What's up with US pot tourism?


Well-Known Member
Hey you folks in OR and CO.... Are you like Amsterdam yet? Should I book my flight out?

Please indulge those of us from the other 48. What direction is it heading? Is it just going to be dispensaries (as in pick up your weed and scram) or will there be cafes where one can spark up n chill? Is a 'culture' developing that would make pot tourism in the US akin to that in the Dam? Can I get mayonaise on my fries?
The first shops for folks over the age of 21 open for legal purchase on Jan 1 here in Colorado. No bars and such for toking yet. The process is slow. Denver will be the first though to get actual cannabis bars / clubs as so far they're a bit ahead of other locations in their regulations.

Right now you can openly walk around with an ounce in your pocket legally and smoke on private property including your front porch...
The first shops for folks over the age of 21 open for legal purchase on Jan 1 here in Colorado. No bars and such for toking yet. The process is slow. Denver will be the first though to get actual cannabis bars / clubs as so far they're a bit ahead of other locations in their regulations.
But it's actually in the works? Sweet!

Edit: I mean the bars/cafes/clubs
In Oregon, depending on the neighborhood I already smoke wherever I want outdoors, eating at a restaurant outdoors in woodstock, yeah definitely smoking while I wait for my food and after I'm done eating. Walking down the street most definitely got a spliff hanging out my mouth. It's only a citation nowadays anyway and I'm old enough to not care about citations anymore. There are medical clubs here already that gives you a place to buy ,smoke and chill, but they usually charge a fee or is membership. We used to smoke in the back of a bar in Boring called the Timber all the time. You find the right place no ones gonna look at you funny.
Non Colorado residents 21 or older will be limited to purchasing 1/4 ounce at a time.
I am not sure how that works with edibles.
You could got to as many stores per day as you want, but you are only legally allowed to possess an ounce or less at a time.

The tax in Denver may total over 40%. You might want to consider finding a store just outside of Denver where the taxes are lower.

Now that I have a vape pen, I do not smoke weed in public places any more. If I ever do, I am very discrete.
^^^ Like he said. Only an ounce at a time on any given person unless you have a medical card. Also, an interesting fact is that if you grow it, you can keep it. We are limited to 6 plants a person, 3 flowering at once. You can also give marijuana to someone, but cannot be reimbursed by it. It is basically a law stating do it in your own home, no bars open to the public legally selling and letting you smoke. However, if anyone was in Denver during the Cannabis Cup, you would have seen people smoking it all over where it was held. People passing blunts, jonts, etc... no one really got into trouble that I could see. Also, there were tours, where people file into a bus and they take them to different growers and dispensaries and they would all smoke on the bus. Very interesting.
^^^ Like he said. Only an ounce at a time on any given person unless you have a medical card.

Ok. But I can kind of do that here if I'm not an idiot about it (score good weed, smoke it semi-openly). I want the stuff that I cannot Google. There must be businesses right now going through the final moves to open the doors in a few weeks. What are they going to be like? You know, speculate on the vibe. Anybody have a job at one?What would pot tourism look like? Does it/will it exist or will the only real benefit be legal purchase? Is there going to be an area of concentration or will it be distributed. How will legal recreational use (as opposed to med use) change the culture? Will there be pot-culture hotels?

I know that I am asking for speculation but it's not toooo far into the future.

Edit: for example... On a trip to the Dam, you're gonna buy some good weed and smoke it in a place designed to be a good place to smoke weed and socialize. Your going to meet other people from other places doing the same. That's half the fun.

Tolerance of weed in the Netherlands comes from a tradition - of tolerance - hundreds of years long. America's short history of legalization springs from the right of sick people to get meds. I wonder how differently it will end up.
I have no idea how the stores will function. You will have to show ID and then you might have to wait before going into the weed area. That is how most dispensaries operate. You will not be able to smoke or consume on site. Right now you can get pretty good stuff for $150-$200 an ounce. I do not know how taxes and demand will effect prices. With a red card I could go buy an 1/8th right now for $27.42 and it is pretty good. I bet rec prices will be higher than that.
Oh, shit. It's CO and Wa, not OR? Whatever. So nothing's going on. I had high hopes for this thread. I was really proud of it. Fine, i'm gonna bump it in six month and then you'll be sorry.
Oh, shit. It's CO and Wa, not OR? Whatever. So nothing's going on. I had high hopes for this thread. I was really proud of it. Fine, i'm gonna bump it in six month and then you'll be sorry.

I can guarantee you I will not be sorry.

Ok. But I can kind of do that here if I'm not an idiot about it (score good weed, smoke it semi-openly). I want the stuff that I cannot Google. There must be businesses right now going through the final moves to open the doors in a few weeks. What are they going to be like?

They are going to be weed stores. Show ID, go in and buy weed. Think of a liquor store but with weed and forced ID checking.

You know, speculate on the vibe.

I refuse to do that.

Anybody have a job at one?What would pot tourism look like?

I imagine it will be a bunch of out of staters just blown away with being able to buy weed in a store. I imagine stoned people driving slow as fuck.

Does it/will it exist or will the only real benefit be legal purchase?

The massive benefits of legalization are pretty obvious.

Is there going to be an area of concentration or will it be distributed.

There are a shit ton of dispensaries on Broadway. So there will be a shit ton of rec stores there.

How will legal recreational use (as opposed to med use) change the culture?

I doubt it will change much. People have been pretty open about weed here forever. I hope more people decide to try weed.

Will there be pot-culture hotels?

Why not?

I know that I am asking for speculation but it's not toooo far into the future.

It will be just another day to me.

Edit: for example... On a trip to the Dam, you're gonna buy some good weed and smoke it in a place designed to be a good place to smoke weed and socialize. Your going to meet other people from other places doing the same. That's half the fun.

Same deal here but no legal places to smoke as of yet.

Tolerance of weed in the Netherlands comes from a tradition - of tolerance - hundreds of years long. America's short history of legalization springs from the right of sick people to get meds. I wonder how differently it will end up.

I disagree. The mmj movement was the tipping point. I was pimping hemp before you were born.
The politicians are doing there best to drag their feet, kicking and screaming.

Weed is not a partisan issue, so asshole democrats can be anti weed just like asshole republicans can be anti weed.
pretty sure he was just playin' around

No there really were rumors of a change in the Dutch laws prohibiting non-nationals from buying any. I think the law actually passed, but was quickly overturned once they thought about all the lost tourism dollars.