The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
mate you wouldn't believe the amount who turned up expecting to sample every entry only to be told naah you've to go to the coffeeshop it's on at and buy a gram, but you can have a couple euro discount and wait in line with everyone else. the voting is so fucked it's not even funny.

should have seen ROOR's entry this year. looked like something bazoomer would be right into.

can you imagine. reet love i'm just gonna jump into the bong suit and head into town........
. . .giggity


Well-Known Member
errrr i was making a compiment but if we wanna go down this allythen so be it..

man i fail to see why u repetedly act im hard bruce lee on here? how many times have i told u,, come on round u know wer i live yet u refuse?

how many harvests u had TIS yr yorkie? how many?? and witout budrot or any other incident? NONE. even with the one ive lost i did 4 this yr without problem and all grade, so plz enlighten me as to wer u actually think ur better at wateevr than anyone else?

stop talking shit and learn to take a joke,when it is one!

and wasent MY grow it was A grow totally diffrent, MY grow would have been my percy and THE grow is just one i was fucking around with,, and when u get 100+ of 24 plants come bak and chat shit, coz u dont!

but again likeu said i cant grow for shit aye i forget that

so we starting thi sdance again or fucking what?
Yorkie has a fist in his beard !


Well-Known Member
Yeh yorkie a strait door style will do with a shower head down pipe thingy and a nice multi coloured marble slapped on it Yeh that'll do matey ;). Been lookin at a few vids me self how to do a cheapish home setup just enough to knock up some nice lookin glass too much for me tho....I'll just wait till you do me a prototype aye ;)


Well-Known Member
Well just tried my first ever volcano vape and have to say I prefer my joints, it does make the flavors come out more but I prefer the stone from a J myself so wouldn't personally invest a few hundred quid in one. Vape some Buddha cheese and blue pit :)


Well-Known Member
it's all preference, I like my volcano but I aint used it for about 6 months. a time and a place for everything. I want to actually see if I can stop smoking next year, it's the reason I bought it in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Well just tried my first ever volcano vape and have to say I prefer my joints, it does make the flavors come out more but I prefer the stone from a J myself so wouldn't personally invest a few hundred quid in one. Vape some Buddha cheese and blue pit :)
Joints are hard to beat arnt they earth wind fire and water yeaaah buddy.....when I've got a spare 3 hundy I'll get one fuck it I just want one lol

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
you need to fathom out the showerhead perc yorkie, i've wanted a little one of those for time. or an inline perc'd straight tube. you'll no doubt have been on aqualab tech's site aye? scientific glass goes for a friggin fortune on there.

Roor glass is nowt flash if you ask me. it's nice don;t get me wrong but not worth the price especially for the 7mm + stuff
Piece of piss mate, all the percs and little pieces are premade sections that are glass welded into place constructing the overall bong.
Well I say it's a piece of piss, it is with a lathe spinning it but can be done by hand, it would just take bloody ages to do right and to get it straight.

No I've not seen aqua labs site, I'll check it out.

Roor glass is the same as everybody's glass, Borosilicate 3.3 (Pyrex) and it's sold in ready fabricated tube thicknesses and lengths by weight.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Piece of piss mate, all the percs and little pieces are premade sections that are glass welded into place constructing the overall bong.
Well I say it's a piece of piss, it is with a lathe spinning it but can be done by hand, it would just take bloody ages to do right and to get it straight.

No I've not seen aqua labs site, I'll check it out.

Roor glass is the same as everybody's glass, Borosilicate 3.3 (Pyrex) and it's sold in ready fabricated tube thicknesses and lengths by weight.
aye the process seems pretty straight forward but it's deffo a discipline you have to practise to get the hang of. I imagined the showerhead bit would be a pain to do manually like. if you wanna ogle some expensive pieces.... i had to stop meself. i nearly bought a perc/ashcatcher thing that was 4 times what i paid for the bong :shock:


Well-Known Member
Feckin ell yeh some pricey tackle that...some next level lookin shit on there I love all the multi coloured stuff looks like tie dye or something....nice

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
errrr i was making a compiment but if we wanna go down this allythen so be it..

man i fail to see why u repetedly act im hard bruce lee on here? how many times have i told u,, come on round u know wer i live yet u refuse?

how many harvests u had TIS yr yorkie? how many?? and witout budrot or any other incident? NONE. even with the one ive lost i did 4 this yr without problem and all grade, so plz enlighten me as to wer u actually think ur better at wateevr than anyone else?

stop talking shit and learn to take a joke,when it is one!

and wasent MY grow it was A grow totally diffrent, MY grow would have been my percy and THE grow is just one i was fucking around with,, and when u get 100+ of 24 plants come bak and chat shit, coz u dont!

but again likeu said i cant grow for shit aye i forget that

so we starting thi sdance again or fucking what?
Cutting sarcasm is still not your bag is it?

I'm not acting "hard" and fighting doesn't prove a thing, far from a refusal mate but rather pointing out the futility.

The number of grows I've had this year is irrelevant.

Botrytis Cinerea (budrot) comes from spores that are EVERYWHERE, they fruit when conditions are optimal and a heat wave in the middle of a British summer followed by 2 weeks of torrential rain tends to do that.
I lost about Q to rot off a 5oz plant (meh...) and you are seriously deluded if you think those burnt up, crispy, deficient crops were "without problem" or anywhere near "grade".
Pictures speak a thousand words Turb and I don't need to THINK I'm better than anybody.

("and when u get 100+ of 24 plants come bak and chat shit, coz u dont!")
100 / 24 = 4.16oz a pop.
How about you come back and chat shit when you can smash 10oz (cured) from 10L of soil.....

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Or 7oz (dry as a bone) from 10L of coco....
(and there's that sneaky voddy bottle as a size reference again)

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...because you don't!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Exodus Cheese SCROG fodder.
The floor space is 2sqm but the canopy will be short of that, maybe 4-5 inch less round the outside.

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Dog S1's for my apprentice at the new spot.

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Breeder's Choice "Anesthesia" male and female for a seed run.

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(I haven't decided on whether to seed a clone and flower this female out with the Dogs yet.)

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Oh and a couple of Mogggys autos thrown in......

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I got two batches of auto beans mixed together, one lot are striped and the others are plain so it's easy to separate the two strains.
These are two striped ones so if they turn out purple I know which is which, lol.