what makes quality weed when you're growing?


And potency does have to do with the grower all so. If you fuck off a bad grow Genetics is not going to save your potency.
That's as obvious as "If you kill your plants then genetics won't save your potency.". Naturally, we're assuming the hypothetical plants we're discussing are healthy plants. It's delusional to believe that potency will out-peak the mother simply because of "this technique" or "that method": All the plant needs is are five basic elements, and it will automatically reach it's full potential.

Human-beings, so sorry to break it to you, have very little influence over the plants natural ability to survive. Throw a handful of seeds outside where there's sun, rain and fertile soil and come back in a year and THEN tell me it was "growing technique".

People like to over-complicate, so they can brag about how knowledgable they are, naturally, but this is silly, since the plant doesn't give a toss about hydro or 18/6 or MH/HPS: They've had 100,000,000 years of evolving to survive, and do it fine without any of our bullshit.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to get you to be open minded and not base it all on dollars spent at a seed bank in a nice colorful breeders pack. A handful of seeds thrown out and left alone will not reach their full potential good genetics our not. You can get the OP to spend a bunch of money on seeds and if he can't grow them to the Max potential he will not get what the line has to offer. There's a big difference between " natural ability " and a well nurtured Plant. Obvious right ? Unless you still live in the 70's - 80's where bag seed was very common with the crap being sold in the states, most bag seed from good pot or genetics these days are 1. A hermie prone produced seed (not so good) or 2. a Self (single male nanner) induced late flowering seed as the plant tries to keep it's genetics going(likely female). Your post of "Bag seed = poor genetics" does not hold true in all cases . I believe Girl Scout cookies was a Pheno of something from bag seed.


Well-Known Member
If possible find somebody with "good" clones. After that its kinda up to you. Do as much reading and research as you can, then ask some of the seasoned growers on this forum if you run into something you need help with.


Active Member
No one wants the OP to throw money away at least not me

I spent literally over $500 on my first op ever and made $0 back (I was 14)
I had some really good genetics g-13 the real one and some white widow everything was going fine until like week 3 of flowering then BOOM dead not sure wtf went wrong till this day
Although I had a partner who was never good at anything (Only my partner because he had a spare room I could grow in) so Im sure he prob thought MORE NUTES BETTER BUDS and over did it while I was away.

anyway genetics can only get you so far
gotta know what youre doing


Active Member
yea I heard it was Arizona ? idk where exactly but I saw a thread where someone tested their tap and it was like 9.0 PH and their plants were like super crispy when they watered it


Well-Known Member
Maxsea will not make bad gear turn dank. If I grow clone only OG under cfl's with only water and you grow Big Bud outside with maxsea the OG will still be more potent.

Its the Genetics.


Well-Known Member
Quality weed genetics,time,knowledge,experience and every little fucking factor that can matter. I could give you the best genetics in the world but you could still grow the shittiest weed ever. U need to learn to grow we can't tell you what is best we all do our own thing that works for us



Global Moderator
Staff member
I prefer 6.2/6.4 but I honestly dont even ph any more
I used to be one OCD motherfkr when it came to this.
I quit PH'ing a couple of years ago with zero negative results.
My water is pretty close to begin with (7.5 ish) and now I can take care of business in half the time.


Well-Known Member
I used to be one OCD motherfkr when it came to this.
I quit PH'ing a couple of years ago with zero negative results.
My water is pretty close to begin with (7.5 ish) and now I can take care of business in half the time.
Me too checked it religiously....dolomite lime and RO water fixed it.....I was spoiled with 6.0 well water for some time.


Well-Known Member
I feel you fuck mire shit up trying to ph ...I would add ph up and mix let sit check ph low still let sit add we bit more way to.high now try to add we bit ph down still fucked....your prob doin more harm to you plants with ph up/down


bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I know that using the correct nutrients can give the weed a better buzz. I also know that certain lines of fertilizers and additives can give you a great looking bud but no buzz. My last outdoor crop was treated like a corn patch(using farm ferts) and it did great and gave a good buzz. I don't care, a bucket of mj ferts for bloomin' plants will do me for about a year in my op. The buzz is actually pretty good. I know the more serious growers in BC use eco-bloom A&B in their ops, giving them a very good result in the buzz department. I use a specific procedure to garantee that the taste and smell is always the same according to the strain, regardless of what method is used to grow, but I'm not going to get to that here.


Well-Known Member
Maxsea will not make bad gear turn dank. If I grow clone only OG under cfl's with only water and you grow Big Bud outside with maxsea the OG will still be more potent.

Its the Genetics.
No this was not the point in that . He started in the out door forum and asked what made big plants and what to feed. I think he all so in general asked what nutrients to use in this thread. We all have our favorite ways to feed and we know that there are many different type of nutrients . He is obviously is new at growing so rather then confuse him or have him burn his stuff up I suggested a very good inexpensive one part nutrient, pretty hard to go wrong with. Along with my reply to him was big holes and good soil. IMHO I believe he just needs to start with growing a plant and not get got up in a bunch of nutrients and if his bag seed will grow him dank. If he gets thru his season with out getting ripped or losing them to what ever happens, he's done great and it will be dank enough for him.


Well-Known Member
My water out of the tap in the winter is 8.5 , indoor with soil and synthetics they really don't like it.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Most people are used to the brown or undercured weed nowadays. Anything you grow, harvest and cure correctly is likely to be better than what you get off the streets.