please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say

Those wraps are sweet! I need to find someone that can wrap some glass marbles and pendants I make once I get better.

Man I havn't had mushrooms in over a year now. That makes me wanna eat some. Theres been lots of LUCY which sure has been fun though.
Well the ocean had an evil grin last night and the sky was shooting fractals in me but over all just a fun trip just got to touch the mystery but it didn't really teach me much this time around more of a fun house of mirrors type trip
Well the ocean had an evil grin last night and the sky was shooting fractals in me but over all just a fun trip just got to touch the mystery but it didn't really teach me much this time around more of a fun house of mirrors type trip
Why I don't like mushrooms..
Lucy gonna be flowing like BBQ sauce at a picnic this
I know peeps that wrap if you're interested I could talk to them ...
Those wraps are sweet! I need to find someone that can wrap some glass marbles and pendants I make once I get better.

Man I havn't had mushrooms in over a year now. That makes me wanna eat some. Theres been lots of LUCY which sure has been fun though.
I'm gonna get spun and think on this a lot,and no one else will know,but I'll pretend they do,and 'feel' my thoughts..vibes,I think?
Poor guys...
It is fucked boy did a ten year bit for selling a cop a ten lot at a fest..others,6months probation in a boot camp..
I personally was with 600 pressies and 7 sheets of gels and 14k$ when we were busted,dude said it was his,slap on the wrist..6months....
Fucked up system...
Bad thing is good people with 'good' classed drugs(psychedelics,or there about) are getting the shaft,while others knowingly cause addiction/trouble/death and get out,commit more deals,get busted again 2 more times before they reach sentencing close to even simple possession of psychedelics...
It'd be different if the guy with the ten lots was a piece of shit gang member taking welfare money for ten strips...I'd kinda support the idea is I've never found a reason to subject an individual to more than a year for an offense not causing grave harm..
Crack,meth,heroin,def can be a punished offense,some deterrent is needed,but if you're going to jail for ten years to life cause you have a vial of liquid,that's absurd..
No ones selling plasma for needle point,but its classified such as you'd think LSD would kill an entire city block of users...
Serious reform is needed for not just the social issues of prison,and counseling ect,but for our very morals as humans..putting someone in a cage for enriching someone's life is...there are no words to describe the awfulness of it..
Fuck it.
Personally I think they all need to be legalized. Sadly the most harmful drugs are the ones that are the most addictive and as long as they are illegal their users will be funding the most amoral greedy fucks on the planet. The social harm of prohibition is worse than the drugs themselves. By legalizing drugs we take the livelihood of those scumbags :)
It really is all about the money. it's not like the D.A.'s and lawyers aren't smoking weed and snorting blow too. they just want their scoop of your money