please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say

Had my head on the books the last few months. Took some great soil science classes.... Duuude there is so much bunk information on the grow forums here ... Kinda creeped me out for a while ... Is RIU full of narcs giving misinformation on purpose ? Crrrrazy man... Message back Duck, we haven't argued in a while ;) I'm starting my next grow real soon. Skuxx, what's new man?
Had my head on the books the last few months. Took some great soil science classes.... Duuude there is so much bunk information on the grow forums here ... Kinda creeped me out for a while ... Is RIU full of narcs giving misinformation on purpose ? Crrrrazy man... Message back Duck, we haven't argued in a while ;) I'm starting my next grow real soon. Skuxx, what's new man?
Great to see you Imp! I'm rarely on these days myself.
Pot is such a hardy plant that you can give it horrible conditions and still do OK and people don't realize it could be better and tell other people to do it their way because it works for them.
The college I attend has an amazing AG facility. We got to do a lab using a colorimeter. 3,000$ piece of equipment that can run 99 different tests. We just tested nitrogen in the soil. Can test leaf too. All the macro and micronutrients ... Cool shit. I can test soil bulk density now too... You growing?
I haven't been growing either. Hope to start soon. Time and money .,, indoor growing, as you know , is not cheap to start or sustain. Anyways , I think about you time to time ... Wanted to kick a conversation up... I'm a glutton for nostalgia... You trip now and then?
I haven't been growing either. Hope to start soon. Time and money .,, indoor growing, as you know , is not cheap to start or sustain. Anyways , I think about you time to time ... Wanted to kick a conversation up... I'm a glutton for nostalgia... You trip now and then?

I trip like once or twice a year these days. It's hard to find time. You?
Read anything good recently?
Hmmmm... I trip only a couple times a year too. Read up on some Ghandi recently... apparently he was a d-bag ... Least in my opinion. He had a medal for bravery for joining a British army brigade to put down a Black revolt. ( so much for passificim) also he basically murdered his wife. Did not allow her to take antibiotics(God will save her) then she died , yet he gets sick weeks later and takes antibiotics... Disappointing , I use to like quoting him , not a hey anymore to ne
Hmmmm... I trip only a couple times a year too. Read up on some Ghandi recently... apparently he was a d-bag ... Least in my opinion. He had a medal for bravery for joining a British army brigade to put down a Black revolt. ( so much for passificim) also he basically murdered his wife. Did not allow her to take antibiotics(God will save her) then she died , yet he gets sick weeks later and takes antibiotics... Disappointing , I use to like quoting him , not a hey anymore to ne
We only like to remember the good things about our heroes. It's much harder to put humans up on a pedastal when you remember their faults. He was a great politician which by definition means he had to be two faced :) A silk stocking filled with shit as Napoleon described de Tallyrand.
Now that dude was impressive. He managed to stay in power from the Bourbons until their restoration.
We only like to remember the good things about our heroes. It's much harder to put humans up on a pedastal when you remember their faults. He was a great politician which by definition means he had to be two faced :) A silk stocking filled with shit as Napoleon described de Tallyrand.
Now that dude was impressive. He managed to stay in power from the Bourbons until their restoration.
Napoleonic history is my favorite . Had he won the battle of Waterloo ... We could all be speaking French ...
Napoleonic history is my favorite . Had he won the battle of Waterloo ... We could all be speaking French ...
Quite possible though the Brits at least weren't about to stop fighting him if they'd lost there. It might have resulted in a stalemate but after Trafalgar there was no way to bring the fight to the British.

Napoleon did bring a huge amount of positive change to Europe even if he bathed it blood. His Code was a huge step forward for law and civil rights that has endured long after he was deposed.
Quite possible though the Brits at least weren't about to stop fighting him if they'd lost there. It might have resulted in a stalemate but after Trafalgar there was no way to bring the fight to the British.

Napoleon did bring a huge amount of positive change to Europe even if he bathed it blood. His Code was a huge step forward for law and civil rights that has endured long after he was deposed.
The code is used to this day... Could you imagine being on the front line of an infantry brigade? The officers were trained to stand with indifference when a grenade landed by your feet ... I think it was a 50-50 chance of it exploding , but a panicked officer could break the ranks. ... i agree there would never have been an invasion of Brittain ... Perhaps there never would have been a Great War 100 years later ... Who knows? I love history
The code is used to this day... Could you imagine being on the front line of an infantry brigade? The officers were trained to stand with indifference when a grenade landed by your feet ... I think it was a 50-50 chance of it exploding , but afficer could break the ranks. ... i agree there would never have been an invasion of Brittain ... Perhaps there never would have been a Great War 100 years later ... Who knows? I love history
It really boggles the mind. The idea of lining up to shoot each other at 50 paces or so is mind boggling. Experience did make a big difference. Inexperienced troops were known for breaking, especially when charged. Apparently a bunch of guys running at you with spears is scarier than taking a volley of musket fire. It's one of the reasons Napoleon favored column formations instead of lines. Most European armies were inexperienced conscripts who didn't even get much target practice with live ammo. They got to fire an ineffective volley or two that generally went high before the veterans of the Imperial Guard chopped them to bits. The Brits were able to defeat him because they had experienced troops who did practice with live ammo fighting in lines. The volume of firepower directed at a column was much greater and they could actually stop them. At Waterloo they even managed stop the charge of the Imperial Guard which is what turned the battle to a rout. Napoleon was fond of saying that morale is everything in warfare and watching the elite Guard retreat shattered French morale. The cry of "l'guard recule" made them break and run.

I'm pretty sure we would have had WWI no matter the result at Waterloo. Holding an empire together is no easy feat and I don't think Napoleon would have had a successor capable of such such a task.

Still a fascinating period of history. Napoleon was an amazing guy. Standing in front of an army with guns pointed at him and throwing his arms out and inviting them to shoot their emperor has to be one of the most bad ass moments in history. Whoever thought that sending his favorite general and his elite troops to round him up was a good idea deserved the guillotine.
It really boggles the mind. The idea of lining up to shoot each other at 50 paces or so is mind boggling. Experience did make a big difference. Inexperienced troops were known for breaking, especially when charged. Apparently a bunch of guys running at you with spears is scarier than taking a volley of musket fire. It's one of the reasons Napoleon favored column formations instead of lines. Most European armies were inexperienced conscripts who didn't even get much target practice with live ammo. They got to fire an ineffective volley or two that generally went high before the veterans of the Imperial Guard chopped them to bits. The Brits were able to defeat him because they had experienced troops who did practice with live ammo fighting in lines. The volume of firepower directed at a column was much greater and they could actually stop them. At Waterloo they even managed stop the charge of the Imperial Guard which is what turned the battle to a rout. Napoleon was fond of saying that morale is everything in warfare and watching the elite Guard retreat shattered French morale. The cry of "l'guard recule" made them break and run.

I'm pretty sure we would have had WWI no matter the result at Waterloo. Holding an empire together is no easy feat and I don't think Napoleon would have had a successor capable of such such a task.

Still a fascinating period of history. Napoleon was an amazing guy. Standing in front of an army with guns pointed at him and throwing his arms out and inviting them to shoot their emperor has to be one of the most bad ass moments in history. Whoever thought that sending his favorite general and his elite troops to round him up was a good idea deserved the guillotine.

The Duck knows history.
Promoted to...
My understanding is the primary function of lining up in ranks was to stop the Calvary charge ... Box formation.... Being spread out your line could easily be broken by Calvary ...Napoleon could have continued shelling the ridge line ... The ground was drying up , instead he ordered a full Calvary charge. British accounts say the horses trotted slowly up and over the ridge and just got mowed down ...after several charges Napoleon sent in his Imperial Guard... He was worried the Prussian would hit his flank, alas they were not even ready .. Dude , we need to take some acid at Waterloo
... Dude , we need to take some acid at Waterloo

Travel back in time? Playing the part of the inconsequential witness to the HD bloodshed while an operatic soundtrack overlays the entire event?

Priceless. Slow, subtle, and bloody. The graceful beauty of the carnage draws a bitter sweet taste up the tip of my tongue and turns saccharin on my breath. Pleasure briefly achieved, and then denied. Bring me more blood. Serve to me upon a platter your potrait of death. So that I may feast upon this additional course of brutally and vigorous waste.
Fight. For. Me!!!


Or something like that.
I get what you're sayin'.