So besides being drug geeks a lot of us are history geeks too? No wonder I like HS so much lol.
Personally I've been on a WW1 kick for the past few years. I've read maybe ~40 books on the subject so far, and I still find it utterly fascinating. All of the horrors of Early Modern line infantry war combined with modern weapons. Can you imagine being the 3rd wave at the Somme? Having already watched tens of thousands of your friends getting just slaughtered, and still going over the top into no-man's-land, at a brisk walk, carrying on average 66lbs on your back, not counting weapons?
WW2 was infinitely worse for civilians, but WW1 was definitely worse for the soldiers.
I actually tried to buy a M1903 Springfield last month, but didn't want to spend $1500 so I settled for a Ruger bolt-action in 30-06. Seeing what it does to watermelons, I can't believe that was the standard round for people.
More on HS topic I should be picking up a few grams of real opium soon, so I'm pumped. Haven't seen it in years, everybody seems to love pills.