Bashir Resigns over Palin comments

desert dude

Well-Known Member

a black kid walking home from the store with skittles is now a "common street thug" according to the guy who joins white supremacy groups.

the only person who was truly exercising self defense was the kid who was chased down by a vigilante while walking home from the store. chasing after someone is not what people who don't join white supremacy groups would ever call "clear self defense".

you are clearly not a sane, rational person. those white supremacy groups you joined rotted your already feeble noggin.
You mad, sistuh? Martin lost the knockout game. Boo hoo.


New Member

a black kid walking home from the store with skittles is now a "common street thug" according to the guy who joins white supremacy groups.

the only person who was truly exercising self defense was the kid who was chased down by a vigilante while walking home from the store. chasing after someone is not what people who don't join white supremacy groups would ever call "clear self defense".

you are clearly not a sane, rational person. those white supremacy groups you joined rotted your already feeble noggin.
Watch what happens when you change up some of the wording;


a brown kid driving home from the store with skittles is now a "TERRORIST" according to the guy who stalks white supremacy websites.

the only person who was truly exercising self defence was the kid who was chased down by a hunter/killer drone while driving home from the store.

you are clearly not a sane, rational person. those white supremacy websites you consistently link to have rotted your already feeble noggin.


Well-Known Member
You mad, sistuh? Martin lost the knockout game. Boo hoo.
can you document how running away from someone is part of the knockout game?

i suspect you are now just nonsensically jumping from one racial talking point to the next, as any former member of a white supremacy group would be likely to do.


Well-Known Member
Watch what happens when you change up some of the wording;


a brown kid driving home from the store with skittles is now a "TERRORIST" according to the guy who stalks white supremacy websites.

the only person who was truly exercising self defence was the kid who was chased down by a hunter/killer drone while driving home from the store.

you are clearly not a sane, rational person. those white supremacy websites you consistently link to have rotted your already feeble noggin.
why did you sign up to go shoot those brown people? was that the only way you could get a paycheck, or was it court ordered due to violations of aussie hate speech codes?


New Member
why did you sign up to go shoot those brown people? was that the only way you could get a paycheck, or was it court ordered due to violations of aussie hate speech codes?
LOL see what happens when you are backed into a corner? You call JG wentworth

desert dude

Well-Known Member
can you document how running away from someone is part of the knockout game?

i suspect you are now just nonsensically jumping from one racial talking point to the next, as any former member of a white supremacy group would be likely to do.
Broken nose, lacerated head, on his back being pummeled "MMA style", and Z was the only one with any injuries. Nary a mark on the young slugger except for his skinned up knuckles and a 9mm diameter hole in his chest. Fits the knockout game rules perfectly. Most times the sluggers win the knockout game, sometimes they don't.

And the jury agrees with me... unanimously!


Well-Known Member
Broken nose, lacerated head, on his back being pummeled "MMA style", and Z was the only one with any injuries. Nary a mark on the young slugger except for his skinned up knuckles and a 9mm diameter hole in his chest. Fits the knockout game rules perfectly. Most times the sluggers win the knockout game, sometimes they don't.

And the jury agrees with me... unanimously!
"clear self defense" would not have taken 16 hours, dumbass.

tell me more about how "common street thugs" with skittles like to play the knockout game by running away, if you are not too busy joining white supremacy groups, that is.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
"clear self defense" would not have taken 16 hours, dumbass.

tell me more about how "common street thugs" with skittles like to play the knockout game by running away, if you are not too busy joining white supremacy groups, that is.
You bore me, Buck. You got nuthin'.


Well-Known Member
You bore me, Buck. You got nuthin'.
i'm just stating facts.

you're the one trying to label literally any innocent black child that runs away from a stranger as a "common street thug".

i would expect no less from someone who joins white supremacy groups, as you have admittedly done.


Well-Known Member
30 plants in one go?

With those sort of numbers, you should donate more to the state for the redistribution you're so fond of.

Fuck it, I'll have some of the cash too, you don't know me and I'm a foreigner, but I'm entitled because you're seemingly better off than I am, no?


Well-Known Member
30 plants in one go?

With those sort of numbers, you should donate more to the state for the redistribution you're so fond of.

Fuck it, I'll have some of the cash too, you don't know me and I'm a foreigner, but I'm entitled because you're seemingly better off than I am, no?
I suppose you prefer the 'Trickle Down' economic plan of wealth distribution?
AKA begging for the crumbs from the rich (the vast majority of whom inherited their cash).

All economies need cash to flow.
Otherwise the very rich monopolise every penny and the whole thing grinds to a halt.
Effecting everyone - especially the very rich.

It's basic fairness to try and ensure that anyone who is willing to work hard can partake of the bounty in our wealthy, western democracies.
Anything else is nothing more than Oligarchic or Tyrannical dressed up as Democratic.

Now go fuck yourself.
You moronic right wing imbecile!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I suppose you prefer the 'Trickle Down' economic plan of wealth distribution?
AKA begging for the crumbs from the rich (the vast majority of whom inherited their cash).

All economies need cash to flow.
Otherwise the very rich monopolise every penny and the whole thing grinds to a halt.
Effecting everyone - especially the very rich.

It's basic fairness to try and ensure that anyone who is willing to work hard can partake of the bounty in our wealthy, western democracies.
Anything else is nothing more than Oligarchic or Tyrannical dressed up as Democratic.

Now go fuck yourself.
You moronic right wing imbecile!

i dont know who promised you shit would be fair, but they lied dumbass.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You really need help to discover that Al Sharpton is a race pimp?

Tawana Brawley... Crown Heights... This guy makes Louis Farrakan look good by comparison. He is an MSNBC fave, though.
Al Sharpton's hair style alone should bring felony charges.