Mechanization and the Future

lol I can only agree, but I don't even go out to restaurants to eat. I'd much rather cook my own meals even on a date night.

It's just to further my hypothesis that all human jobs can be replaced with robotic labor. Robots don't need heath insurance, sick time, vacation, personal time, 401k, social security, unions, holiday pay.
Who will repair our robot overlords?
Other robots eventually.

Well in point of fact. Fanuc has robots building other robots
But short of replacement, robots cannot repair other robots. You cannot ever eliminate humans out of the equation, we process 80 gigs of info visually per second
Well in point of fact. Fanuc has robots building other robots
But short of replacement, robots cannot repair other robots. You cannot ever eliminate humans out of the equation, we process 80 gigs of info visually per second

I don't think you can prove that without a doubt.
Currently new cars runs diagnostics on themselves, but you say that robots will never be able to do repairs?
Will the expensive robots look down on and oppress the lesser robots? Will a lesser robot arise from the rabble and lead them out of oppression and be awarded the Noble Piece-work Prize? There is a novel in there somewhere.
Will the expensive robots look down on and oppress the lesser robots? Will a lesser robot arise from the rabble and lead them out of oppression and be awarded the Noble Piece-work Prize? There is a novel in there somewhere.

Wait until we start arguing about a robot minimum wage and labor laws... Seriously, I can see the left making it happen. A Robot Jessie Jackson stirring up trouble among the races...
P R E D I C T A B L e....

you went from not saying much of anything that was very racist, but the floodgates opened.

now you're over in the other thread with 4 white supremacists talking about what a piece of shit nelson mandela is, and just randomly venting your racial resentment here with completely unnecessary swipes at black people you dislike (really, which black person don't you dislike?)...

i had a good feeling about it all along. after all, no one can hate the president THAT MUCH without ever really citing legitimate policy disagreements.

you just proved me right.
If you have ever worked in any kind of factory, humans do almost all of it. The automation is often in the transportation or flaming on bottle lids, rolling springs, but every step is a human. The human has to finish, sort, reject and stack most of it. Just watch Dirty Jobs.

Every step of preparing all that sheet metal and plastic parts, etc, for a car involves many people at every step.

No one knows, iac, if robots with be like a Terminator or a nano-sub-assembled bio tech T-3000.a.1. A skin we wear, maybe or, a motive fog to ride.

That is what is so fascinating. These bots create better and safer jobs. They have been shown so far to be a supplement, a tool. Part of us.

Let's take a near air-disaster, for example. The auto-pilot helped, no doubt.

And Capt Skully, did a good job putting that plane into the river and no one was hurt. The question is not if an auto-pilot, could have put the plane in the river, just there. Sure it could. Set up the altitude, line it up and let it go. The question is still of the "good decision."

Can the AI even make the decision to do it, if it found itself there in the situation? Could the AI have played the 4 moves ahead, like Skully to maximize all options, keep track and trying to make the option, until they disappeared one by one? Could the AI still have the river, as the ace in the hole, with wind angle and air speed, and altitude?

Could it? No.
What gets repaired in an auto shop anymore? Everything is replaced....


replacing a damaged main bearing or resurfacing brake rotors IS REPAIR

most repairs are replacement of components, but it is still repair of the whole.
McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
