its 5 30. I win by default.
Wait, look behind your wife.
You know damn well Hemlock's not going to approach you with the cop you have standing with you.
its 5 30. I win by default.
Wooptie fucking do, I don't give a flying fuck if you think you're Rambo himself, a cop caller is a cop caller and cop callers are POS pussy's in my book.
Wooptie fucking do, I don't give a flying fuck if you think you're Rambo himself, a cop caller is a cop caller and cop callers are POS pussy's in my book.
looooooooooooooooldear penthouse forum,
today, i was supposed to meet a marine whose heterosexuality was beyond question. even though he punked out like a little pussy and didn't show up, i still had an erection, a hamburger, and a long island iced tea.
it was glorious.
beenthere and desertdude are devastated that their hero was too much of a pussy to show up.
the end.
Haha oh the political hypocrisy.
I see you're also making up excuses now as to why your butt buddy Mr. Marine didn't show up.
"so there I was, with my shirt off standing in the doorway. You could easily see the outline of my massive 9 inch cock through my jeans."
Nah I'm terrible at this. I bet Kynes could write good smut.
Haha oh the political hypocrisy.
I see you're also making up excuses now as to why your butt buddy Mr. Marine didn't show up.
Not at all my friend, no one has any proof that Buckly even showed up, he is a know liar on this forum.
May i interest you in some of my Enron stock, I'll give you a hell of a deal.
I am pretty sure Buck's battery is all petered out.
hemlock, when you come to from your drunken stupor and see this, please know that i would still love to meet.
but i'm not gonna waste any more of my time on you, despite the fact that you have a heterosexuality so frail that you might become gay if someone so much as asks you if you are.
we can still get a late night bite to eat up here in my neck of the woods, about 30 minutes west of portland (20 without traffic).
hope to see you soon! don't punk out like a little bitch again.
i have my parking stub, napkins, and check for a burger and a long island iced tea, moron.
hell, call the barkeep and ask him if a gentleman fitting my description was there earlier and ordered his burger "like a puck" and paid cash. he'll even verify that i left a $3 tip on a $12 something bill.
503 220 1850, ask for the barkeeper. i sat right by the door in a black hat, green jacket, and blue jeans.
ask anyone to verify this.
i have my parking stub, napkins, and check for a burger and a long island iced tea, moron.
hell, call the barkeep and ask him if a gentleman fitting my description was there earlier and ordered his burger "like a puck" and paid cash. he'll even verify that i left a $3 tip on a $12 something bill.
503 220 1850, ask for the barkeeper. i sat right by the door in a black hat, green jacket, and blue jeans.
ask anyone to verify this.
Yeah my phone goes dead all the time, why I can remember all of ZERO instances of that happening to me EVER. One time it shut off due to leaving it in the sun, but I tend to charge it when i need to. "some people" just doesn't understand this new-fangled technology enough to understand that.