Funniest part of this farce of course Schuylaar is that the true definition of Armageddon implies and awakening or opening of the spiritual eyes and not a destruction. Also real mayans (indians in Guatamala not Hispanics of Mexico and Central America) state that this awakening takes years to unfold once it begins (80+ years) and is never instantaneous. So there may actually be some truth to Armegeddon as it is properly defined.
thats a specious new age re-interpretation of a word with no established etymology, nor a standard definition.
it is a (for lack of a better word...) shibboleth. a code phrase used to describe the place (actual physical location on earth) which will be the site of the last battle between the forces of god, and the forces of evil in a last man standing battle to the finish.
of course this presumes acceptance of chrisitian mythology, and particularly the bullshit opium freakout of "revelations",a book widely accepted by real scholars as a non-canonical text appended to the "bible" by the Council of Mycenae to add a little fire and brimstone to the new testament.
in NO way does the word "Armageddon" imply "spiritual awakening" or any of the other age of aquarius bullshit currently being ladled onto this code phrase, which has no meaning outside the context of the original author of "revelations" and his bad trips on some tainted dope.
further the mayan calendar is an agricultural and religious calendar which, while quite accurate at predicting the seasons, has no track record of predicting anything except the best times to plow, sow, and harvest.
even more hilarious, the mayan calendar does NOT end. it is a series of interlocking wheels, conceptualizing astronomical (not astrological) events, and the movement of celestial bodies, and natural cycles.
The Long Count is approaching the "end" of it's pre-calculated movements, but not the end of it's cycle, it is a circle, and thus has no end.
and to make shit even MORE laughable, the only reason The Long Count has not been calcualted farther is because the mayan civilization is extinct, destroyed by a conflict their calendar failed to predict, with a civilization they were unaware of (despite their mystical knowledge) until the strangers came up behind them, hit them on the head with a heavy object, and went through their pockets for loose coins.
if it predicts ANYTHING besides the turning of the seasons, the mayans sure didnt know it, otherwise they would have used it's prophetic powers to save themselves from the spaniards and rome.