Lowlife AK47 Automatic


Well-Known Member
Day 30

Ok, just eye candy today - lots of hi-res photos just for fun :blsmoke:

all my photos on xs.to will scale to your window size, but you can right-click, view-image or just save-image-as... (on the page the thumbs link to) to get full resolution images
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Well-Known Member
haha, yeah, day 30 I went all out with the photography - today just point and shoot. The bad thing about this plant is that it's making me feel like all those proud fathers that piss me off just for being annoying, yuppie, proud-ass fathers :lol:


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, yes I know exactly what you mean. Being a father I've been there and done it (although I was never a yuppie of course LOL). The other day I caught my wife and daughter whispering and sniggering at me as they saw me preen and prod by new babies. OK, it was about the fiftieth time that day, but I got that proud ass father feeling to which you refer all over. Felt rather good to feel it again I have to admit ;)


Well-Known Member
Probably terrible practice for fatherhood, though - growing weed. The first sign of jaundice in the little tyke and I'd be fighting the urge to grab him by the neck and pour three times his body weight of water down his throat. :|


Well-Known Member
i love how compact that plant is. very nice. whats the current light regiment?
Light has been 24h the whole way through - just as an experiment, as much as anything else.

ledgic - mate, I'd love to see pics of your grow. Def get a journal going, it's be great to see some more auto AK on the up and up :blsmoke:

Day 33 - since flowering, growth has been a bit more measured but she's definitely fattening up day by day. Another 5-6 weeks to go yet!



Well-Known Member
i need to get some pics going, the camera im using is ok, pics come out pretty blurry.

maybe my lights have been to close, im using 5 105watt cfl's i had them 6 inches away sitting on two milk crates, went in this morning, they where a little dry again, so i took off a layer of crates.. now i believe there 18 inches away, 12 for the crate i removed plus the 6 inches away.
so im hoping this will help.
ive got the fan and all, i water once daily, but i mist those little girls at least 6 times daily.
now all i need is the 20gallon co2 tank.


Well-Known Member
^ with CFLs I'd think you'd want to get the lights as close as possible. They're not too hot, really, so closer should be fine and more light is good. I'm watering mine twice a day now - it just drinks up a huge amount of water now that it's a big plant. Much, much more than it used to when it was just starting out. That may be why you're noticing it drying out? I haven't misted these at all. I did once and ended up with burns from the droplets - might be ok if I wasn't on 24h light, mind you, and the CFLs probably don't pose as much of a problem as the HPS does for lensing burns.


Well-Known Member
Day 36 from sprouting :

Ok, so things are continuing pretty smoothly - watering still every day as the pot is too small for this lady and she's drinking like a fiend. Nutes every two days at full strength now. Liming the soil has been so useful for stabilising the pH - now between 6.2-6.6 or so, which is ideal. She's still dropping fan leaves, but I think it must be normal as they're going slowly and one by one - lots more new leaves than old ones dropping, so it must be just rootbound and trying to make do with as much roots as it can make. The pots are only seven inch, so they're not huge - I see roots trying to make their way out the bottom so bigger pots would definitely do well, even for the dwarf crosses it seems. More bud pr0ns for you today :blsmoke:

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Well-Known Member
Light has been 24h the whole way through - just as an experiment, as much as anything else.

ledgic - mate, I'd love to see pics of your grow. Def get a journal going, it's be great to see some more auto AK on the up and up :blsmoke:

Day 33 - since flowering, growth has been a bit more measured but she's definitely fattening up day by day. Another 5-6 weeks to go yet!

very cool. buds comin in nicely.


Well-Known Member
Those bus are looking really juicy jay, coming along nicely ;) You're doing a fine job - sounds like she's keeping you busy LOL.