cab2 nov 26.JPG

is vegging nicely....still waiting for money for my Phillips LED bulbs x8 by DEC 1st.
Hoping this girl is a Stinky Pinky pheno, big fat leaves, squat and already Preflowering @ 16/8! Almost all stink's characteristics, hope Im right........

[About done with NEEM altogether][still watering down @2:1 with a pre mix and still getting leaf burn][mites still a problem][going back to habanero spray.....MUCH better results in this humid hell hole :bigjoint:
Here is a full shot of Cab#2 ------just raised the light about 4-6 inches and that's about what I have left. Hoping to get these girls into flower by the weekend.

Everybody is cherpy derpy in Cab#1 [mini-fridge]
Looking super healthy!
Looking good man

Thanks Y'all. You are all the inspiration. I look forward to visiting the grow :peace: n' the meantime...enjoi

1st going into the home-made smart pot contraption, that works BeezKneez!

1st home.JPG
................and This is Turkey day yesterday and they are loving LED's. Grew another inch today!
day 19nov28[13].jpg

Hogtiehog tie.jpg
Closeup [bread ties, pipe cleaner, string] I find that safety pins are becoming the go-to. They make any tie adjustable!!!!!!!!
Start of Week 4

Left side [top] is stretching like hell and adding sites. Lst'd a bit more to take down the height.
Right side girl is squat and bud sites doubled in size in 2 days. [Glad I took a clone!]

Tough to say whether I have a bigger smile from 49w's of LED's or the girls themselves!

[D22][cab1][2].jpg[D22] [Cab1].JPG

The stretching girl is starting to fade out. Hopefully the fuschia, nettle and future kelp with stymie that....already gave it a touch of N too. Will give comfrey extract a try if neither of those work.

Any suggestions? Fade @ Week4? more likely P or K?
You should start increasing your P rate while lowering your N, and as you're reaching flowering and you want to boost your buds more, you'll be increasing your K.

This might be a stupid opinion of course, you should google it too. Cheers!! Nice job!!
You should start increasing your P rate while lowering your N, and as you're reaching flowering and you want to boost your buds more, you'll be increasing your K.

This might be a stupid opinion of course, you should google it too. Cheers!! Nice job!!

No I don't think it is a stupid opinion at all, this is how I was 1st taught and they still teach this. Even my feeding regimen follows this to an extent.

  • My stinging nettle extract is N and K rich with other micro's and I feed usually all the way through.

  • The fuchsia extract is P and K rich and I have added my fuchsia bloom x2.
  • Then, if I feel the K, ISNT adequate during flowering but after stretch, I use my comfrey [houndstongue] extract.

[All my extracts are plant material picked and then submerged [cold hydrolysis initially] under water and then allowed to ferment and then strained] I am going on 3 years of making my own ferts / pest sprays. Just finally starting to dial them in...]

One thing I don't like about N-P-K ratios is the fact of what they ACTUALLY represent. N is usually an accurate percentage, but P and K aren't truly accurate, but why?
From Wiki:
The factors for converting from Phosphoric Acid [P[SUB]2[/SUB]O[SUB]5][/SUB] and K[SUB]2[/SUB]O values to their respective P and K elemental values are as follows:

  • P[SUB]2[/SUB]O[SUB]5[/SUB] consists of 56.4% oxygen and 43.6% elemental phosphorus. The percentage (mass fraction) of elemental phosphorus is 43.6% so elemental P = 0.436 x P[SUB]2[/SUB]O[SUB]5[/SUB]

  • K[SUB]2[/SUB]O consists of 17% oxygen and 83% elemental potassium. The percentage (mass fraction) of elemental potassium is 83% so elemental K = 0.83 x K[SUB]2[/SUB]O
So if you have let's say 2-3-3 it would actually be 2% plant available N, [3%x.436]= 1.3% plant available P and [3% x .83] =2.49% plant available K. Even then N is only available to plants in 2 forms. Ammonium and Nitrate. Ammonium is directly assimilated by plants, but Nitrates have to be broken down to Nitrate and Ammonium, before they can be taken up, so even a Nitrogen rating can be deceiving, dependent on parent source of N

Lately I have been working with diagram and trying to understand it. Especially when coming at it from a beyond Organic perspective: As I don't work with traditional fertilizers, the NPK ratio is kind of moot for me...
biochemical nutrition.jpg
Sh*t, chemistry is tight!!! But I don't tend to like it, although I should!! :shock:

I'm actually shocked by the fact you make your own nutes, well done mate!! 8-) :wink:
Sh*t, chemistry is tight!!! But I don't tend to like it, although I should!! :shock:

I'm actually shocked by the fact you make your own nutes, well done mate!! 8-) :wink:

Even my chemistry is rudimentary at best, but I keep at it..... only way to learn it, is to use it! It has been a process, but I am really just copying old school simple gardener's, they knew what was up, what plants could be used as fertilizers and such.

I kind of got started with Bokashi, which is a japanese form of composting. Instead of using oxygen and dry matter to break down like composting, bokashi basically "pickles" your "compost" so it loses oxygen and ferments. This is done, because it leaves separates inorganic nutrients into useable types. According to Washington St. University, fermenting takes 10% the energy of composting.

Then you start reading about fermented foods around the world and how they are healthy: yogurt, cheese, saurkraut, tofu, buttermilk, kim chee, tabasco sauce, etc. and things like methanol and wine/beer are also done by the same processes.

I really got started with just liquefying common weeds that I would keep instead of putting them in the compost bin. Now I have zoned in on specific materials, because I have made HUNDREDS of mixes.

I dropped a link in your thread, read up on it if you get a chance, cool shiz :peace:
I kind of got started with Bokashi, which is a japanese form of composting. Instead of using oxygen and dry matter to break down like composting, bokashi basically "pickles" your "compost" so it loses oxygen and ferments. This is done, because it leaves separates inorganic nutrients into useable types. According to Washington St. University, fermenting takes 10% the energy of composting.

^^Must share this link with me as well!
Dude, If you're willing to share your secret. I'd love to see a step by step tutorial on making your nettle nutes. If I'm reading things correctly that's for flowering, right?

I'm quite anti chemical nutes, but the idea of using some nettle extract really interests me.


Hey Abiqua... Thanks so much for the link, it's had me bouncing all around the 'net this morning. Started off with watching organic tea vids on youtube, then reading through a bunch of that site you linked up... Then I started skulking around the Organics board on here... Now I've just happened across something that's really interesting me... Aquaponics?!

So, next time we do a water change on our fish-tank, I'mna keep the water rather than chucking it down the toilet, and replace my cheap chemical tomatoe nutrients with wholesomely organic fish-tank water. :)

Thanks again man, you've been an inspiration.
Dude, If you're willing to share your secret. I'd love to see a step by step tutorial on making your nettle nutes. If I'm reading things correctly that's for flowering, right?

I'm quite anti chemical nutes, but the idea of using some nettle extract really interests me.


Hey Abiqua... Thanks so much for the link, it's had me bouncing all around the 'net this morning. Started off with watching organic tea vids on youtube, then reading through a bunch of that site you linked up... Then I started skulking around the Organics board on here... Now I've just happened across something that's really interesting me... Aquaponics?!

So, next time we do a water change on our fish-tank, I'mna keep the water rather than chucking it down the toilet, and replace my cheap chemical tomatoe nutrients with wholesomely organic fish-tank water. :)

Thanks again man, you've been an inspiration.

Glad you took the time to check it out! I am very anti-synthetically produced chemicals as well.

I haven't messed around with aquaponics due to space, but I have a buddy grower who has dabbled with it. I really think it has super potential, considering energy inputs and such.

I was thinking about putting the fertilizer info down in a Journal, but I guess I could post over in Organics too.
The nettle fyi, is actually for the whole cycle.

I use Dr Duke's phytochemical database to really start digging into the plant chemicals and what uses they may have. Highly recommend this site, but warning, practice your Latin for plant species [although they do take common names, usually easier to identify w/Latin]

Right now I am trying to setup a spirulina tank to harvest for minerals. I might eat it, but I am really just interested in growing plant fertilizer. lol
Day 26:
Mini Fridge 49w's
[d26]1.JPG[d26]2 mini.JPG[d26]3 mini.JPG[d26]4 mini.JPG

I fed the Fuchsia ferment 1x so far and they seem to dig it...
Here are the fuchsia's I use, I believe they are called Japanese Fuchsia's

my neighbor has a huge fuchsia plant leaning over my fence, still blooming @45N, I pick handfuls of these faukers and drown them in water and choke off ALL oxygen, they are loaded with Phosporous.

Some supplies for Cab 2

^ 3000k
These $10 3 light bars...actually make 2 light bars if you are Thrifty. I saved 5 or $10, not much, but I don't mind.
Here are the Phillips ratio, really like the little bump of blue right before 450 and they seem to put out good red and green, really locks in with the pigment chart too.....

New stuff: Day 28 bud pic, Day 31 bud pic, 2nd cab buildup and diy 3 light fixture. enjoi it!

day 28 mini flower2.jpgday31 cab1.JPGday29 fixture1.JPGday 29 veg to flower.JPG