New York Growers Thread

it has been chill today, been a good summer though
my outside grows have been tiny experimental
this year pretty much the same, but that can work out sometimes
especially when a weed copter started doing sweeps not 50 feet from my tiny plant
and i was glad it was a tiny plant
have been some fields taken down recently in nearby areas, call it emerald triangle NY
so be safe out there
Yup their out here now as well. Brought my autos in last weekend so yup auto's do have a purpose lol. If only I could find a kick ass one :(.
Im no where right now lol. Just harvested the auto's that were outdoors and as soon as the heat breaks I'll be inside, just getting it set for another indoor season ;).
Soon you'll be able to go to your local dispensary, given you have some crazy type of sickness, and pick your flower less medicine.
^^^ Are you talking up here? Thats not whats happening!!! In the last 5 years the Feds have takin away our right to grow our own, they have given permission to a very limited amount of growers to grow what is very pricey mids I believe. New mandatory sentences for 5 plants. Its really fucked up!!! Sorry if that was referring to State side, hit a bit of a tender spot for me lol. Whats going on down there anyways? I haven't been for a while, not allowed after a very unfortunate misunderstanding at the border 10 years ago lol. I do live on the river though ;).
LOL, I'm still searching for the "one". I have a few packages from Kannabia, which in my experience are ok, I have Pato1 which is the tastiest strain I've smoked and upper mid punch. Got a pack of White Domina that has a pheno that is nice and done real fast, 55-65 days from 12. But just ordered 5 Oh Zone from Dr. Greenthumb. I've either wasted a whole bunch of money or (hoping) a keeper. They are kinda pricey but its kinda like the casino I guess lol. I lost my White Russian and cant get it so back to tryin new stuff. What you got?