MexiBlunts Wild Outdoor GORILLA!!!


Well-Known Member
Wasn't able to get out agian today. Will go in the morning, I wanna see how the sun is in the morning anyhow.


Active Member
Ive been reading your thread and sounds great.good luck with the grow man looks like theres a lot of people waitin to see how it comes out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks budweasel. We didn't need to go out and water because we got a downpour last night. Now we shouldn't need to go out for at least another 3 days.


Well-Known Member
rain is a timesaver :D ! I gave mine a nice foliage watering tonight ... but we are suspecting rain friday or so soooo.. i'm hoping it rains enough to water my plants until next tues/weds .. but i got some nature pics for ya mexi


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Thanks budweasel. We didn't need to go out and water because we got a downpour last night. Now we shouldn't need to go out for at least another 3 days.
I only wish I could get out to mine that much if at all, lol. I have to count on the weather to do it's job. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
I could go for a happy medium. I don't want to go out too much but as they are still in the first 2 weeks after transplant I want them to have a good start, I assume your are out now then or do you have to wait longer? the corn around here is not very tall yet.


Well-Known Member
mine went in at no higher than 7 inches and no smaller than 3 i believe .. but i wanted to wait til the roots met the outside of the cups and to the bottom .. and coincidentally those plants are doing better than the prematurely planted ones ..


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I could go for a happy medium. I don't want to go out too much but as they are still in the first 2 weeks after transplant I want them to have a good start, I assume your are out now then or do you have to wait longer? the corn around here is not very tall yet.

Went out last night Mexi and again tonight. Conditions are great. It has rained lots here over the past 2 weeks so the ground was good for digging. Some of the corn is over ankle high and sprayed so perfect. I am hoping to have all mine out within the next 2 weeks. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
So my bro made it out to one of the spots today on a quick hike. Severe heat and even more severe mosquitos. We've had enough rain that they will be fine for a little while so my bro foliar fed them with a compost tea that we have had brewing for the last 3 days. Everything looks good besides one that we lost completly but it was one of the "runts" small clone last to go out. Must have been trampled by a deer.
No bug damage to report. Just one bug. check the pic anyone know what this is and or if it's FRIEND or FOE? didn't look as tho it was hurting anything but he was removed just the same. almost looks like an albino ladybug with a suction mouth.?:mrgreen:
Here is some of the plants. The small clone represents an average of how the whole batch are doing, same goes for the larger plants. Will get out to the other plots in next few days.:peace:



Well-Known Member
Haha wish it was that easy. You go to my plot and take care of em, oh yeah be sure to get pics too. lol. I'm just buggin.


Well-Known Member
Haha wish it was that easy. You go to my plot and take care of em, oh yeah be sure to get pics too. lol. I'm just buggin.
yeah i was too haha .. but yeah that skinless groundhog is way fucked up isnt it i'll add it on ur page so ur followers see it lol ...


Well-Known Member
nice, subscribed!:mrgreen:
i have 3 plants right now out in my woods and there not as big as urs but theyre doin pretty good!
wow, that groundhog is just fcked up!


Active Member
yea my plant is about the same size as your second to last pic and jus started flowering but i dont no why it did so soon.


Well-Known Member
Went out to the other plot today. If we don't get rain soon we will need to do the water haul agian.:cry: Other than that there is not much to report. everything is alive there were no bugs on our plant but there was alot of red aphids on the plants no more than 1-2 feet away so our bug protection is working.Knocks on wood!. these are from the smaller younger bunch. And one neglected inside seedling is now outside and looks like she's ready to go with all the new little branches starting.And of course another shroom shot!

