please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say


Well-Known Member
this fucking guy is rude to everyone who goes in there. really short with people and just arrogant ...I order my shit today and he is short and rude as usual... his scale had weed on it, like two little nugs(about two bowls) a bowl or so of shake. instead of bagging that little bit of weed or rejaring it....he fucking blows it on to the dirty floor like it was dust. HOw fucking arogant is that? That was at least a gram of bud blown onto the floor was probably some outdoor but looked fine to me
You shoulda just picked it up and added it to your bag.

But I wouldn't wanna fuck with a person sounding the way you make him sound. Luckily anybody I get anything from is somebody that I've known since i was 16. Besides a few exceptions.....


Active Member
I'd probably be dead if I still hung out with the people I did when I was 16.
i speak to one, he is my absolute best friend, like a brother. but all the rest, man when i see them around or out at the bar, some of them really look like shit. a few have died.

when i hung out with those people i never expected i would live to the age i am now, im so happy that all changed.


Well-Known Member
I'd probably be dead if I still hung out with the people I did when I was 16.
More than likely I won't make it to your age to due my heart and an aneurism. Then again, it might not burst until I'm 80... who knows. Not really worried about how many years I make it.


Well-Known Member
I'd probably be dead if I still hung out with the people I did when I was 16.
I've had the odd fortune to have a core group of really good friends that I've known since elementary school, some since kindergarten. Granted I grew up in sorta small town but I think it's still odd nobody turned out to be a fuckhead. Out of 8 of us nobody is in jail, nobody is dead, nobody threw their life away, we've all got at least decent jobs, and we all still make the effort to get together when possible.

I mean I never had siblings but I would imagine it's close to how I feel for some of those guys.


Active Member
holy shit guys i am so fucking bored at work right now. i could be so much more productive if i wasnt here stuck in front of this damn computer. AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!


Well-Known Member
More than likely I won't make it to your age to due my heart and an aneurism. Then again, it might not burst until I'm 80... who knows. Not really worried about how many years I make it.
jeezus skuxx, i think duck is in his early thirties


Well-Known Member
More than likely I won't make it to your age to due my heart and an aneurism. Then again, it might not burst until I'm 80... who knows. Not really worried about how many years I make it.
Damn. That's a rough bit of news.

jeezus skuxx, i think duck is in his early thirties
Yeah. Still kinda hard to believe I'm an adult.

im pretty sure he's over 45 imp, but thats just my assumption
As someone who still gets carded for cigarettes this amuses me to no end. Though it would be cool if I was, then I'd have gotten to see Jerry.


Well-Known Member
As someone who still gets carded for cigarettes this amuses me to no end. Though it would be cool if I was, then I'd have gotten to see Jerry.
Are you sure you'd want to tack on that many years just to see jerry?

Wait, who am I kidding? Of course.

And I'm currently at a low risk for any rupturing. So no worries for 10 years or so. Just needa stop eating 2 lbs of meat and several eggs everyday... and maybe exercise more. High BP and heart rate is what I think my curse is. I'm taking something called atenolol for that which is working.

After you hear something like having an aneurism (left ventricle), it's pretty effing hard to sleep good for a while. And any little chest pain makes me think it's the big one! As soon as it gets worse I'll have a stent put in. Thank you modern science


Well-Known Member
fukin earthquake just hit. That shit is humbling as fuck. I am from San Jose, CA and I was in the 1989 quake that collapse a section of the bay bridge... anyways when we feel quakes in the Valley we usually assume that a huge one hit the coast or L.A. So I have been searching the news for any info for the last 10 minutes.... kind of a scary little bit of time. It was a 4.3 centered in Kettleman, City I believe....we will get more info in the morning. My whole house shook...sounded like someone was coming in through the window


Well-Known Member
Are you sure you'd want to tack on that many years just to see jerry?

Wait, who am I kidding? Of course.

And I'm currently at a low risk for any rupturing. So no worries for 10 years or so. Just needa stop eating 2 lbs of meat and several eggs everyday... and maybe exercise more. High BP and heart rate is what I think my curse is. I'm taking something called atenolol for that which is working.

After you hear something like having an aneurism (left ventricle), it's pretty effing hard to sleep good for a while. And any little chest pain makes me think it's the big one! As soon as it gets worse I'll have a stent put in. Thank you modern science
It wouldn't just be getting to see Jerry. They had some pretty banging drugs back then to.
Glad you're at a low risk.

Hope everyone's ok Imp!


Well-Known Member
Earthquakes are scary..... I love how Mother Nature will bitch slap us every now and then. You can be home watching T.V., high, and just not a care in the world...then you are reminded who is boss. ...I think Facebook is about the only news you will see on it... small 4.0 centered in the foot hills


Well-Known Member
We had a small one here in va a couple years ago..I was napping and it woke me up..I thought it was the washing machine off center or something..sat up in bed and realized all the house was MOVING! I said to myself..'NOPE..NOT THE WASHER..THIS IS AN EARTHQUAKE!!'..about the time I kinda got worried cause it wouldn't stop,I realized I'm supposed to be in a doorway for saftey,so I got up but it stopped right then..scary shit indeed!!


Well-Known Member
stop. drop and roll. ... a joint that is...

going to see the Hobbit part 2 tonight. it is going to be bad ass... 3D


Well-Known Member
My wifes the manager at a theater..been there for years..I've seen one movie there..I hate the you can't do dabs in a


Well-Known Member
We had a tiny one here a few years ago. Kinda made the whole. NY metro area go wtf at the same time.
The emergency bowl I've been using since my good one broke just broke because it was super cheap glass. And I don't have enough to be rolling joints. fucking a.