Omg we have mites so bad, ive hit them with a pyrethrum bomb twice and they keep coming back.
I have some habanero juice i just dont know the strength.
Whats the cheapest easiest way to get rid of them, also my room stays muggy, what should my rh be?

--use pyrethrum @ 3-6-9...days ...or 2-4-6 days for week or two....their cycle is every 2days or 3days new larvae hatch
they can be 'asexual' meaning they can self female can hatch a million larvae in a month
so hitting them 3rd day doesn't allow them to hatch and gets them b4 they hatch.....
--2wks is a good time cycle to do this if you can afford the pyrethrum bombs-
-also getting the time release spray can of pyrethrum and spraying your room walls in between the plants in the doorways etc....
(grow marigolds or chrysanthemums in your room too to keep them away)
if you have animals they can stay on them and really cause you problems-
--keeping all the dirt in the corners swept
-and always...always....clean clean clean is the best way to keep them down....they love dirty corners to hide in
...and lazy unkept people that don't clean their house or rooms enough-
never spray after flower cycle goes into effect.....
there is also an old skool approach that says you should do a multi prong attack to eliminate them....
-pick as many infested leaves off....the worst ones definitely
-take the plant after you pick the worst leaves and spray the whole plant down with water to blow them off physically this at watering time
soak them at watering time and spray the leaves
....have someone hold branches and leaves 'up' to get the underside where they hide the most
(I have used a pump sprayer while me and my gurl held each branch and sprayed each leave off-)
(they stay on the underside of the leaf and climb up on top when they want to eat and suck the moisture out)
-if the plants aren't too big you can make a 'neem' dunk in a garbage can
.....fill up a garbage can w water and add neem and dunk the whole plant upside down completely submerging and coating them
...I have dunked 3-4foot plants before
....make a 'lid' to put over pot so the dirt doesn't fall out-cardboard
--keep a mild neem spray and keep spraying them periodically or prophylactically till you switch the light cycle-
--I also like to add a little neem in my water reservoir so the plants uptake it and it becomes systemic
....meaning it's uploaded into the plant and the little fuckers hate the smell of neem
--put neem cake in your soil mix too
-be careful with too much neem on them tho when (dunking) under strong(1000wt) as they can burn some
....if you dunk and they are real shiny
-raise your lights if you have to till they acclimate-or do it when their gonna be off
if you want to use a 'pepper' spray I would suggest 'ghost-peppers' and spray the underside too
....the pepper literally melts them and kills the little fuckers but they are one of those creatures that will survive a nuclear bomb.....the mj will too-
There are recipes online...Google pepper spray for cannabis-
----as far as RH.....most people will tell you all kinds of shit how 'they' do it.....
myself i I keep my rooms (when I have one) at around 40%--even less
the dryness helps the plant put out more sugar as a natural mechanism and keeps molds and mildews down....-
never more than 45-50%
that is at a 72-76 degree temp also
i have read and seen different fluctuations in RH can actually help the plant do it's own thing but lots of folks in here are 'experts' and have their own opinions-(make up ur own mind)
myself i I don't know much.....just what I learn everytime I do it-
diligence is the key word when dealing with mites tho--it's fucking war and they will win every time if you don't practice this
also avoiding grow shops and places where other growers frequent is a good thing and should be practiced with consciousness
never go into someone else's room and then into yours....unless you know the persons methods well
And don't take others 'cuts' and always quarantine if you do-
Also they will jump on your your hair....on your eyelashes and into your ears
.......change clothes after attacking them and put straight into a garbage bag and then into the wash-hot hot cycle
i can always tell if there's mites in someone's room as my eyebrows itch and ears.....yikes!
i like to attack them naked and then go straight to the shower
mites hate cold also so keeping your room temp down when the lights are off helps too-
if you think your plants are vigorous and vital and can stand it put them outside for a few and the mites will jump off looking for warmer places to call home-
Or you can always just do nothing and vacuum off the webs once the cycle is finshed and many still are able to convert their mess
....especially here in mich where everyone is 'experts' and lots don't tell the real problems they have with their plants(medicine)after spending tons of $$ growing the shit and they need to convert it to try and recoup
.....they will sell anything here in Godzilla and it's ALL 'killer' [pffffft] hair ...powdery....etc-
but if you don't like smoking mites and their eggs just remember the word diligent and practice it diligently
good luck!
fuck mites and all the lazy asses who raise them and infect others.....I have seen mite growers here in michigan
EDIT: always set off pyrethrum bombs when lights are off....I do it when they first go off to give them time to assimilate and lights don't go on too soon and burn them