Paul Ryan (R-WI) guts billions from veteran's benefits


Well-Known Member
I understand the difference. I, however, do not understand why you feel the need to keep re-arranging your stance, and dancing around questions.
Then why did you say it? If you understood the difference, you knew it was totally disconnected.


Well-Known Member
Then why did you say it? If you understood the difference, you knew it was totally disconnected.
Why didn't you answer my original question? Here, I'll ask again so that you don't have to dip-and-twirl for another 2 hours:

Don't you think it's a little stupid that pro-athletes are paid more than our nation's defenders?


Well-Known Member
So what? A "smarter recruit" isn't necessarily very bright either.

I'm not trying to insult you or call you dumb. I know legitimately smart people who were enlisted.
No, you said that the dumbest people see combat. That was post #14.

Is that how you beat West Point graduates in debate? Redefinition of words, moving the goal posts and backpedaling are not working well against a dumb expendable grunt.


Well-Known Member
Original point? You mean the one you've changed like 15 times in the last 3 hours?
The original point is the one in the first post. It's never changed. I've never rejected what I originally said and no one has disproven it either.


Well-Known Member
The original point is the one in the first post. It's never changed. I've never rejected what I originally said and no one has disproven it either.
Ok. Disproven is not a word. Second: Answer my question or shut the fuck up.


Well-Known Member
Why didn't you answer my original question? Here, I'll ask again so that you don't have to dip-and-twirl for another 2 hours:

Don't you think it's a little stupid that pro-athletes are paid more than our nation's defenders?
I don't recall you asking me that question before, so I apologize if I missed the post. To answer it, no, it's not stupid at all. Not a little bit, not at all. Our nation's defenders are paid what they're worth; pro-athletes, likewise, are paid what they're worth.

Fighting for your country evidently isn't very hard to do. Throwing or catching a ball, given the pay rates, must be uniquely difficult.


Well-Known Member
No, you said that the dumbest people see combat. That was post #14.

Is that how you beat West Point graduates in debate? Redefinition of words, moving the goal posts and backpedaling are not working well against a dumb expendable grunt.
Right. Most of them are "dumb."


Well-Known Member
Ok. Disproven is not a word. Second: Answer my question or shut the fuck up.
Disproven is perfectly acceptable and common in usage. It is indeed a word, and one of ancient origin at that.

Don't be an English Nazi if you don't know what you're talking about. You'll look really, really stupid.


Well-Known Member
Right. Most of them are "dumb."
Adding the word most and putting quotations around dumb while saying you have maintained the same position from the beginning is simply dishonest. I know you can't handle the idea that a dumb expendable grunt has greater logical acumen and erudition than a PhD student such as yourself but maybe you should just quit. Admitting you put your foot in your mouth with a benighted comment and apologizing may actually get you further than having the last word.


Well-Known Member
No offence to any here whatsoever, but the fact there is anyone here on a fucking mj forum, actually going through the effort to point out grammatical and spelling errors to a group of folks who, by most of the populations definition, should not give a flip flying fuck about in the first place is a sad fact at best.

To hell with spelling and grammar, stay on the topic and save the fucking lessons for your kids.

Yes, I am stoned and my god damn dog just ate my god damn pop tart. Think I will shoot the bastard with a nerf rocket launcher now.




Well-Known Member
Don't be an English Nazi if you don't know what you're talking about. You'll look really, really stupid.
Define English Nazi for us all please, dummy.

People in the military, generally, are not very bright. If that offends you, that's unfortunate.
I'd beat the crap out of them in a debate. My academic credentials are far superior.
Wealth is compensation for risk. People who avoid risk don't deserve to be compensated for it.
I'd like to know what kind of risks you take at work Tokeprep (with all those credentials of yours). Does it involve being shot, or blown up?
I wouldn't risk my life like that. I have far too much to offer the world.
You're not smarter than me.
Be careful. You might offend my precious little ego. Haha. Idiot.


Well-Known Member
Adding the word most and putting quotations around dumb while saying you have maintained the same position from the beginning is simply dishonest. I know you can't handle the idea that a dumb expendable grunt has greater logical acumen and erudition than a PhD student such as yourself but maybe you should just quit. Admitting you put your foot in your mouth with a benighted comment and apologizing may actually get you further than having the last word.
If I changed my mind I would tell you. I didn't. Your personal offense does not alter my intended meaning.