You know what irks me? When I create $100 of value, and then some prick in a suit who does nothing of consequence comes and takes 70 of it because he's the "boss". Another thing that irks me is tax cuts for the wealthy, since that's just a redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the upper class, which has no need for it, just greed. It also irks me when I see people working 60 hours a week and living in poverty. I'm also irked when I hear about people who are bankrupted by medical expenses because healthcare in this country is still considered a service, and not a basic human right like a truly civilized society would embrace.
So to be honest, I don't think there's nothing wrong with taxes, as long as they're going to provide for neediest and most vulnerable in society and not for corporate welfare or politically motivated wars.
This is such a load of horse shit...
1) That empty suit does plenty I imagine. Your example is rather sparse on details, but it sounds like a situation where you (an employee) does something that someone (a customer) pays $100 for. Then some prick (the business owner) gives you a $30 commission or something. How can you say he does nothing of consequence? Sounds like he provides the place of business, probably pays for advertisement, and assumes all the risk (if business goes south, he loses his investment, if an employee fucks up, he is liable) while you just rake in a paycheck. You say he is a prick, he might call you a short sighted, ignorant, ungrateful sack of shit.
2) How does the government taking less money from rich people constitute distributing wealth from the poor to the rich? I don't understand why liberals think that taking 35% of a rich persons salary instead of 40 or 50 per cent constitutes screwing poor folks? Considering that the very low income earners get more back on their refund checks than they pay in, and middle-bracket earners pay considerably less than 35%. Defies all logic.
3) I know plenty of folks working 2 jobs who are still poor. Most of this can be traced back to poor decisions they have made. I'll use myself for example. Buck likes to ride my ass about being a recovering heroin addict. No doubt I will be paying for my addiction for years to come. If, God forbid, I were to relapse, survive, get clean again after a long time back out there, I too might be 45 years old working two jobs and being broke as fuck. It will suck, but it will be my fault. Im not saying all those folks are junkies. However, I would feel confident in saying that if you ask them, and they are honest, there will be some poor choice they made that has held them back in their life. Maybe they had a kid at 17 years old. Seeing folks that are in poverty is sad, but it is part of the human condition. Every society that has ever lived has had poverty. The poor in this country, by and large, have heat and air, televisions, refrigerators, and cell phones. I think our society is doing pretty well in the poverty department.
4) What else could it be? A right, you say? Lets look at some rights. Right to free speech. No one needs to do anything in order for you to practice this right. In fact, action by others would only be required to deprive you of this right. The same could be said of all other rights (at least the ones I can think of right now.) For sake of a thorough argument, however, let me assume that there is a right that both you, the Supreme Court, and I agree is indeed a right, that requires action on the part of others for you one to enjoy. It is very likely that the person who would need to act would only have to do so in specific circumstances. Such a person is likely a police officer, a common carrier perhaps, or maybe even military. But here is a fly in the ointment. These rights are to society, not the individual. Sure there are some interactions with individuals here, but thats only because society is made up of individuals. After a disaster like Hurricane Katrina triage centers are set up where the injured are brought and treated. They are not charged.
So, what does making health care a right mean? It means then that doctors, nurses, hospital owners and the entire medical industry is obligated to treat you. This means, then, that you have an enforceable claim on a portion of their life. In my view, your right to healthcare infringes on their already established rights. You would basically force the medical industry to treat you, and what, depend on the charity of some of those they serve to eek out a living? Oh, the government would pay them, you say. Fine, well, first off, I doubt they would make as much money as they do now, so there goes a big reason specialize. My sister-in-law is some kind of super special surgeon. I think she had it rougher that John McCain had it in the Hanoi Hilton while she was in residency. She makes uber bank. I doubt the government would pay her that much.
Furthermore, it doesn't make it OK to claim the efforts and services of another as something owed to you so long as the government pays them. And yes, it is completely different than having an insurance company pay them on your behalf. Its still a service with the insurance company, not a right you have coming to you by virtue of your tax dollars, or the tax dollars of others.
TL/DR everything you said makes a good bumper sticker, but anyone who believes this shit or has your opinions has serious cognitive deficiencies.