hurt feelings..think i might quit


Well-Known Member
Yeah those buds look great. Not to mention frosty. Sounds like your friend is going to try and swindle you on your arrangement somehow.
Lets look at this from a $ perspective. He guestimated 2 zips per plant. 8 plants = 16 ounces. So right there is a pound.
I'm not sure as to whether your trics were clear, milky or amber. But like I said those buds look nice and frosty. You mentioned he smokes a load of weed. With people like that it really doesn't matter. They have such a high tolerance it isn't even funny. And anyone who's going to judge smoke by drying it on a light bulb doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground. That's right up there with microwaving buds and sticking them in an oven to quick dry em.
As far as smell is concerned the odor will die down when drying. A nice cure will bring it right back out. Even a 2 week cure makes a world of difference in taste and smell. It's like night and day.
So what was your entire set up anyways? Lighting, medium, nutes. How long did you veg? Did you train em and or top them? Just let em go natural?
They look good. Especially for a first grow. I'd tell your friend to suck a fat one and have no further dealings with them after everything is said and done. Then do your own thing.


You "friend" is right on !! Those buds look horrible and potentially lethal. My advice to you would be to carefully cure them and the send them to me immediately for destruction before they can damage the lives of the innocent.

PS Your friend is something of a Densely Insensitive Cannabis Killer. How is his grow doing?

PSS On a serious note the trichomes appear to be clear. If that is the case you may have wanted to let them go a little longer depending on the effect you are looking for. I am a fan of couchlock so I let mine go to about 10 - 15% amber. Good job and Happy Growing :weed:
I did think I took to early .. it was 67days only a few amber per plant,but I have someone on my back, is it ready is it a 3year old waiting to go to I do not think the seeds were "white widows".he ordered online from Amsterdam or something. They came in individual ziplock baggies, with a snip of paper in them that had the name widows on them .what light should I use in flower. I used a hps 1000watt cool tube same bulb all the way through.

ii dP ii

your 1000w hps is PERFECT for flowering. if you want a different light you could get a Metal Halide for your veg stage, but HPS works great all the way through.

IMO you need to get this friend to fuck off somehow. tell him you got robbed or something and they took all the gear. "sorry buddy I guess I can't grow for you anymore."


Well-Known Member
Best thing about not having a friend / partner, YOU get to keep all the smoke. It sounds like you do all the work. You will get sick of this dummy always wanting more. Just my two cents. Peace


Well-Known Member
He sounds like he's violated the #1 rule in life: don't be a dick. I wouldn't be friends with a dick and I CERTAINLY wouldn't spend time and energy over months and months growing something for a dick. If your bud is so bad, why does he smoke it? Because it's not bad...he's just a dick.



Well-Known Member
I did think I took to early .. it was 67days only a few amber per plant,but I have someone on my back, is it ready is it a 3year old waiting to go to I do not think the seeds were "white widows".he ordered online from Amsterdam or something. They came in individual ziplock baggies, with a snip of paper in them that had the name widows on them .what light should I use in flower. I used a hps 1000watt cool tube same bulb all the way through.

Ok, this is a really easy fix. Probably anyone who has grown for any period of time has run into this same guy.
All he can see is "free weed"...

The easy fix... Tell him you are done, it is too much trouble, too much time, too much money, too much risk, you want nothing more to do with growing...

Then go pop your next set of seeds and keep right on rolling...

#1 rule you should stick with....
Don't tell.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I did think I took to early .. it was 67days only a few amber per plant,but I have someone on my back, is it ready is it a 3year old waiting to go to I do not think the seeds were "white widows".he ordered online from Amsterdam or something. They came in individual ziplock baggies, with a snip of paper in them that had the name widows on them .what light should I use in flower. I used a hps 1000watt cool tube same bulb all the way through.

I'd dump the cool tube and get more fans blowing across the tops, but that's just me. You wouldn't believe the lumen drop when you put glass between the light and the plants!! You can grow with either MH or HPS for the entire grow without issues. In a perfect world, Yes, MH for veg, HPS for flower, and there is another school of thought that BOTH spectrums should be used for both phases. If I had to pick one I'd go with MH 'cause it's way easier on the eyes, but go with what you have. What ever you are doing it appears that it's working for ya!

Also, fuck 'em. It's ready when it's ready. You can either get it done, or get it done right.
He sounds like he's violated the #1 rule in life: don't be a dick. I wouldn't be friends with a dick and I CERTAINLY wouldn't spend time and energy over months and months growing something for a dick. If your bud is so bad, why does he smoke it? Because it's not bad...he's just a dick.

NOT SURE, but I believe Mr. drude1 is trying to explain to you in a very diplomatic way, is that your friend is a "DICK" I believe this is what he's trying real hard to explain to you.... I could be wrong..?..
Your grow looks kick ass. I'm on my second and could only wish my first grow looked as bad ass as yours. Nice job, real nice. Don't worry about your friend, he was probably just thinking with his dick - you know how us guys are.:bigjoint:.............

And one more thing -- real good advice from Mr.althor....
  • The easy fix... Tell him you are done, it is too much trouble, too much time, too much money, too much risk, you want nothing more to do with growing...

    Then go pop your next set of seeds and keep right on rolling...

    Be careful of this idiot......​



Well-Known Member
Yeah, Im sure it has been said in this thread already, but growing and "partners" never works out. Also, if this is not a medical grown, you are taking 100% of the risk so why split the plants in half? You think he is going to do half your probation if something ever went down(knock on wood)? If its a legal medical grow, than there are a lot better patients and friends in the sea.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
at least you didnt over fert and kill em all, He does realize even experienced growers make mistakes now and then, we are human.... FUK THAT DUDE!!! That is a good take from indoor, a pound off 8 plants, shit thats medicine for 4 of my patients for a month, nothing wrong with that.

DO NOT GROW with that fuk face again,,, trust me on this, he will always want more and more every grow..... grow your own shit and tell him to get some lights, soil ,nutes, pots, seeds, testers, build a room, spend the time transplanting, watering, tending and dealing with issues and he can harvest it all...

people these days, I was dealing with some one the same way, I brought 100 fem plants to his house, gave him half the plants, grew 80 fem autos, harvested just over 5 lbs....gave him half. It was my everything, lights soil nutes fans seeds .....everything, so I get another place and go to get my half of the plants and its a big fuk u, ohhh ya he paid the light bill, he watered them a few times..

Its never good enough for some people, you could give him the whole harvest and he would want more!!


your 1000w hps is PERFECT for flowering. if you want a different light you could get a Metal Halide for your veg stage, but HPS works great all the way through.

IMO you need to get this friend to fuck off somehow. tell him you got robbed or something and they took all the gear. "sorry buddy I guess I can't grow for you anymore."
lmao bahaha too good. I just picked a smokable piece and already working on me quite nice., ,a lot better than what we get around here.


at least you didnt over fert and kill em all, He does realize even experienced growers make mistakes now and then, we are human.... FUK THAT DUDE!!! That is a good take from indoor, a pound off 8 plants, shit thats medicine for 4 of my patients for a month, nothing wrong with that.

DO NOT GROW with that fuk face again,,, trust me on this, he will always want more and more every grow..... grow your own shit and tell him to get some lights, soil ,nutes, pots, seeds, testers, build a room, spend the time transplanting, watering, tending and dealing with issues and he can harvest it all...

people these days, I was dealing with some one the same way, I brought 100 fem plants to his house, gave him half the plants, grew 80 fem autos, harvested just over 5 lbs....gave him half. It was my everything, lights soil nutes fans seeds .....everything, so I get another place and go to get my half of the plants and its a big fuk u, ohhh ya he paid the light bill, he watered them a few times..

Its never good enough for some people, you could give him the whole harvest and he would want more!!
already all started because he had issues with ptsd,,and a couple others..The stuff here is awful. So I was begged to grow..I being wise, I thought. said well sounds like quite an investment I will try and grow one outside first. well that went well..but it started then..well I bought the seeds,dirt pots,i think it is mine..need money to buy the tent and stuff. then 2 in the tent..well they went well but not enough gotta pay for the tent still,now the lights and what 75 days after 12/12..and cut down..we did not get that much wow this isn't good. He smokes an awful lot..i know he wont need to of this stuff..i just tried and it is soo much better than what he has been smoking.I think he honestly needs to get a medical card for his disease, and buy great stuff from a legal place., It would help a great deal for him. But I think I have found my passion..i love this .it is very peaceful for me gardening. Thank you for the great advice I think ill follow.


What is the retail value of an ounce of similar quality where you live? If the math works out to being just break even, then you did a good job. Here, where I am, an ounce goes for around 300-340 Euro so if I grow a plant and have 75 euro in it including electric, bean, nutes, and dirt but I get two ounces, I'm shitting in high cotton. Last grow I got 80 grams dried and cured so it cost me just a little over a Euro per gram. That's a hell of a lot better than paying 12 Euro a gram retail in my book.
240$ Canadian for 28grams of hay bs bunk crap.But he will spend and spend on that shit..come to tell me that I did good it gets him medicated enough ...but wow not enough at all..i did not get nothing he thinks.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
already all started because he had issues with ptsd,,and a couple others..The stuff here is awful. So I was begged to grow..I being wise, I thought. said well sounds like quite an investment I will try and grow one outside first. well that went well..but it started then..well I bought the seeds,dirt pots,i think it is mine..need money to buy the tent and stuff. then 2 in the tent..well they went well but not enough gotta pay for the tent still,now the lights and what 75 days after 12/12..and cut down..we did not get that much wow this isn't good. He smokes an awful lot..i know he wont need to of this stuff..i just tried and it is soo much better than what he has been smoking.I think he honestly needs to get a medical card for his disease, and buy great stuff from a legal place., It would help a great deal for him. But I think I have found my passion..i love this .it is very peaceful for me gardening. Thank you for the great advice I think ill follow.
WOW!!! Where the hell were you when I was looking for a girlfriend??


Well-Known Member
Direct you "friend" here so we can have a chat with him. Seems he's just trying to get over on you. Looks good to me, I would put fire to it.


Well-Known Member
That guy is an ass! You now have all the knowledge (and the skill, for sure) to do your own thing. Like others have stated, it'll only get better from here. Give him whatever it takes to get him off your ass and out of your life and move forward with your own shit. You seem like way to nice of a person to be letting some asshole control you and use you for your kindness and your talents.


Active Member
All things said on this topic aside.

I know he's a friend, but will he really be a friend after you cut him loose?
The problem I see in that, is he can narc / snitch on you after you cut him off.
This happens more than you think, especially when you knew the person for a long time and they are bitter about the situation.

ii dP ii

^ for sure that's something to think about. you would have to decide if this person is the type to do something like that, and if it is, adjust accordingly. maybe shut it down for a few months just in case he does say something. then if the cops do start watching you they'll see no indication of a grow op and be done with it.