Looking to get some fresh opinions on new ballast and bulbs

I have been trying to research different ballasts and bulbs for a little upgrade but am running into kind of a time snag. So many of the posts I read from many different websites getting everyone's opinions are 1-5+ years old. I've dipped into some that say stay away from digital ballasts(that is how old some of these threads are... I'm sure you all know):lol:

Anyways, let's get down to the basics. I had to keep my start up costs low so I went the route of HTG Supply since they seemed to have some of the best prices. Here is what I have:

Digital Greenhouse 600W non-dimmable ballast
AgroMax Digipulse MH
Digital Plus HPS

To be honest, everything is going great with these combos and I am very satisfied with the cost/performance I got out of it all but I'm looking to get out of my starter kit and into something (hopefully, maybe) better. I want something that is going to have peak performance for years to come and judging by the amount of dust buildup inside my current ballast, I don't think this is the one.

I have been reading many good things about the Solis Tek ballasts, as well as a few negative reviews as with everything, and they seem to be well reviewed and surprisingly cheap considering what everyone has to say about them. I was looking at getting the 600 watt one(I don't need anything bigger) with the Ushio MH and HPS bulbs.

I am hoping to get the opinions of people who have used these ballasts, bulbs, and hopefully the ballast/bulb combo for some time to see what they think I would also be interested in hearing of some other possible combos. I have been trying my best to sort everything out but unmedicated ADHD makes it incredibly hard. I'm sure some of you know what that is like.

Also, does anyone have any experience with the 10K bulbs for the end of the flowering cycle? I have read mixed things about them and not sure if I want to make the investment right now.


Well-Known Member
dude I had to reread that part where you said you were on a budget so you went with htg, They aren't very good IMO. First think to make sure of when upgrading your ballast is to get one with RF shielding (Imperative if you need to be stealthy) Phantom ballasts are supposed to be really good, but I have never used them.


Well-Known Member
dude I had to reread that part where you said you were on a budget so you went with htg, They aren't very good IMO. First think to make sure of when upgrading your ballast is to get one with RF shielding (Imperative if you need to be stealthy) Phantom ballasts are supposed to be really good, but I have never used them.
Really....I still have a 400Hps mag ballast from them works like a charm.....9yrs old.
I have changed the ignighter 2 times and a chit load of bulbs.
Thanks for posting those SSHZ. Those charts are actually the reason I picked the pairing that I did, well that and checking out reviews.

The Hortilux looks like it performs better but I will be using a 600W ballast and the only one's I see for the MH are the Blue one's (CMH?) which are way too hot for my open hood apparently as they call for an enclosed hood. This is why I am thinking of going with the Ushio's.

Cost isn't an issue. Just going to keep it at 600W because it produces more than enough for me. It's amazing how much money I save instead of paying $100/quarter(I know, right?)

As far as HTG gear goes, I've had no problems with the 2 systems I got that were HTG brand(first one was a 400W mag). They may not be the best but they are definitely not the worst. Great kits for those who are strapped for cash and impatient. This is especially true since I grow for personal use(mmj), not to sell.


Well-Known Member
By the way, I've actually had good success with my purchases from HTG. I bought two 600 watt electronic ballasts, the cheap brand- and now 3 years later I've NEVER had an issue or problem. With this company, cheap prices doesn't mean crappy stuff. They are real good about warranty issues too. I had a bulb blow out in less than 2 months and they replaced it quickly, with no hassles.
By the way, I've actually had good success with my purchases from HTG. I bought two 600 watt electronic ballasts, the cheap brand- and now 3 years later I've NEVER had an issue or problem. With this company, cheap prices doesn't mean crappy stuff. They are real good about warranty issues too. I had a bulb blow out in less than 2 months and they replaced it quickly, with no hassles.

I agree. I mainly want a backup system just in case so I figured I will get as good of a system as I can and store my current system away for backup. Like you said, cheap does not necessarily mean crap.

Do they even make new ballasts that are not RF shielded anymore? I have to say, my ballast is hanging on my wall about 2 feet below an active cable and there are no problems at all.


Well-Known Member
By the way, I've actually had good success with my purchases from HTG. I bought two 600 watt electronic ballasts, the cheap brand- and now 3 years later I've NEVER had an issue or problem. With this company, cheap prices doesn't mean crappy stuff. They are real good about warranty issues too. I had a bulb blow out in less than 2 months and they replaced it quickly, with no hassles.
Me too,SSHZ great peeps in my book.