The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
No man, haven't needed one until now.
What about a hot water bottle with a couple of towels chucked on it?

i've seen some great blueberries, but as with all seeds, you don't know un til you grow them out.

man u are in a bad way, moysey aint gonna last a season at this rate.

you about don? no doubt the town tyneside will be rocking tonight.
Yeh could be owt with seeds but from all the blueberry seeds ive read DJ shorts are the best hopefully they live up to the name


Well-Known Member
Boy Ive been trying to write for like minutes now just gave up in the end. Just smoke some noname and Jesus defiantly growing that. Also reading your post Shawn which I was orginay gonna reply too, what seed banks that mate? Ugorg have a blues that's always rated. Here's what's online about it.

Basically 'UGORG BLUES SEEDS ' is a var of a cross between 'UK BLUES CUT' (SK1 cloned var) X DJ SHORT 'ORIGINAL BLUEBERRY' (var of)


Well-Known Member
he isn't growing any more unfortunately, or so he says.

i remember him from a while back, give the cuts to don and the rest is history, most of bb's strains are in some way related to it.


Well-Known Member
Funny you should say that as oscaroscar turnt up in one of the threads the other day, never seen him round the site before
yeah, he's about sometimes thing he was on the DOG thread last time I seen him come across as a real modest fella.


Well-Known Member
what a cunt, so you are gonna make me ask another question then.

what did you say and what did the picture look like?


Well-Known Member
Hahaha he was posing like a puff with his hand on his head so great hairy pit showing in wrote something along the lines of.....oi does my growler look like my pit?.come ere I'll give u an armpit choo choo....


Well-Known Member
shawnybizzle my man i went an got a bottle of that gnat controll iv used it 3times so far along with sticky traps, sand and a can of fly spray an iv managed to almost wipe the little fuckers out whoop whoop cheers dude