ok here's my situation. ...

I noticed more than once his improper use of terms and words. Just a sad attempt at appearing "smart". I guess he needs to feed his holier than thou attitude somehow.
And ignorant of the english language...hippocrate is the term,not degenerate...look it up and then re read your posts...or better yet,go do some drugs and feed your ego...
Can you Please send me the rory420420 secret decoder ring to make ANY possible sense out of your post...Alex
For myself a "Sad Bastard", would be a drug addict CONSTANTLY COMPLAINING about his addictions on a public forum, looking for sympathy & coddling, yet taking NO POSITIVE steps to change his self-destructive life style. Patently apparent you & myself have polar opposite definitions of "Sad Bastard"...Alex

Dude you obviously have no concept of how addiction works. He made a thread on his situation seeing input. He wasn't asking people to take stock of his lifestyle and choices. You made the choice to enter the fray as resident jackass, adding nothing constructive to the conversation.
You are an idiot that feeds on egotistical statements to make the waste of your seem a lot more worth living than it really is..a hippocrate and childish in your attempts to seem like you have an I.q. of more than an earthworm..
I will no longer lower my standards so you can raise yours by talking to you..go pick on a toddler..at least it will be a fair fight for your under developed brain..
Dude you obviously have no concept of how addiction works. He made a thread on his situation seeing input. He wasn't asking people to take stock of his lifestyle and choices. You made the choice to enter the fray as resident jackass, adding nothing constructive to the conversation.
Seeking input?!...that's comical at it's very core. vega is completely AWARE of his self-destructive behavior!!, YET continues his self-destructive path, ALL your input/advice/sympathy,etc,etc will do NOTHING to change vega...vega must change himself. AND for ALL you conjecture enthusiasts, you have NO IDEA what I know about addiction!!!...Alex
You are an idiot that feeds on egotistical statements to make the waste of your seem a lot more worth living than it really is..a hippocrate and childish in your attempts to seem like you have an I.q. of more than an earthworm..
I will no longer lower my standards so you can raise yours by talking to you..go pick on a toddler..at least it will be a fair fight for your under developed brain..
You have standards???!!...I read NO evidence to support your conclusion. Don't let the door hit you on the way out...Alex
Mr Vegas situation is his and his alone. Not trying to change his mind. he asked a question, people provided answers. Pretty simple setup, if he was asking for moral judgments or fixes to his situation, your comments would be relevant.
Hippocrates is credited with being the first physician, a hypocrite is someone whose actions are in opposition to their claimed beliefs. Originally it was a word for atheists who professed to be faithful.
'I know addiction'
'Show me one instance..'
Nuff said.
Because I'm not willing to expose my drug usage/involvement history on a public forum does NOT negate myself from having a PAST. Hopefully you could consider this, instead of so flippantly regurgitating the word " Hypocrite" ( Spelled Correctly) if your going to regurgitate a word, learn how to SPELL it!!!...Alex
Because I'm not willing to expose my drug usage/involvement history on a public forum does NOT negate myself from having a PAST. Hopefully you could consider this, instead of so flippantly regurgitating the word " Hypocrite" ( Spelled Correctly) if your going to regurgitate a word, learn how to SPELL it!!!...Alex
If you're not willing to talk about it we're not willing to listen to your judgement.
E.a.t. a. D.i.c.k....
There.. spelled properly...
Thanks duck..you know I can't spell..lol(weird since my english degree says otherwise..hehe)
E.a.t. a. D.i.c.k....
There.. spelled properly...
Thanks duck..you know I can't spell..lol(weird since my english degree says otherwise..hehe)
Appears those on line english degrees are NOT all there cracked up to be. I'd seriously consider applying for a full refund...Alex
It's a double edged sword. I could expose my past only to have it questioned as lies by naysayers & detractors, obviously a no win situation...Alex
Idk give a fuck what ur past is....ur a fuckin dumbass today.....pretty fkn lame too
Anyone else starting to wonder if Opiated is just the newest trolling account of Trippy/Kush/heisenberg ? I swear to god that kid thinks this forum is some kind of sick sociology experiment. I hope he gets testicular cancer!