I can't believe,,,,,,,


Active Member
I can't believe in a few months growing your own medication will be illegal. Even for relaxation, fun or pain ; cannabis is a gift from God. This is so sad for Canada.
I cant believe....
1- I spent all this money renoing my house, adding security, buying equipment and now have to rip it all out with nothing but a 'who fucking cares?' From the govt
2- the govt wants me to spend 10x the amount I do now for inferior medicine so he can get his mitts on the tax $
3- the bs propaganda they spew about home invasions and mold and then proceed to break the privacy laws by telling my whole neighbourhood I grow with no concern for our safety or rights at all
4- how fucking stoned I am

  • Hey Doobius1 similar lists I hope its okay I borrowed the first part of yours
    I cant believe....
    1- I spent all this money renoing my house, adding security, buying equipment and now have to rip it all out with nothing but a 'who fucking cares?' From the govt
    2- the govt wants me to spend 10x the amount I do now for inferior medicine so he can get his mitts on the tax $
    3- the bs propaganda they spew about home invasions and mold and then proceed to break the privacy laws by telling my whole neighbourhood I grow with no concern for our safety or rights at all
    4- how fucking pissed I am that the medicine I use will take a huge drop in quality under the mmpr
    5. how pissed I am at the giddy LP types,who are helping promote this shitty program
    6. I can't believe these dumb asses(LP's) think that the sick will buy medicine from them....
    7. I can't believe that they have not figured on sick people have nothing to lose....
    8. I can't believe,the gov convinced these Loser Producers that they will be in business soon or ever
    9. I can't believe LP's think we don't know where they got the money from to open up under the mmpr.
    10. I cant believe that no matter how sick I become,ultimately I will have to pay for others indiscretions with the handling of MMAR


I can't believe all the pissing and moaning about this whole change-over.

#1) The vast majority of MM users are fakes. Most are recreational users who paid off a supportive/cause-driven docs for a script. We all know it. And so does Harper, which is why these changes are being made. And with these changes, they will go back to the black market, which will not go away. It will just undercut the LP's on price and will produce better weed.

#2) Some will continue to grow their own. They will stay under the limit for mandatory minimum jail time, knowing that if they get caught the police will likely not press any charges at all...and if they do, then the court will throw it out (keep your old licenses to show medical precedent!)...and if they don't you just pay a fine.

So why all the pissing and moaning? Get over it already. Those who truly need their MM will get it one way or another, as they always have. Our biggest mistake up here in Canada was hiding behind the medical angle for so long. Harper saw the abuse in this system and called our bluff and is making changes. What we all should have done one the medical program was established was pushed for recreational legalization as well. Colorado did it right. They were honest about it. And now look at them...
yeah it sucks but justin trudeau sounds promising in his thoughts on marijuana
If u guys have invested this much money and its becoming illegal and u need your meds keep doin what u do but keep it off the radar

If u guys have invested this much money and its becoming illegal and u need your meds keep doin what u do but keep it off the radar


i would imagine the government will keep close watch on any med patient growers...so that would be a horrible idea
i would imagine the government will keep close watch on any med patient growers...so that would be a horrible idea

Hahahahaah...seriously? The gov doesn't have time or resources.

#2) Some will continue to grow their own. They will stay under the limit for mandatory minimum jail time, knowing that if they get caught the police will likely not press any charges at all...and if they do, then the court will throw it out (keep your old licenses to show medical precedent!)...and if they don't you just pay a fine.

so would you prefer we don't complain and just take our medicine,right Gquebed...
up yours.....loser producer...this site isn't just here for you giddy new business types,
self admitted at breaking the rules in the former system,,,,,but all ready to straighten things out now,,,,
I cant believe....
5. how pissed I am at the giddy LP types,who are helping promote this shitty program
6. I can't believe these dumb asses(LP's) think that the sick will buy medicine from them....
7. I can't believe that they have not figured on sick people have nothing to lose....
8. I can't believe,the gov convinced these Loser Producers that they will be in business soon or ever
9. I can't believe LP's think we don't know where they got the money from to open up under the mmpr.
10. I cant believe that no matter how sick I become,ultimately I will have to pay for others indiscretions with the handling of MMAR

I can't believe ....

5. How pissed I am at these, stoner types who don't vote and just shit on stuff cause they can't figure it out, never providing an alternative of their own. I'd bet you have not even given to Conroy yet.

6. The sick will buy from the best option available to them, as they always have, they may even be willing to pay a small premium for the legal and tested option.

7. You think the sick have nothing to lose? I think that if some quality LP's don't get up and running soon that the sick who don't grow or can't and don't have illegal connections they can trust, will not get their medicine. I think the sick have lost the most and if we don't support small/patient owned and operated LP's they stand to lose even more.

8. People are becoming LP's all across Canada, your just not hearing about it yet, you will, trust me.

9. Now this is just nasty, don't paint us all with your brush and I won't paint the MMAR with mine, though the gov. own numbers say the MMAR was 67% corrupt. Remember Canadan that when you point your finger at people, three fingers are pointing back at you, are you losing your secret income?

10. You are paying for Health Canada's stupidity, the indiscretions of others were/are inevitable, you could measure how well any program was written by its corruption levels. It seems that this time, (MMPR) they had some legal MMAR growers to consult with at least, only bureaucrats 15 years ago.Why are you blaming the "indiscretions of others", when the blame for all of this fiasco is squarely on the shoulders of Health Canada.

11. Keep up the great "thread fodder" Canadan, I love this shit.
so would you prefer we don't complain and just take our medicine,right Gquebed...
up yours.....loser producer...this site isn't just here for you giddy new business types,
self admitted at breaking the rules in the former system,,,,,but all ready to straighten things out now,,,,

Strange...you call me a loser and make groundless accusations? For the record: I've admitted to nothing; I want no part of the new system; I think the loser is always the one who resorts to name calling...
Don't worry about that crap Gquebed lets enjoy your thread.

I can't believe ....

that we can't even grow our own marihuana responsibly.
that Canada is having to play catch up with the U.S.
that Health Canada was stupid enough to use plant counts as a measure of how much cannabis you could grow.
that the MMPR has no edibles, creams, salves, ointments, hashes, oils, or juice able marihuana allowances.
that Health Canada outed each and every MMAR participant.
that Canadians will re-elect Harper, but they will.
that it has been one year since I learned of the MMPR.
hey koot and gueqbed just trying to make friends
and for the record koot

5.you would lose that bet
6. the sick will buy because they need to ....but not with options but from what someone else makes available.
7. you missed the point completely on this
8. still the moment you signed onto the mmpr you become in the gov's pocket......they have you all jumping thru hoops right now....here fido
9. i'm just coming up to speed here....I read koot...it might be a nasty thing to say but I have read many self admitted examples,,,,though I can assume there are a few on the up and up
isn't that what you keep saying about the current program participants,67 percent are bad apples....
.....I have been in the program less than 1 year
so no secret income here....how many of you can say the same....?
10. no matter who is to blame with less than 1 year under my belt,I'm getting screwed out of the first meds that have worked a little for me.
and I will not and can not afford them under the new system....
11. i'm sure you do koot......I don't on the other hand but find my self drawn back here with the disbelief each time

12. I can't believe I picked a site chocked right full of LP wannbe's, to the point no one can have any kind of discussion/complaining about the system old or new,
without Lp's putting in their tired 2 cents....and filling the threads with their version of the problems with the MMAR
13. I can't believe you guys have this much time to spend in a forum.....I have to work....to pay for my shitty health care...
Don't worry about that crap Gquebed lets enjoy your thread.

I can't believe ....

that we can't even grow our own marihuana responsibly.
that Canada is having to play catch up with the U.S.
that Health Canada was stupid enough to use plant counts as a measure of how much cannabis you could grow.
that the MMPR has no edibles, creams, salves, ointments, hashes, oils, or juice able marihuana allowances.
that Health Canada outed each and every MMAR participant.
that Canadians will re-elect Harper, but they will.
that it has been one year since I learned of the MMPR.

I can't believe..

That patients have been buying and using shitty, moldy, pesticide covered weed for over $10 a gram at "compassion clubs" for years and now won't jump at the chance to buy quality, tested, pesticide free weed at just $7 or $8 a gram. It will be many of the same growers, but now they will have quality assurance, mandatory testing, policies and procedures and good production practices. Sick patients will be able to buy consistent strains and quality. They will actually get to communicate with the grower of the small LP's.
Sure I can buy 1 or 2 g per day if I don't have anything important crop up. It's when we get into the large scripts that I start to have a problem with cost. At $8 /g $16/ day is more doable than $120/ dray. Thi is where the problem lies.
that Health Canada outed each and every MMAR participant.
that Canadians will re-elect Harper, but they will.

And the outing was so obviously deliberate, which was an order that came straight from Harper, I have no doubt at all. That is his MO. He's an arrogant little fuck...
And it's that arrogance + several scandals that have a lot of his core supporters here in Alberta very angry with him. So I don't know that he will be re-elected... I mean, he like to gloat about being voted in by the "majority" of Canadians, but what he doesn't say is that it was by the majority of those who bothered to go vote, which was about 30% of the eligible population. That's not a lot of people. He could be EASILY defeated...if people put their bongs down and got off their asses...
hey koot and gueqbed just trying to make friends
and for the record koot

10. no matter who is to blame with less than 1 year under my belt,I'm getting screwed out of the first meds that have worked a little for me.
and I will not and can not afford them under the new system....
13. I can't believe you guys have this much time to spend in a forum.....I have to work....to pay for my shitty health care...

Really? Juvenile name calling isn't going to make you many friends anywhere. Try harder...
Getting screwed? Out of what? If you were growing then keep your old license and keep growing. Problem solved so stop whining like a child. Nobody is going to bother you if you stay under 6 plants because it'd be a complete waste of time and money. Law enforcement knows this. They're after the share croppers and don't give a fuck about you. And if you're not a lazy fuck then two crops of five plants each a year can/will, if done right, yield you more than you could possibly smoke/eat on your own.
How many times has this been mentioned in these forums (which you obviously have a lot of time for too)? Yet you still whine, whimper and snivel. That sniveling comes out in all your posts, one way or another. So I'd bet that it's all you do in person too. You're one of those people who are always complaining about how everybody is against you and how much shittier your life is than everybody else's, aren't you? You're a pity whore, I bet. I mean, it's just obvious and pathetic: "I have to work... to pay for my shitty health care..." you say, to suggest that the rest of don't and that your life is harder somehow. Your posts are full of that shit. So you're one of those people who have to constantly make new friends because the old ones get sick and tired of the whining and won't listen anymore
Get over yourself and stop blaming others for all your problems and be happy that you're alive. Then maybe you'll make some real friends.
Geeze I didn't get near that much analysis out of it....lol tad defensive are we...must have struck a chord
for all your help...sounds like you got the world all figured out...sonny