please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say


Well-Known Member
stop. drop and roll. ... a joint that is...

going to see the Hobbit part 2 tonight. it is going to be bad ass... 3D
I cannot wait to see that. Though my problem is the 45 mins of previews. I'm already coming down by the time the movie starts.

I'll never do it but I've always thought a pro-smoking movie theater would be a great investment in place like Colorado. Get an old movie theater, maybe refurnish the seats, but mostly combine a legal dispensary at the front. Walk in, buy your ticket, buy your jay, buy some snacks and have a relaxed atmosphere to watch dope movies. I'm actually taking half my hash from this run to make Green Dragon tincture and have something I can dose easily in public.

OT I grabbed the wrong pair of gloves from my friends tattoo shop (hers instead of his) and couldn't use them as they were way to small. Took some of all your advice to just suck it up and go hands, and never again. Forgot about it and started answering texts and now my phone's keypad is like glue. Yes I am one of the few people of my generation that doesn't have a smartphone. And now my phone feels like a flytrap.



Well-Known Member
lol! Get a vaporizor pen for the theater .... you can just blow it into your shirt or go into the bathroom... then you are dabbing and watching good movie.

We don't get out much and especially not to the theater .... but we make exception for Peter Jackson movies... I love the Hobbit. Actually the last movie we saw in the theater was the first hobbit


Well-Known Member
I can't remember who,but I read a true life mob book and a mobster was holding a literal ton of weed in a warehouse and a fuckton of lsd he had gotten from the chemist..damn I wish I could remember the name of the book..but to anser your question..'maybe?'


Well-Known Member
ya, i read it on another web forum... they said it was well documented. some of the mob even liked it. it is a powerful chemical too... our gov wanted it as a weapon... maybe the mob used it like that too... like selling drugs to a competitor laced with Lsd to hurt the market place....i dunno, I am not devious enough to thnk of a way to use LSD violently this morning


Well-Known Member
I'm sure there are horrible people who would dose someone who fucked someone over(I've seen and know it was done to a kid on tour..he shouldn't have stole a gram of raw from my one knows who done it,but this kid ghost got sent to the psych ward for being a thief from family)..any ways,this is why I feel only certain people should have axcess to a lot of lsd..if some rapist got ahold of a vial,or some sereial killer,it would be bad for the victim,and anyone of us including you could be the victim..sad world we live in sometimes..


Well-Known Member
My cousin wont touch psychedelics because about 20 years ago his fraternity made all the initiates drop a hit of acid and then locked them in a spooky as deserted house overnight. I'd call that a devious way of using lsd.


Well-Known Member
Its devious,but me personally,id never do any drug unless I wanted to..especially psychedelics and a number of relativley new aquaintainces..that's just asking for trouble..probably at best 2 outta that 20 had done acid before..very bad setting for disaster,which I'm sure happened to an extent...


Well-Known Member
Ya, mind fucking people... you dont get a murder charge but the victim will never be right again. LSD could be used as a truth serum too I bet...

one drug you could not torture someone with is weed. Not that I could think of. unless you smoke someone out and force them to eat a fresh brownie and not give them a glass of milk


Well-Known Member
Ya, mind fucking people... you dont get a murder charge but the victim will never be right again. LSD could be used as a truth serum too I bet...

one drug you could not torture someone with is weed. Not that I could think of. unless you smoke someone out and force them to eat a fresh brownie and not give them a glass of milk
The US Gov had quite an interest in using LSD for "interrogation"


Well-Known Member
They injected one dude everyday with a high dose for something like 73 days in a row or some memory is dabbed out at the moment..