Doomsday Preparations

The idea has merit but its the whole lawyer thing. He better be working for next to nothing or at least have a backer like Bob Erb to finance. Then finding one who is willing to martyr. I will be a martyr if they kick my door in they can expect a fight but Im not volunteering. Its why I titled this thread what it is. We need to prepare individually. Nobody has my back
Kammermans was my dr. I had to find another one. I now know of 3 the cost is from $250-450. I have a friend who owns a compassion clinic but not the kind that sells weed. He just does gets them in touch with a dr that prescribes mj, he has a list of drs but I don't think there is many of them
Like them or not Matt Mernaugh and Emery tried to be a martyr for the cause. Got to admire someone who stuck their neck out like that.
You are on the right track here...mandatory has to have organized crime and or trafficking attached to the cultivation.
Not only should one never plead guilty to anything, no one should talk to the police. Ask to consult with lawyer prior to answering any questions.

Regarding my earlier post in this thread. I am serious about how to get your soon to be lost "right to grow your own" plants reinstated.
Assuming Conroy doesn't win;
Have the best possible willing patient arrested April 2 for cultivating 5 plants. It will be illegal on that date. Demand it.
Get it into the courts asap.
This will take a coordinated effort...patient, lawyer, media etc...
This advice is from an expert in the field of marijuana laws in Canada.
Is this advice coming from a lawyer in Toronto, if so I can vouch for him, if not than I totally get what your saying. It will only take one patient to get caught to get shit started
The idea has merit but its the whole lawyer thing. He better be working for next to nothing or at least have a backer like Bob Erb to finance. Then finding one who is willing to martyr. I will be a martyr if they kick my door in they can expect a fight but Im not volunteering. Its why I titled this thread what it is. We need to prepare individually. Nobody has my back

You would be shocked knowing that there are top notch lawyers who would take the appropriate case to court. The best marijuana lawyer in Canada has done a lot of work at no cost to clients. There are lawyers that want this case. There are lawyers that believe in patients rights, and believe it or not, put monetary compensation to the side.

As to the martyr...
The appropriate patient is out there. Imagine a check list. This is what Conroy has done, picked the most appropriate patients.
This takes effort. Communication. Coordination. It can be done.

There is nothing wrong with preparing individually for the future.
Likewise there is nothing wrong with considering what an expert in the field (not me) has advised.
I thought so leaf, I had him do some paper work for me, pertaining to me getting my ppl. I believe what you say.
He got my close friend off of a few mj charges. He even ordered the police to give back his Meds. Because they were takin from him while his ppl was on its way in the mail.
6000 down. Kammermans 6000 he cant resign. There is 12000 patients out right there. Sure some are the same. Some found a doc. Many wont spend $400 like I did just so they can buy commercial crap. My friend on Van Island couldnt renew. Her Doc was too sceptical of this new program. They are falling like flies

Remember...I said a few weeks ago, docs don't want to be the gatekeepers. Harper forgot to consult with the one group.of people that can ensure his plan goes through. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Roflmao!!!!it's coming apart at the seams and people can't see the patients for the weed!!!
6000 down. Kammermans 6000 he cant resign. There is 12000 patients out right there. Sure some are the same. Some found a doc. Many wont spend $400 like I did just so they can buy commercial crap. My friend on Van Island couldnt renew. Her Doc was too sceptical of this new program. They are falling like flies

Not to Bo thick...but who is Kammermans??
All cool. Just trying to help.
I am a wannabe LP.
I'm also a DG, my son is a very dependant patient. I have also grown for a few EOL patients. I have seen a lot over the years.
I want to participate in the new MMPR.
I also want patients to legally have the right to grow their own plants.

I am not a DG, but a PPL, a family member and myself medicate. Each grow our own.
With this said, I am in the same boat as leaffan,
I want the right to grow my own,
I want to participate in the MMPR,
I want John Conroy to win, and have donated!

One thing I don't remember reading in this post was, getting the media some video of the Martyr being arrested, preferably in a wheelchair.
No video - no coverage on the news.
And I think the media has a lot of power over the courts, sometimes.

Oh, and I am not going away. This concerns me too.
Ok, I promise to play nice and tone down my bantoring for the sake of the cause. You (kootenay) know how people are reacting to all the pro-mmpr propaganda, can we agree to disagree on some of this and set aside all the bullshit in order to further ourselves down the road to freedom to self provide medication? I appogize for my rude comments directed toward you, I get hostile. As this is not my thread, I will not be the one inviting you back into discussion of this topic but know that I would appreciate any of your constructive ideas/input.

For the record, I'm not some cowering shell of a person.
I call a spade a spade and in the process feelings sometimes get hurt. I am able to forgive but I never forget.


I grow only for the utmost quality and I cannot guarantee that level of commitment from anyone but myself and my mentor, and he is dead. I'm sure more people feel the same as me about this so maybe you are the one who should accept alternative points of view. I will not use generic strains that have been developed to help a little but to weigh out great. This medicine is sold by the gram if you haven't forgotten that tid-bit so here in lies the conflict of interest. You don't sound like a stupid individual so I am not sure why you cannot grasp this.

Your point is valid only if we end up with big pharma only.

My plan, along with others I've spoken with is to specialize like you do, supplying the very best of a few varieties. I won't last if my generic strain is on the shelf beside cannameds. If your theory were true we would only sell the cheapest of each kind of beer or wine, I don't believe price is the end all decision maker for patients either, why buy the generic for $4/g., when $5/g actually works. I don't buy the cheapest asprin, beer, wine, rolling papers, it is just not how it works. Price is a factor, but only after results. My medicine probably won't be the least expensive for various reasons, but I don't feel like I am competing with big pharma, quality first, price will get figured out later, based on what it took, not preconditions.

The other part of this is that I don't believe that there are 10 strains that would cover everybody's ailments, maybe not 100 strains even. Big Pharma is not good at small batches, which is what it takes to grow the quality and varieties, with the kind of care you talk about. No arguments from me, some LP's are in it for the cash, posting a job listing here for a grower, that is in it for the money. Grower owned LP's would be the only ones I'd even consider shopping at.
Judge the LP's on their individual merits.

All other options are illegal.
Ok, I promise to play nice and tone down my bantoring for the sake of the cause. You (kootenay) know how people are reacting to all the pro-mmpr propaganda, can we agree to disagree on some of this and set aside all the bullshit in order to further ourselves down the road to freedom to self provide medication? I appogize for my rude comments directed toward you, I get hostile. As this is not my thread, I will not be the one inviting you back into discussion of this topic but know that I would appreciate any of your constructive ideas/input.

For the record, I'm not some cowering shell of a person.
I call a spade a spade and in the process feelings sometimes get hurt. I am able to forgive but I never forget.


Water off a duck. No worries. Let's spread marihuana together.
K Girl was a little entertaining for awhile but like most chicks just gets irratating before long
Nobody wants her opinion. The break was nice...was hopin she was gone for good

After reading CKush post I must confess I wasn't sure what the etiquette was, I didn't know you could be the boss of a thread.

Were you kicking me off your thread Doobius1? Or can you take some more KootenayGirl banter on your thread?