please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say

My understanding is the primary function of lining up in ranks was to stop the Calvary charge ... Box formation.... Being spread out your line could easily be broken by Calvary ...Napoleon could have continued shelling the ridge line ... The ground was drying up , instead he ordered a full Calvary charge. British accounts say the horses trotted slowly up and over the ridge and just got mowed down ...after several charges Napoleon sent in his Imperial Guard... He was worried the Prussian would hit his flank, alas they were not even ready .. Dude , we need to take some acid at Waterloo
Square was for stopping cavalry. Horse can flank lines and then a few guys can ride down hundreds. But lines allow 8x as many muskets to fire.
Square was for stopping cavalry. Horse can flank lines and then a few guys can ride down hundreds. But lines allow 8x as many muskets to fire.

I thought a large part of it too was that Wellington had lots of his troops lying defilade on the backside of a hill so most of the cannon shot of the time was ineffective.

I was always amazed and just how fucking drunk the average trooper was in battle back then. Pretty much gotta to stand in line watching people getting mowed down by .75 caliber lead balls.
I thought a large part of it too was that Wellington had lots of his troops lying defilade on the backside of a hill so most of the cannon shot of the time was ineffective.

I was always amazed and just how fucking drunk the average trooper was in battle back then. Pretty much gotta to stand in line watching people getting mowed down by .75 caliber lead balls.
The reverse slope was a big part of his success throughout his career and Waterloo is a fine example.
The amount they drank was amazing. Losing armies delayed pursuit by dropping their booze.
What kind of maniac would line up and march into cannon fire sober? I would eat shrooms for sure ... The Vikings use to do it.
Hey Duck, there is pills being sold round here as "Molly" for 5$ a pill. What reagent test kit should I get to determine if it is meth or actual Molly?
So besides being drug geeks a lot of us are history geeks too? No wonder I like HS so much lol.

Personally I've been on a WW1 kick for the past few years. I've read maybe ~40 books on the subject so far, and I still find it utterly fascinating. All of the horrors of Early Modern line infantry war combined with modern weapons. Can you imagine being the 3rd wave at the Somme? Having already watched tens of thousands of your friends getting just slaughtered, and still going over the top into no-man's-land, at a brisk walk, carrying on average 66lbs on your back, not counting weapons?

WW2 was infinitely worse for civilians, but WW1 was definitely worse for the soldiers.

I actually tried to buy a M1903 Springfield last month, but didn't want to spend $1500 so I settled for a Ruger bolt-action in 30-06. Seeing what it does to watermelons, I can't believe that was the standard round for people.

More on HS topic I should be picking up a few grams of real opium soon, so I'm pumped. Haven't seen it in years, everybody seems to love pills.
Well hows everyone doin...not much psychedelics goin on here lately but I did have a smack me in the face dose of dom a few weeks back...forgot that shit will last for fucking ever...look at the clock 12 hours in and still having trouble reading what time it was...don't get me wrong I was super grateful for the experience I just forgot how long a trip that wondrous molecule would give me
Another one bites the dust had a friend pass away...he was known to not test his shit and eat way too much careful kids he'd been doing this for a long time and thought he was careful test your shit know your dose and just live
Another one bites the dust had a friend pass away...he was known to not test his shit and eat way too much careful kids he'd been doing this for a long time and thought he was careful test your shit know your dose and just live
My condolences. Thanks for trying to remind others why harm reduction practices are so important.