Duck Dynasty Plucked

The two I am aware of showed signs of arrousal in all men, and it used EEG (electrodes hooked up to skull) to measure. All self reported heteros. Base-line was guy on girl and girl on girl, then the guy on guy came out. All men exhibited brain activity indicative of sexual arrousal. No cock measurements were taken.

The two studies are the same one I guess, the girl on girl baseline was conducted second, so a baseline could be established with no cocks in the picture, but the study was reliable in that both tests gave same results.

Psycology class spent a day on this. It's devoted to my memory, the results that is. I cannot remember any names, and won't devote too much time to look for it. Believe me or don't.

so you're stupid, uninformed, proud of it, and you're gonna stay that way.

congrats on choosing willfull ignorance.
I always thought of intelligence as your ability to take information and use it. Just regurgitating knowledge doesn't scream intelligence to me, maybe a type of intelligence that has to do with memory, but not intelligence in the purest intellectual form of interpreting data and making connections between sets of data.


That is a reason why I was bemused to see the term "apply" (which I think addresses your point) sometimes omitted.
But where did you get the first video of yourself jerking off to yourself jerking off, if that was the first time you jerked off to yourself?

I'm on to your shenanigans, Mr. Mc Fly. I bet Doc Brown held the camera.... lol

EDIT: Unless you jerked off in a mirror while video taping yourself, so you could simultaneously record the initial tape and watch yourself jerk off.... Then you wouldn't need the mirror for subsequent jerk offs, as you'd have a video of yourself jerking off to yourself jerking off, which you could then subsequently jerk off to.... lol

It's like.... Jerking off inception style.

lol what came first: the chicken or the chokin
so you're stupid, uninformed, proud of it, and you're gonna stay that way.

congrats on choosing willfull ignorance.

I'm providing results to a study that is almost identical to the one you provided, were almost (I can't believe it) in fucking agreement.

So what does that make you?
I'm providing results to a study that is almost identical to the one you provided, were almost (I can't believe it) in fucking agreement.

So what does that make you?

you provided zero results of any studies, you don't even know the names of the studies, you are a known liar and you asked me to believe you.

no thanks.

what a shitty lawyer you would have made.
so you're stupid, uninformed, proud of it, and you're gonna stay that way.

congrats on choosing willfull ignorance.

Pot, meet Kettle..........LMMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The irony is killing me. Damn it, now I have to clean my keyboard yet again. :p

Note to self: Do not read UB's posts while eating or get weatherproof keyboard.


Pot, meet Kettle..........LMMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The irony is killing me. Damn it, now I have to clean my keyboard yet again. :p

Note to self: Do not read UB's posts while eating or get weatherproof keyboard.



you think anthropogenic climate change is a hoax. you are disqualified from ever calling anyone stupid.
you provided zero results of any studies, you don't even know the names of the studies, you are a known liar and you asked me to believe you.

no thanks.

what a shitty lawyer you would have made.

Since you know absolutely nothing about the practice of law, I really don't put any weight behind your opinion there.

As to "known liar" -citation needed.
Phil has been unsuspended from the show...

Hit TV show ‘Duck Dynasty’ will resume filming with Phil Robertson, A&E announces, after suspending him earlier in the month for his comments about homosexuality.
Phil has been unsuspended from the show...

Hit TV show ‘Duck Dynasty’ will resume filming with Phil Robertson, A&E announces, after suspending him earlier in the month for his comments about homosexuality.

They figured out that they would be suspending him for his freedom of speech. A&E just got Constitutioned
I think we should all go out to Chic Fil A to celebrate.

well, your guys' tears were delicious while they lasted. they were oh so delicious.

every time you guys cried about A&E exercising their freedoms as americans in response to bigoted comments, i gained an enormous erection.

now i will have to go back to pointing out how you celebrate and encourage bigotry, which is not quite as fun.

but it'll have to do.