New York Growers Thread

Hopefully it'll pass but I won't hold my breath for it. I feel like New York is always one of the last ones to the party. I currently have 2 purple dreams and a plush berry a few weeks into flower. Proof later
My pictures are super purple. Next time I'll take them out of the room to natural color. All are mainlined because it's fun to do so
IMG_5097.jpgIMG_5098.jpg These are the ladies in my room. Two purple dreams by gdp. One plushberry from subcool seeds.
IMG_5100.jpgthis one is purple dream II. Very thin leaves and very tight branches. Single cola dominant. Had to take a cola off to clone her. Going on week 4 of flower
IMG_5102.jpgThis is purple dream I. This one also has thin leaves but not as this as pdII. This one has christmas tree like growth with its secondary branching. Going on week 3 of flowering
IMG_5104.jpgThis is the Plushberry. Wide leaves. The secondary branching is less than christmas tree like. Very thick colas. Going into week 3 of flower.
all in 7 gallon smart pots in organic living soil
A possession charge is a misd. At best you get a a.c.d or even thrown out. If your charge was possesion and you wasn't arrested but given a ticket I wouldn't think you need a lawyer. I would Google the exact charge they are charging you with to see exactly what's up tho

It's not a misdemeanor it's an infraction. like a speeding ticket
Ask the judge to speak to the D.A. before you plead guilty or not guilty. (it is very important that you ask befoer you plead, because the judge won't tell you your rights.)

Ask the D.A. for an Adjournment in contemplation of dismissal. (only if you have no priors)

6 months and the ticket will be sealed and thrown out. you will have a clean record again.

You don't need a lawyer.
A possession charge is light if anything it should be a fine or community service. Now a cultivating charge or manufacturing then that's different.

cultivating is a misdemeanor but its very specific in definition. Most people are unlikely to be charged with it
This is great news! REally didn't want to pay a couple hund. for a lawyer right now...especially since i'm not working at the moment...
[h=2]Protecting a New York client's record with an Adjournment in contemplation of Dismissal under CPL 170.56
For many clients charged with a mariuana offense, the best option is the Adjournment in contemplation of Dismissal under 170.56. The Statute is set forth below in its entirety:

§ 170.56 Adjournment in contemplation of dismissal in cases involving [FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif] marihuana.
1. Upon or after arraignment in a local criminal court upon an
information, a prosecutor's information or a misdemeanor complaint,
where the sole remaining count or counts charge a violation or
violations of section 221.05, 221.10, 221.15, 221.35 or 221.40 of the
penal law and before the entry of a plea of guilty thereto or
commencement of a trial thereof, the court, upon motion of a defendant,
may order that all proceedings be suspended and the action adjourned in
contemplation of dismissal, or upon a finding that adjournment would not
be necessary or appropriate and the setting forth in the record of the
reasons for such findings, may dismiss in furtherance of justice the
accusatory instrument; provided, however, that the court may not order
such adjournment in contemplation of dismissal or dismiss the accusatory
instrument if: (a) the defendant has previously been granted such
adjournment in contemplation of dismissal, or (b) the defendant has
previously been granted a dismissal under this section, or (c) the
defendant has previously been convicted of any offense involving
controlled substances, or (d) the defendant has previously been
convicted of a crime and the district attorney does not consent or (e)
the defendant has previously been adjudicated a youthful offender on the
basis of any act or acts involving controlled substances and the
district attorney does not consent.
2. Upon ordering the action adjourned in contemplation of dismissal,
the court must set and specify such conditions for the adjournment as
may be appropriate, and such conditions may include placing the
defendant under the supervision of any public or private agency. At any
time prior to dismissal the court may modify the conditions or extend or
reduce the term of the adjournment, except that the total period of
adjournment shall not exceed twelve months. Upon violation of any
condition fixed by the court, the court may revoke its order and restore
the case to the calendar and the prosecution thereupon must proceed. If
the case is not so restored to the calendar during the period fixed by
the court, the accusatory instrument is, at the expiration of such
period, deemed to have been dismissed in the furtherance of justice.
3. Upon or after dismissal of such charges against a defendant not
previously convicted of a crime, the court shall order that all official
records and papers, relating to the defendant's arrest and prosecution,
whether on file with the court, a police agency, or the New York state
division of criminal justice services, be sealed and, except as
otherwise provided in paragraph (d) of subdivision one of section 160.50
of this chapter, not made available to any person or public or private
agency; except, such records shall be made available under order of a
court for the purpose of determining whether, in subsequent proceedings,
such person qualifies under this section for a dismissal or adjournment
in contemplation of dismissal of the accusatory instrument.
4. Upon the granting of an order pursuant to subdivision three, the
arrest and prosecution shall be deemed a nullity and the defendant shall
be restored, in contemplation of law, to the status he occupied before
his arrest and prosecution.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif] [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif][FONT=Times New Roman, serif] That is the entirety of the adjournment in contemplation statute under 170.56, and unlike the CPL 170.55 ACD, the consent of the prosecutor is not required if the client has no prior criminal record nor any prior youthful offender adjudications involving controlled substances. However, the client is not eligible for the marijuana ACD if he/she has ever been convicted of an offense involving controlled substances or has previously received an ACD under 170.56. Moreover, unlike an ACD under 170.55, the Court can order that the Mariuana ACD remain open for 12 months and can order conditions which must be fulfilled during that time period by the client.
If the case is not restored within that time period, the Court will dismiss the case in the furtherance of justice and and the arrest essentially becomes a nullity. It is important to note that the dismissal will occur under CPL 160.50.
This is the section of the Penal Code that applies to your legal right to receive an ACD if you have no priors. Just remember you have to talk to the D.A. before you plead guilty or not guilty.

If you plead you cannot ask for an ACD. It has to be before pleading to the judge.

Make sure you were charged with one of these

a violation or
violations of section 221.05, 221.10, 221.15, 221.35 or 221.40
This is the section of the Penal Code that applies to your legal right to receive an ACD if you have no priors. Just remember you have to talk to the D.A. before you plead guilty or not guilty.

If you plead you cannot ask for an ACD. It has to be before pleading to the judge.

Make sure you were charged with one of these

a violation or
violations of section 221.05, 221.10, 221.15, 221.35 or 221.40

USeful...very useful info...i just took a pic of that and will make sure i have this in court when i go in Jan. Thanks man!
good luck on your charge... Luckily NY does let some shit slide... I got caught with 37g at the canadian border and my lawyer (best 250.00 ever spent) got me off with a violation and a 250.00 fine...
good luck on your charge... Luckily NY does let some shit slide... I got caught with 37g at the canadian border and my lawyer (best 250.00 ever spent) got me off with a violation and a 250.00 fine...

Early 2000s was the worst time for me, now it seems NYC cops really don't care and just want to catch murderers, hard drugs, and guns.
I would get locked up for smoking a small joint alone in the back of my building, get locked up for less than 1gram in a bag, get locked up for sitting on the steps of my building.

Now I don't get arrested for all that anymore, they even walk up and down the block seeing people smoke in front of them and they don't care.
Welcome to the new year fellow growers. It snowed like crazy on Thursday into Friday and yet the past two days it's been in the upper 40s and raining so most of the snow is gone. Enough stories though.
I'm hearing gov. Cuomo is going to use his executive powers to legalize marijuana for medicinal use. I'm hearing only certain hospitals are going to be able to give such prescriptions for specific ailments, what? I'm not sure yet. More details on Wednesday when he gives his state of the state address. I'm happy for the people who are going to be able to get the help immediately. It's a step closer.
A step closer indeed. Nothing about growing mentioned but still a low wing it here is a big step.
Only 20 hospitals to supply the whole state of New York they need that much just in the city let alone the rest of the state.
I'm sure the push for Rec use will continue once they see what Colorado is doing.
When NY sees how these other states are doing and the potential for money they'll make changes im sure. These are just the baby steps. I wonder who will be supplying these hospitals though.
When NY sees how these other states are doing and the potential for money they'll make changes im sure. These are just the baby steps. I wonder who will be supplying these hospitals though.

thats a good question...i always wondered who supplied dispensaries...
I would think it would be an in state process but who knows how they, the state, will handle it. The 21st state though