Remember when weed used to be illegal?


Well-Known Member
I don't want it legal. I know too many mouths being fed from illegal sales of cannabis. The weed dealers will just move on to crack and heroin then you got big fuckin problems.

I know there are tons of people in prison over a plant that should be free. But, in my opinion, keeping it illegal is keeping a lot of the poor alive. Those that got busted for it knew the risks when they got in the game.
You say dealers who got put away knew the risks when they got into it.. why does the same logic not apply to dealers who will lose money by legalization? They knew they were making their income off a prohibited substance, and that if it ever became legalized they would lose money.


Active Member
Well this is turning into a regular old politics chat. I like you Racerboy, your posts have had a big effect on me in the short time I have been here. Sorry we disagree about this.

As for "your side", I am not even sure what it is. Why does everyone have to be on one side? Am I not allowed to have my opinion?

I do think joe blow selling weed will go to selling crack. He is probably selling weed because it is less risky than selling/possessing crack and easier to get ahold of because he can cultivate it himself. If not crack, something else like robbery or another high profit illicit business. Gangsters, like cannabis, will always exist.

People aren't selling weed to break "unjust laws" because they think cannabis should be a free plant. This is complete horse shit. They are selling weed because of profit margins. If they wanted weed to be free they would be giving it away and not selling it. And they would pay for their grows with fundraisers. People in prison for weed sales aren't in there because they thought the plant should be free, they are in there because they wanted to get wealthy off selling an illicit product.

Sure, now that they are in prison they will want it legal. I sure as fuck would want it legal if I was in prison for selling it, who wouldn't?

And yes, if you take a risk and it ends up burning your ass, guess what? You deserve it. Thats why its called taking a risk. It allows the rest of them that didn't get caught to make more money. My dad got caught with 10 pounds, my brother got caught selling meth. They both went to prison because they took a risk.

Look in my local paper and you find 1-3 shit jobs that 1000 people are competing for. Why would some one that is making thousands a week want to work a 9-5, $7.25 job after cannabis is legal?

I think medical marijuana is a good thing. I am no longer in pain and neither is the man I caregive for. Sure I enjoy cannabis use. I would use it even if it was illegal for me to. That is a risk I am willing to take. I am sorry the system gets abused. Its like the welfare system, not everyone needs it but it is set up for those that do.


Active Member
You say dealers who got put away knew the risks when they got into it.. why does the same logic not apply to dealers who will lose money by legalization? They knew they were making their income off a prohibited substance, and that if it ever became legalized they would lose money.
This same logic does apply. The people selling are taking a risk that it will be legalized. What point are you trying to argue here? Looks like you just jumbled some sentences together.


Well-Known Member
Edit: took a while to draft... this is @racerboy71

I agree, there will always be a certain percentage of people who will abuse the law. Everything is a trade off in some way. If we eliminate those abusers we also eliminate people on the "margin" that may very well need medical cannabis.
It is unfortunate that some medical users look down their noses at other users for whatever reason. I don't know any and am glad I don't!

It is a luxury to walk into a dispensary and have more selection of bud than I ever saw in Amsterdam. I try to stay grounded but it is surreal, and I know others are being arrested for a gram which is beyond ridiculous and a tragedy in some cases.

Again, it is all a trade off. If we "take what they (govt) will give us" now we will get a BS system in place that doesn't recognize any of the medical benefits of cannabis and focuses on how much the states can make over the health of the people. But we will gain people not going to jail for insignificant amounts of bud. If we fight for true freedom and legalization it will take longer and the rewards should be greater on the true legality front. Obviously, this would mean more would be unjustly prosecuted. No perfect solution, I just hope the progress we have made isn't reversed. In my opinion my state has taken the country for a giant "step back" in that progress


Well-Known Member
This same logic does apply. The people selling are taking a risk that it will be legalized. What point are you trying to argue here? Looks like you just jumbled some sentences together.
You're sympathetic to dealers who will lose income, but not to dealers who get locked up. Why is that?


Active Member
I don't think I am any better than anyone. Especially for being medical. Sorry if anyone was offended by my post that I believe it should stay illegal. Its just my opinion. My environment and life experiences make me feel that the cannabis is doing more good being illegal.


New Member
My aunt says weed is poison so no, I'm not listening to her lol.

Actually one of my best friends is getting a degree as a backup to the trade because he thinks it's coming. Imagine that. Getting a college degree as a backup to slinging elbows around. lol

tell him I 'd rep him on that


New Member
Wow, just wow.. don't really know what else to say but holy fucking shit, wow.. are you sure you're on "our side"
I'm not for.medical marijuana to begin with and think the whole.medical thing is Bs and it should just be legalized all together and not "sick" people .. half of whom only got "sick " when they found out cannabis was a cure..
And do you honestly think Joe blow selling weed is gonna start selling crack or weed if weed were to become legal?? What's stopping them from selling crack and heroin now?? Probably the same thing as it would then .. a moral compass that says it's wrong, higher jail times for doing so, etc, etc..
And just because you know the risks of something means you deserve to be in jail? What about a moral rigjt to break an unjust law ?? If no one broke these laws, we'd never of had a sack to buy in our entire lives..

As for the people feeding their families through selling weed, well, go get an effin job like the rest of us ..
Just saying and my $.02 worth..

dang racer,:-(I couldn't disagree more


New Member
I don't think I am any better than anyone. Especially for being medical. Sorry if anyone was offended by my post that I believe it should stay illegal. Its just my opinion. My environment and life experiences make me feel that the cannabis is doing more good being illegal.
thats how the voters vote around here


Active Member
You're sympathetic to dealers who will lose income, but not to dealers who get locked up. Why is that?
I am sympathetic to dealers who will lose income by legalization, because ALL dealers will. I never claimed I wasn't sympathetic to dealers who got locked up, I just said they knew the risks. I even said "I know there are tons of people in prison over a plant that should be free. But, in my opinion, keeping it illegal is keeping a lot of the poor alive. " Sounds like sympathy to both side to me.

Did you even read my post or did you just want to argue for no reason?
I don't want to see anyone locked up, it sucks they do for such a harmless drug. But their sacrifice makes more profit for the rest of the people in the business.


Well-Known Member
I am sympathetic to dealers who will lose income by legalization, because ALL dealers will. I never claimed I wasn't sympathetic to dealers who got locked up, I just said they knew the risks. I even said "I know there are tons of people in prison over a plant that should be free. But, in my opinion, keeping it illegal is keeping a lot of the poor alive. " Sounds like sympathy to both side to me.

Did you even read my post or did you just want to argue for no reason?
I don't want to see anyone locked up, it sucks they do for such a harmless drug. But their sacrifice makes more profit for the rest of the people in the business.
I'm not arguing at all, I was just asking a question. It seemed unfair to be against legalization because dealers would lose money, but then dismiss those who are jailed by saying they knew the risks. I was only saying that the same "they knew the risks" point could be used to justify the loss of income. I'm not being aggressive, and I did read your posts, I was just trying to have a discussion.
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Active Member
:joint: I think I just needa smoke a god damn joint quit taking shit so personal. Sorry for all the offense.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Jan 1st where u live... im in washington nothing has changed... im 20 so ill be saying man I remember when weed got legalized and all weed went to shit. Ill be telling them about how I use to grow my own good weed for myself and other med people and how shitty the gov weed is from the lack of care to the plant. Honestly I cant say whether im excited or not. Hopefully this i502 shit doesnt stop my growing rights. But yes it will be weird, times are changing people are seeing how this plant is not as harmful as they made it seem

Do you brew your own beer??


Well-Known Member
A few things... First off, once it's legalized that won't mean that every single bud will be monsanto GMO or full of pesticides or whatever. In fact, look at the majority of the brick weed coming from Mexico. I highly doubt that they are taking loving care of their acres and acres of plants, or at all concerned about the health of the consumers. Just like Keystone Light beer is cheaper than Blue Moon, there will be different quality of product. As far at the people currently making money off the illegal side.. sorry? I guess that would mean they would need to find legitimate work. When it becomes legal, that means there will be legitimate cannabis related jobs. It's pretty selfish to put personal profits above people's freedom, especially all the people in jail or on probation for less than an ounce of some personal weed. Anyone ever seen the show "Moonshiners"? I'm pretty sure alcohol has been legal for the past 70 years. Regardless, they still have plenty of customers willing to pay $120/gallon for some old school shine. So, once it's legal, there will still be people willing to take the risk and grow/sell illegally.