please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say


Well-Known Member
Yep the admin..and I swear I'm not 'blowing smoke' really is named potroast..and its some of the best(for me) I've smoked in quite some time..
And jj..just got a vial 10 mins ago.hmmmm....

Cool story bro! Theres some AWESOME white on white going around here I scored to go with the liquid I already have horded away :). I guess they quit making LSD when you got yours tho?


Well-Known Member
oh and all 12 of my cakes are fully colonized as of today :) and started their 1 week consolidation, 6 Amazon and 6 GT jars. IF all goes as planned I should have fruits before new years. Going to be pretty fun :) I have some Z-Strain and Penis Envy I plan to knock up on WBS and try in a monotub. Kinda wish I did that with the ones I have now but oh well I kinda wanted to try BRF cakes and then bulk to compare potency n other variables anyways.


Well-Known Member
He's just as trolly as ever!!
I really find it funny how much animosity I get for simply not liking bad people who do bad things. Anywhoo back to some super trolling I guess LOL. Enjoy the pics of my jars :) ? Will be birthing in 1 week :)





Well-Known Member
Why do you seem angry ?
Its hard to be angry this time of the year brother! This is my fav time of the year! Christmas time gets me a little giddy. I cant help it, its just an awesome time of year! Are you all ready? 2 weeks away! Got the tree up? I just finished making stockings up for my dogs lol, yeah they get to celebrate Christmas as well. We like to get them a few bones/balls, whatever. Wrap them up and man, do these boys have a ball ripping open their presents! I like to mix it up every year n decorate them a new stocking, its fun. 2 more weeks!!!

Oh and incase your wondering. I dont make the entire stocking. I buy a plain red one then decorate it with stuff from the craft store. Its fun, I love my dogs....and CHRISTMAS!!!


Well-Known Member
who is bad people? what constitutes as bad behavior and why? what I should say... what is your deal? like, what philosophy are you adhering to and coming to this conclusion?

I ask because Rory is a good man.... and here you are angry with him ....the shroom grow is throwing me off... only reason I would ask you... maybe there is a glimmer of hope you are not a troll and there is miscommunication going on


Well-Known Member
who is bad people? what constitutes as bad behavior and why? what I should say... what is your deal? like, what philosophy are you adhering to and coming to this conclusion?

I ask because Rory is a good man.... and here you are angry with him ....the shroom grow is throwing me off... only reason I would ask you... maybe there is a glimmer of hope you are not a troll and there is miscommunication going on
No man, not him. All this hatred towards me sprung up bc I do not like drug dealers? I honestly dont, I live in the city thats over ran by them and all these gang banger type of dudes. I've done everything in my power to make it so I DO NOT have to communicate with nor rely on the services of a drug dealer. I dont like the idea of my money being spent on weed or trip then it being used to further purchase harder drugs, weapons and fund other illegal activity thats further hindering the city I live in. SO I decided to learn to grow, I grow my own herb. Have been for quite some time. I am now learning mushrooms. I lost my bestfriend to heroin, since then I've been cold towards these street people/dealers man. Now maybe, just maybe I could of used a better choice of words in the past. I agree alot of this is probably miscommunication that got blown way out of hand. If we actually TALKED to one TALKED in person, perhaps they would of sung a different tune? Online we can only read what one types and make our own interpretation for it. We cannot hear their tone of voice, read their body language, see their expressions. Its alright tho, I dont blame them. I can be labeled the piece of shit or troll or cop, whatever. I'll continue living my life and doing what I love.


Well-Known Member
Nope..just don't like racists..
Imp..he's said the word 'nigger' more times than a southern baptist preacher last night..I can't get down with that..and since we had a little arguement he's kept harrassing me..its fine by me..I'm still the good old rory I've allways been,he's still the racist troll he's continued to be...that's why he's taken this to this thread...
Nice cakes jj..glad there white. Would hate for you to have to be around anything brown.those damn niggers might make you trip or something.


Well-Known Member
Nope..just don't like racists..
Imp..he's said the word 'nigger' more times than a southern baptist preacher last night..I can't get down with that..and since we had a little arguement he's kept harrassing me..its fine by me..I'm still the good old rory I've allways been,he's still the racist troll he's continued to be...that's why he's taken this to this thread...
Nice cakes jj..glad there white. Would hate for you to have to be around anything brown.those damn niggers might make you trip or something.
Yes, I used that word to describe the people polluting their communities, the youth and the future of this city. They do not care about life, nor do they value it. They only care about the $$$, the hustle. I am FAR from racist. I have black friends, being I live in the city I live around alot of blacks. ALOT of them do not fall into that category. However the ones that do, yes. They are exactly that! Now alot of my black friends feel the same way. They dont like seeing the streets unsafe, polluted and a war zone. I would think this is perfectly reasonable. Its not racist, its common sense. These people I refer to give the city a bad name, they give good urban people a bad name.....


Well-Known Member
No man, not him. All this hatred towards me sprung up bc I do not like drug dealers? I honestly dont, I live in the city thats over ran by them and all these gang banger type of dudes. I've done everything in my power to make it so I DO NOT have to communicate with nor rely on the services of a drug dealer. I dont like the idea of my money being spent on weed or trip then it being used to further purchase harder drugs, weapons and fund other illegal activity thats further hindering the city I live in.
I would love to know how you procure drugs without the use of dealers. Buying seeds is supporting a drug dealer. Buying cacti cuttings is supporting drug dealers. Even if a friend gifts you a clone they are still technically a drug dealer. Even growing everything your own, at some point you supported a drug dealer.

And if you pay taxes your money has gone to far, far worse things than drug dealing. Though also that.


Well-Known Member
then call them scumbags or shitsacks..not demeans humanity and really and truthfully makes you look even worse than them for saying such uneducated thoughtless demeans you intellectually..when you make an argument with racist statements,the argument is one wants to hear didn't get pissed when the white crackers who own mcdonalds gave you high blood pressure did you?(example,I don't know your health)..racisim makes you look stupid and confirms nothing of your opinions to men of higher education..and infact makes most educated people turn the other way when you speak and disregard your ramblings as narcissistic blather...
feel me now?


Well-Known Member
And that's not even touching on the blanket racism of the word "nigger". I once thought as you; that you can separate out the term "nigger" from being ascribed to all Black folks, but its simply not true. That word is offensive to almost all Black Americans, and for good reason.

Like I said I once thought as you, trying to separate trash from the rest. Like we have the term "White Trash" but nothing similar for Black folk. I'm not here to give you another term, only that "nigger" isn't it. That term brings up to the fore far more than simple poverty derived ignorance.

Richard Pryor sums it up better than I ever could:


Well-Known Member
then call them scumbags or shitsacks..not demeans humanity and really and truthfully makes you look even worse than them for saying such uneducated thoughtless demeans you intellectually..when you make an argument with racist statements,the argument is one wants to hear didn't get pissed when the white crackers who own mcdonalds gave you high blood pressure did you?(example,I don't know your health)..racisim makes you look stupid and confirms nothing of your opinions to men of higher education..and infact makes most educated people turn the other way when you speak and disregard your ramblings as narcissistic blather...
feel me now?

I will give you that brother. As stated before, I could of chose better words to use. I was a little wired up last night but still, I could of used a better choice of words. I think we just had alot of misscommunication and thats alright. No hard feelings.


Well-Known Member
I never have bad feelings I said last night..I care for my fellow man..even you..and sorry for the harsh shit I said,but put me to the verbal pepsi challenge and I can preform like just hate hate..feel me..
I still stick with what I said tho..I know more white assholes than all other assholes combines..fucking white