just fought my onw dad!

After a Long night of drinking, me and my father got into a fist fight.

I went to make amends with him after not talking in about 13 years it's been eating me up inside. But I thought i would buy a bottle of belvedere (his favorite vodka) and a very enjoyable drink for me too (Stupidest thing ever. He's an horrible alcholic Idk what I was thinking). It ended real bad

I get there and we immediantly started crying and hugging eacht other, talking about how much we missed each other and all this nonsense. (Forgive me ro the grammar i'm just now sobbering up)

We talked for along time, smoked a ton of cigarttes saying how much we missed each other, it was really a spiritual thing.

I feel so horrible bc my dad hasn't picked up a drink in about 2 years. But I thought that we would just have a father son social bonding/
We make some mixed drinks, orange juice and vodka ahhaha it was classic memories at first

We get about half way through teh bottle when he starts saying that he never meant to hurt me and this bull crap. (it was a big bottle the 1.75ml one, I bought it because it was 10% off for Black Friday in virginia)
For someone reason I went in a rage and brought up some shit that was bothering me. I confronted him and ended up calling him a pedophile/

he hit me in my face right then and there.
I snapped oout of shear anger and bull rushed him and he was hitting me left and right and i finaly managed to slam him to the ground. out of no where i got this super strenght and started hitting him in the face, im talking full blown punches.
Like it was an ass beating i layed on my own dad i'm sad to say.

i finally reliazed what was going on and grabbed the belvedere and headed home (leaving my jacket behind and my shoes!)

He was bloodied up and laying on the floor but out of panic i got up and left leaving behind my beat up father.
This is heartbreaking guys at least to me right now. my fahter is 52 and i'm 23. i don't know what honestly started the arguemnent but i snaped and called him out for being a pice of shit and he hit ME in my face!!!
I feel so bad but at teh same time i dont!!! after all he touched me when i was 6!!!
He fucked my whole life up ya know. I grabbed my bottle and jacket and drove home drunk. thats the worst port. but i mangaeged to make it home safe wihtout putting somebodys life at stock so i'm thanful to be honest.

Im just so surpised at what what happend. after not alking to the man for 13 years i go there nd get him drunk and this is what happens. a brutal fight. i feel sobad but i dont' at teh same time

God guys this is a mess.
Idk what to do anymore. i'm drunk right now but i feel bad but at the same time i hate this motherfucker so much!!!
Sory but i had to vent this shit out. afterall i did just give a beatdown on my father.

I'm goign to bed peace and love.
My god if i ever need some moly it woudl be now mn. if i had soem left over belive me i woul be taken it by now. but thank god and or all of you gys keepn me strong thru all this bullshit i;m thankfull!'

I miss my wife and just wnt to go back to my normal way of life. This shti sucks i'm done beign a fucking kid again. i wanna go back to my normal way of life.

whoopty whoop whoopty whoop whoop
My god! Turnt up to the max!
Glad to see you're safe man! Keep your head up Heisenberg! You're a good man don't let anyone tell you differernt!
By the way I hope you get through of all this bullshit and see what really matters in life! I've been following your threads and your status in general. You got someone out there that's watching you bro. When you wake up tomorrow and realize you made this thread, know that it's gonna be alright man!
I your dad touched you when you were 6, he is fucked up. Don't even try....
I understand needing to try and understand him, vise/versa

But honestly.. I don't even know man.
Just do what you know is right and learn from experience.
That is the only advice that I can even give.
When you sober up I suggest trying to stay that way for awhile. And getting some help. See a counselor or check into a rehab or go to a fucking 12 step meeting. There's lots of things that it could be but you need to make a radical change. Give things a break and get your head straight. Drugs aren't going anywhere but right now it sounds like you're in a pretty bad place that's getting worse.
If you haven't talk to a lawyer, seeing a drug counselor or going to rehab will probably help you stay out of jail.
Yea I don't think assault on an elderly man,d.I.p,perhaps malicious wounding and other charges would have helped you at all...I don't feel you need rehab..you just need to start THINKING..
shit dude if i were you i'd be in rehab tomorrow morning. if anything it will show your wife you're serious about making a change and she won't have to worry about you while you both work on rebuilding trust..plus as mreduck said, rehab is a great way to stay outta jail (worked for me).

on second thought..i'm forgetting that it may not be plausible for you to just pick up your shit and head on into rehab. you said you just landed a $25/hour job? you don't need to lose that..i was a kid when i went so it was easy.

honestly rory is right. it really REALLY isn't all that hard to kick a molly habbit and begin the slow process of rebuilding your life. just remember the longer you wait to start that process the slower it becomes.

good luck to you dude hope you figure your shit out.
I'm just saying..logic has left heisenberg..not to be an asshole,but there was no thought whatsoever in bringing a bottle to an alcoholics home,unless it was underlying..if ya wanted to confront him about the incident when you were 6,shoudla went sober..unless you knew what you wanted to do(fight) and decided this would be a scape goat for your consious(I can't spell)..blame it on the vodka ect...jumping into a fire and expecting not to get burned is not a good choice when it comes to emotional issues..
Where is your wife in all this? Are you going to talk to her? Make plans for the future? Postal inspector contacted yet?..I would cleaned up that turd before shittting in the floor again...hope all is well and your not too sore or hungover..how's your dad? Gonna talk to him about it in a polite sober manner later on?...
I went to make amends with him after not talking in about 13 years it's been eating me up inside. But I thought i would buy a bottle of belvedere (his favorite vodka)

This was the first wrong thing, lol

Alcohol is not happy enduring drug, just brings out bad things..

should of said dad lets talk over this fat 10 gram blunt...then you guys be hugging all night, eating waffles in the morning.

Deejay..if he's trolling,then he's doing a splendid job of wasting his life..he's been talking for days now..not many trolls here in hs...some,but not many..
That every holiday at my house!..
No but seriously alcohol is bad! U guys should of rolled a few bombs and just made up!
Well theres always christmas!
Your luck is going to run out... you need professional help. There are obvious unresolved issues you need to take care of.
Let's see the recent choices:
1. ) abusing drugs to the point you know is harmful
2.) cheating on a wife you claim to love
3.) sending drugs in the mail
4.) getting drunk with dad and getting into a fight.

Shit needs to change, or shit will change you. I'd do the former as the latter will end up changing you, limiting your own control
Dude! You need to stop this compulsive behavior. I'm going to repeat something I told you in private in hopes that it sinks in this time. Five years ago I was on a very similar path, and it ended in a divorce and a bottle of oxy... Dont make the mistakes I made, get some help. Call your wife and tell her that you love her and you need her to come home. Ask her for her support. Shes your wife, your number one duty to eachother is support! Ask her to make you get couciling if you dont thnk youl go through with it on your own. For now she doesnt need to know about your infidelity... Once your stable enough to truly understand what you did and why thats when you should cross that bridge IMO. But right now you need her support! If thats not an option then I'd considder checking myself in for a voluntary 72 evaluation.

Please for your own sake, stop this self destructive behavior b4 its too late.
Dude! You need to stop this compulsive behavior. I'm going to repeat something I told you in private in ho
I'm pretty sure he's not with us anymore man. Almost 90%. I live in Fairfax and there was a death today at 5am a few blocks away from mine. I walked past the house and there was tons of cruisers and det. over there. I asked a neighbor what was going on after being rejected by the dickhead sheriff and they said that it 'could' be a suicide.