bcyoda, those are our parents :]
qwizo. i htink you are from a different galaxy, and or realm..
saybian, that website is relaxing !
i didnt want to spam any other topic, but here this goes.
big tubes out the window. (made babies)
i loveeee metal. i wish i had meself a shop :/
but anywho, got to use my bosses workshop, clean straight cuts! deburrr burrred burrrrr.
my tests with longer tubes, frozen butane, non frozen butane, wrapped tubes.. etc..
from what ive seen, long soaks = no good. (maybe if i wents about freezing everything prior to extraction , including tube.. but thats a pain in the ass, always filling up my freezer. , housemates are likie wtf..
soo, ive come to the conclusion, the way i do things, a tube that can get the most out of one can, is the best tube for this situation..
now the next part. how to design tube stand/ and loader for bud/trim.. my goal is to have stands that hold about a lb each.. ( i guessing thats about 5 -6 tubes per stand)
BUT ANYWHO, small tube ya!!!!!