Doomsday Preparations


Well-Known Member
Anybody else ready for the fight? Now is the time to start to prepare for the March 30 deadline.
IMHO to do nothing is stupid. Preparing now will save a lot of last minute scrambling for those of us who refuse to shut down completely. I for one will be cutting back from my 40 legal plant limit to 10 plants. 40 was great for pheno searches but Ive done that and now REFUSE to give up 5 of these keepers. The various medicinal values of these strains is incredible and they simple should not be lost due to some dicktators whim. Stand for something or fall for anything.

heres my prep for March 30
1- lawyer on retainer
2- all paperwork ie doctor refusals, HC paperwork, previous licenses...anything related to your condition stored OFF SITE. The cops will take your evidence and very likely 'misplace' it
3- obviously all stored product must be off sight. I like large mason jars buried in the ground
4- cash and as much as you can put away..its your main weapon...that lawyer likely has a cottage to pay for. Mason jar..ground. If you have a 'safe' person they should know the location of your stash spot so they can bail you out should the need arise
5- ensure if you own any weapons they are stored properly. This can include pepper spray, starter pistols and ammo. Cops love charging growers with weapons offences. Makes the media think we are violent and guarding our grows with them instead of shooting deer.
6- the use of flipboxes to stop the obvious 12 cycle swings on the smart meter. IMO the very first thing they will do is check that before getting a warrent. Whatever your hydro bill is now, it better look a lot different next April.
7- make sure all my devices are password protected ie my ipad has my grow journals on it
8- keep inside and outside of my house clean, tidy and well maintained
9- if ANYONE knows you are growing (cause we got a little lax when legal maybe?)...tell them you had to stop due to the law changing..its back underground folks

please add more if anyone else can think of any
1- Find the most qualified willing candidate ( mmar patient, female, middle age, fixed income, personable, articulate )
2-Find the correct lawyer
3-Raise money ( a little from a lot )
4-April 2nd call police and demand that said candidate who is growing 5 plants be arrested. Demand to be arrested, media help if required.
5-Go to court, start the real challenge ( will take time )

Doobius, after reading the posts in here I see most patients won't be able to afford the new prices. I doubt that they will have to bury money, they don't have any.
You talking about the Canadian Governments new rules. Because I've talked to many patients and they said "fuck it I'm not going to stop growing my medicine and paying top dollar for it" Prices as high if not higher then street prices but the conservatives know that, they don't want to push criminals out of the market (gives cops and the justice system workers jobs). I wouldn't stop either, Genesis 1:12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. Send that to those so called lordy/christian conservative government creeps.
So with reference to the upcoming Supreme Court challenge and the recent breach of privacy regarding MMAR patients, a new conspiracy theory abounds.

The government is obviously aware of the fact that a court challenge is impending. So they purposely sent out envelopes blatantly identifying all of us. Now the court challenge comes along and the supreme court is poised to state something like, regardless of whether or not the breach was on purpose, we are now in a situation where security of household grows has been compromised and therefore we can't/won't repeal or grandfather and the new program goes forward. Now wouldn't that suck? But doesn't it seem like a completely plausible scenario? Call me paranoid but I'm telling you Harper is snake!!!!
So with reference to the upcoming Supreme Court challenge and the recent breach of privacy regarding MMAR patients, a new conspiracy theory abounds.

The government is obviously aware of the fact that a court challenge is impending. So they purposely sent out envelopes blatantly identifying all of us. Now the court challenge comes along and the supreme court is poised to state something like, regardless of whether or not the breach was on purpose, we are now in a situation where security of household grows has been compromised and therefore we can't/won't repeal or grandfather and the new program goes forward. Now wouldn't that suck? But doesn't it seem like a completely plausible scenario? Call me paranoid but I'm telling you Harper is snake!!!!

couldnt agree more. There is more to the whole 'Lettergate' scandle than....'woops, sorry we messed up..'
1- Find the most qualified candidate ( mmar patient, female, middle age, fixed income, personable, articulate )
2-Find the correct lawyer
3-Raise money ( a little from a lot )
4-April 2nd call police and demand that said candidate who is growing 5 plants be arrested. Demand to be arrested, media help if required.
5-Go to court, start the real challenge ( will take time )

Doobius, after reading the posts in here I see most patients won't be able to afford the new prices. I doubt that they will have to bury money, they don't have any.

maybe I have money. Maybe I dont want to spend $10 on something I can do better for $1

So your suggesting we call the cops on someone? Whats your address? I nominate Leafan! Thats just stupid. Got nothin positive go back to your wannabe farmer thread
Doctors won't prescribe "Marihuana" because Bayer and other drug makers haven't sent stupid good looking people to doctors schools and offices to tell/convince them when and why to prescribe marijuana and how big a kick back the doctors will be receiving if they prescribe it (like with the current drugs). I've meet a few people that did this for a living, their vehicles trunk just packed with boxes of drug samples. Made me sick. Not to mention they don't like natural remedies where's the patients and exclusive distribution ? Where's the PROFITS? {SARCASM AlErT} These Doctors they use the power of science to provide cures in a pill form their not savages using bits of bark, dirt, and plant matter the make remedies/cures/treatments and currently there's no evidence to support "Marihuana" has any medicinal value.
maybe I have money. Maybe I dont want to spend $10 on something I can do better for $1

So your suggesting we call the cops on someone? Whats your address? I nominate Leafan! Thats just stupid. Got nothin positive go back to your wannabe farmer thread

That advice comes from one of the best and most expensive lawyers on the subject.
Next time I see him I will let him know that you think his opinion is stupid.
You are so obtuse you can't see that I am trying to help.
Well lets set that lawyer up with 5 plants and call the cops on him. He thinks its such a great idea. Throw that by him. At least he could afford himself martyr
Obtuse= annoying, failure to understand, insensitive
annoying? Me? I sure hope Im annoying every single greedy fuck who wants to cash in on the sick and dying. Check!
failure to understand? Damn right I dont understand the motivation to bleed patients dry. Check!
insensitive? Damn straight! I could care less if you want to crawl into bed with that snake Harper. Check!

you got something right. When comes to this bullshit I am the FUCKING KING OF OBTUSE!
Crawl back in your doomsday bunker with Martyg, you two should read your own posts, laughable, almost, are you serious, wow. Think I'd rather be in bed with Harper, at least he's got a snake.
Kootaney, we have all read your posts regarding the changes. With your stance on the subject, I don't understand why you would even chime in here unless you are looking to troll a thread or just to flame someone with an alternative point of view to your own. Shame on you. Good luck with trying to become a LP, I hope you are able to sleep at night knowing you want to be no better than any other greedy corp who cares about nothing but yourself and the dollars you can make off the sick.

Suck a dick.
Hey kootenay I think you should just stfu I liked not having to read your shit for the few days you were quiet. Your the prob here not me or doobius. Good luck with your venture
Tell me what are you doing for the sick and dying martyg, you have a problem with intelligent comments, that doesn't surprise me. Your witty banter is crushing my sole.
And C.Kush, your greed comment is so misplaced, but your witty banter is so enlightening, get a life. Is that the best you can do? I'll save a special spot for you in my next poem.