Active Member
I can't believe in a few months growing your own medication will be illegal. Even for relaxation, fun or pain ; cannabis is a gift from God. This is so sad for Canada.
If u guys have invested this much money and its becoming illegal and u need your meds keep doin what u do but keep it off the radar
i would imagine the government will keep close watch on any med patient that would be a horrible idea
Hahahahaah...seriously? The gov doesn't have time or resources.
#2) Some will continue to grow their own. They will stay under the limit for mandatory minimum jail time, knowing that if they get caught the police will likely not press any charges at all...and if they do, then the court will throw it out (keep your old licenses to show medical precedent!)...and if they don't you just pay a fine.
I cant believe....
5. how pissed I am at the giddy LP types,who are helping promote this shitty program
6. I can't believe these dumb asses(LP's) think that the sick will buy medicine from them....
7. I can't believe that they have not figured on sick people have nothing to lose....
8. I can't believe,the gov convinced these Loser Producers that they will be in business soon or ever
9. I can't believe LP's think we don't know where they got the money from to open up under the mmpr.
10. I cant believe that no matter how sick I become,ultimately I will have to pay for others indiscretions with the handling of MMAR
so would you prefer we don't complain and just take our medicine,right Gquebed...
up yours.....loser producer...this site isn't just here for you giddy new business types,
self admitted at breaking the rules in the former system,,,,,but all ready to straighten things out now,,,,
Don't worry about that crap Gquebed lets enjoy your thread.
I can't believe ....
that we can't even grow our own marihuana responsibly.
that Canada is having to play catch up with the U.S.
that Health Canada was stupid enough to use plant counts as a measure of how much cannabis you could grow.
that the MMPR has no edibles, creams, salves, ointments, hashes, oils, or juice able marihuana allowances.
that Health Canada outed each and every MMAR participant.
that Canadians will re-elect Harper, but they will.
that it has been one year since I learned of the MMPR.
that Health Canada outed each and every MMAR participant.
that Canadians will re-elect Harper, but they will.
|hey koot and gueqbed just trying to make friends
and for the record koot
10. no matter who is to blame with less than 1 year under my belt,I'm getting screwed out of the first meds that have worked a little for me.
and I will not and can not afford them under the new system....
13. I can't believe you guys have this much time to spend in a forum.....I have to pay for my shitty health care...
....sounds like you got the world all figured out...sonny