You make an automatic assumption that "everybody" is somehow opted in, whether they like it or not and you never address that aspect of this stupid program. Who cares if Obamacare gives everybody a free pony or some other bribe.
If people are free, the proper default position is they would have a choice to participate in things or not. If they are not free, then they'd be exactly where this asinine freedom robbing program wants to bring them... seeking "permission" to opt out. There are no other options no matter how much magic Obama sugar you try to sprinkle on it. Either a person is free or they are not.
You side with the freedom thieves and think thru force you can create a good thing. Why are you such a lover of government aggression? Why do you think you can run others lives better than they can?
Why in the hell would anybody, on a pot website no less, be preaching that somebody else can make you do shit you don't want to do? Seriously what is wrong with you? Do you really believe that people need to be told how they must run their life or they'll be punished is a good way to do things? Why do you have the same attitude as Pot Prohibitionists that like to run other peoples lives?
These questions a re rhetorical as I don't expect you to answer them, that is the nature of a prohibitionist, that would be you.
Yes, but I can only pick and choose which of the 4 that paycheck i will be spending on...I made 91k so far this year, I have seen 28k... Fuck you child support and Obama-(insert self named title of cluster fuck here) And fuck all you lazy unworking fucks I have to support.
I don't think they're on basic cable. How about a radio so you can listen?basic cables fine, just as long as I get to watch my blazer games.
Hey, who deleted my Body Count lyrics?
That's racist!
Tell them what? Did they not get one of those 4 things or something?
it was posted in answer to a question and you're canadian AND you never answered my question about having a job..
Don't play stupid. You know what I was referring to.
don't feel bad i get shit from him and desert dude because i said that "old white men" should die and they took offense, throwing it up to me whenever possible..
Bucky's neighbors said that when he moved in.
Yes, but I can only pick and choose which of the 4 that paycheck i will be spending on...I made 91k so far this year, I have seen 28k... Fuck you child support and Obama-(insert self named title of cluster fuck here) And fuck all you lazy unworking fucks I have to support.
yet they remain completely silent when actual white supremacists are about.
um, i've paid child support..
Who is censoring the black man?Hey, who deleted my Body Count lyrics?
That's racist!
One could say that the corp heads made that happen, not the low skilled, nearly unemployable slackers. If you're working for minimum wage, there's a reason.Loaded question. If/when you work for conglomerates like Walmart, McDonalds... whose balance sheet is public knowledge, and their corp heads get absurd bonuses/ parachutes when the people who make that happen are not making a decent wage, nor getting quarterly bonuses then, there is an extreme unfairness...
like shotgun420 or slavenomore or bignbushy or nietzschekeen.
they hang you by the toenails for your impatience for a changing of the guard, but when actual white supremacists start showing up and talking about violent white revolutions and the like, they remain silent.
or they jooin their invitation only white supremacy groups.
but they swear up and down that they do not have a racist bone in their bodies.
it is comical.
And another piece of the puzzle falls in place...
I don't think they're on basic cable. How about a radio so you can listen?