BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D


Well-Known Member
Sand worked for me on one of my house plants, Don. And to be honest, I think you are probably better getting shot of them while they are in the smaller pots. The one thing I found about sand in big pots is that they weigh a freakin tonne when wet.....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lol, they should be ok for a week i would have thought, they don't grow much under the old cfl's do they?

i tried sand once when i had springtails or root aphids, didn't do anything to stop the little bastards, don't know about gnats though. aminacloprid, it is spelled differently but pronounced like that kills anything in the coco but it recently got banned for killing honey bees lol, still got a bottle just in case. luckily my gardens pest free atm, will only be a matter of time before the thrips are back though, they just don't give up the cunts.
they seem to take a slow time reaching where they are now but another week that veg cupboard is going to be chocka, keep fighting the good fight lad. so far so good with the sand, haven't seen any for a day grow or living room. thrips are more a summer thing are they not?
Right mosquito dunk worked really well for me. I just break them up and top dress with them
i read about them in a thread recently or you can dilute into a solution i think?!
and organicide with help as well
cheers ;) i tend to prefer chemicals though tbh
Sand worked for me on one of my house plants, Don. And to be honest, I think you are probably better getting shot of them while they are in the smaller pots. The one thing I found about sand in big pots is that they weigh a freakin tonne when wet.....
well i've set some maple syrup traps and i'll just keep an eye out. i'm not scrapping the fuckers. i just can't.. and yeah i was kinda intrigued as to how i'm going to figure out when to water without being able to see the coco. guess i'll go old skool and pick em up dry and wet to gauge.

cheers for all the tips gents. the missus' graduation today. best get the good clobber on and try not to look bleary eyed


Well-Known Member
AYE congrats to the missus mate and yes you can dilute it mate. I poke some holes in the soil and drop some of the dunks in there then top dress and water..


Well-Known Member
oh my word, graduation day, what a bore off that is, you need to get your clapping technique sorted as most Uni's have a load of Graduations at the same time. If you don't then you will have the red hand of Ulster for the next few weeks. I normally go with a small hand clap on my thigh...just a tip like.


Well-Known Member
bout time i updated this run eh!

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don't ask what's what i've nee idea!
It all looks good to me. I hope you've caught them
in time. Don't forget the holes in the bottom of
the pots. sorry for the horror story. i don't
want what happened me to happen to
anyone. They looked awesome up until
the fourth week of flower then within a
week the whole lot was a right sorry mess.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Cheers guys, wasn't quite the hours of people I was expecting but enough...

Funnily enough D I did the leg clap.

As for the gnats I saw a couple this morning and a couple dead in the syrup traps. And found a full blown tranny in one of the SSB's. Wounded.

Oscar, I've been thinking of ways to sit the pot bottoms in sand too probably bag them and gaffer tape the bags. Real pain in the arse this like :(


Well-Known Member
So she going to do more post grad work now mate (PHD, etc) I suppose you need to get someone to sponsor you to do that.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
masters complete, next 3 years to Dr. and yeah you have to go hunting for grants and stuff.

& Kicks, thanks, those pots are only diddy though man, just under 1 gallon.

christ it's particularly horrid weather wise over here. i've made it to graft completely soaked through :(


Well-Known Member
Aye, it's rank rotten over here to lad. But dry at the moment. Pished down for most of yesterday when of course I had to go out and do shit....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sideways rain can go get fooked eh! i'm a fucking sorry state today. hanging, toothache, backache, a pissed off GF.

meant to ask, did HT get back about the crate?


Well-Known Member
What do you reckon lad....tumbleweed from that lot. Feel like sending them a complaint now about the whole event, not that it would od a fat lot of fukkin good.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
someone nicked the hire companies crate for the sofa. cheeky fuckers. they had to take our stuff off it to use the thing in the first place. hire company wanting to keep the deposit :(


Well-Known Member
i knew they would do sfa. i mean it was hard enough just to get bloody broomstick to sweep our booth , lol....bunch of fukwits.