you hate america?
Your constant need to look for the simple answer or the easy explanation just shows you're not very intelligent. That's why most of your arguments end with calling somebody a racist, and then declaring victory. The only reason Democraps like you won't admit you're communist, and identify to people what you really want is because it won't sit well with a large portion of the party.


Well-Known Member
Can you show me where in the Constitution it explains executive orders? Just go ahead and quote that relevant part here for all to see please.
Buck doesn't have the ability rationalize or listen to reason. All of that gets filtered out because his mental capacity won't allow it.


Well-Known Member
Can you show me where in the Constitution it explains executive orders? Just go ahead and quote that relevant part here for all to see please.
article 2, section 3.

"he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed"


Well-Known Member
Your constant need to look for the simple answer or the easy explanation just shows you're not very intelligent. That's why most of your arguments end with calling somebody a racist, and then declaring victory. The only reason Democraps like you won't admit you're communist, and identify to people what you really want is because it won't sit well with a large portion of the party.
i believe in private ownership of means of production.

you are the only white person in south stockton, california (interestingly, a search of convicted pedos in south stockton does turn up a white person, so that must be you).

have a good day.
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