U.N. Asks U.S. To Justify Latest "Cruel, Inhuman" Drone Attack That Killed 15 Yemen C

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
LOL xenophobia personified. I hope you get out and see the world before you die. You'll realise what a dick you are.
so, you have no answer but special pleadings and the insinuation that the moslem world really does only hate people and societies that anger them, so india, the phillipines, indonesia, eastern europe, the levant, and spain all just had it comin...


Well-Known Member
again, what did the phillippines do to piss them off?

why did indonesia anger them?

how did india cause them distress?

why did they invade spain, and conquer their way to the gates of vienna before the crusades threw them back to sandland?

why did they invade the levant?

islam is a theocratic ideology with dreams of empire, just like the catholic church was a few hundred years ago, before the enlightenment broke their stranglehold on european thought.

if islam has their own enlightenment movement they might eventually shake off their current moslem dark age and start becoming less repressive and autocratic.

but thats not gonna happen any time soon.
What does that have to do with the USA mistakenly killing 15 people in a wedding? Or are you saying that is what justifies the bloody deed?


Well-Known Member
Yep, that's it, they want to convert us, they aren't angry that we depose their leaders, kill their children. I mean, you could care less about your own children so i can understand your sentiment.
Now, pedal faster and try to draft along. This Jihad was in force, long before this young nation. This began in around 640 something AD, or something. First idea? Kill Jews. The second idea was these Christians.

So, read closely what happened to the little ole US merchant, every time they tried to sail into the Med. So, after all this information, you still blame the USA....

In 1795, Algeria came to an agreement that resulted in the release of 115 American sailors they held, at a cost of over $1 million. This amount totaled about [SUP]1[/SUP]⁄[SUB]6[/SUB] of the entire U.S. budget,[SUP][11][/SUP] and was demanded as tribute by the Barbary States to prevent further piracy. The continuing demand for tribute ultimately led to the formation of the United States Department of the Navy, founded in 1798[12


New Member
so, you have no answer but special pleadings and the insinuation that the moslem world really does only hate people and societies that anger them, so india, the phillipines, indonesia, eastern europe, the levant, and spain all just had it comin...
Special pleadings? I didn't insinuate Muslims hate anyone - unlike you I'm not running around wanking on about Muslims as a whole and falsely claiming all they dream of is world domination. If you hate them so much why didn't you get of your ass and fight them? Chickenhawks like you always have SO much to say, yet do so little...


Well-Known Member
In 1795, Algeria came to an agreement that resulted in the release of 115 American sailors they held, at a cost of over $1 million. This amount totaled about [SUP]1[/SUP]⁄[SUB]6[/SUB] of the entire U.S. budget,[SUP][11][/SUP] and was demanded as tribute by the Barbary States to prevent further piracy. The continuing demand for tribute ultimately led to the formation of the United States Department of the Navy, founded in 1798[12
“From the Halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli;
We fight our country’s battles
On the land as on the sea;
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title
Of United States Marine."​

And so this is all justification for killing 15 people right?



Well-Known Member
so, you have no answer but special pleadings and the insinuation that the moslem world really does only hate people and societies that anger them, so india, the phillipines, indonesia, eastern europe, the levant, and spain all just had it comin...
have you ever actually met a muslim person?


Well-Known Member
Special pleadings? I didn't insinuate Muslims hate anyone - unlike you I'm not running around wanking on about Muslims as a whole and falsely claiming all they dream of is world domination. If you hate them so much why didn't you get of your ass and fight them? Chickenhawks like you always have SO much to say, yet do so little...
None of these people have ever been outside the US, none of them spent any time in the middle east like I have. Only once did I meet anyone who plain didn't like me because I was Western, and he was a poor old man.

Ignorance breeds hate, its why they keep bringing up the past trying to justify the deeds of today.


Well-Known Member
I have! Pick me. Pick me!
do you think him and his fellow muslims got together for secret meetings about how to take over the world?

that they all wake up every morning with the shared goal of world domination and theocratic subjugation?

it's a theory that is on par with the jews waking up every morning scheming on how to take over hollywood and the banks.

sadly, some MoSlEm TrOoFeRs think this is actually what is happening.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
What does that have to do with the USA mistakenly killing 15 people in a wedding? Or are you saying that is what justifies the bloody deed?
dont play dumb, bucky will demand a royalty check from you.

bomb was lobbed because yemen needed help wit their mohammedan fundamentalist wahhabbist insurgency, the bomb was lobbed at a suspected AQAP group, but it was apparently the wrong group.

shit happens.

the quoted post (as you are well aware) was a response to echie's absurd claim that wahhabbis only attack america because we attacked them first, which is patently ridiculous.

grow up.


New Member
dont play dumb, bucky will demand a royalty check from you.

bomb was lobbed because yemen needed help wit their mohammedan fundamentalist wahhabbist insurgency, the bomb was lobbed at a suspected AQAP group, but it was apparently the wrong group.

shit happens.

the quoted post (as you are well aware) was a response to echie's absurd claim that wahhabbis only attack america because we attacked them first, which is patently ridiculous.

grow up.
Good to know the next time a bunch of jews are killed in a school your response will be shit happens.

I'm starting to think minimum wage and a house full of hillbillies is your just desserts...


Well-Known Member
And so this is all justification for killing 15 people right?

I guess for some minds, that is all that can be grasped. However, I never said a word about any justification. It is a War thrust on us, specifically, long ago. And it was forced on the world before that and is being fought by Buddhists in Burma, for Gawd's Sake! The Boo-boys are hard to rile up.

The Jihad, insists they may, and actually feel compelled to, sponsor State Terror against the USA. That, forced us to arm up. It has never stopped. The Sunni States are still Sponsors.

Because they found oil, they became more than pirates of the Med.

So, all that happened after that, you want justifications as if some teenager's, chore was not done. War is not like that. War is hell.

So, what is it, when one side must force it's religion? We had a couple of sunni here and I asked if they even, could, renounce this Domination Maefesto.

They cannot and it is a mortal sin to do so. So, this is tough nuts, and we fight the ghost and try to stay true to a secular ideal.

But, WE are way past justification. Ask Jihad for Justification. Can't find one? Well, ask any Muslim and he will tell you, if he is honest, says my Pastun friend.

It is a Sin to allow other Religions. And it a Blasphemy not to believe in Allah. No neutrals.

Maybe we can calm it down. I hope. I mean, this was the very attitude of Christianity until very recently, right? But, we did start to play nice....about 60 years ago, we tossed out the Nazi. Didn't work out completely. It was too late and Gestapo is still there.

So, are you really of the mind that if we just play nice and they will leave us alone?


New Member
The Jihad, insistent's they may sponsor State Terror against the USA. That, forced us to arm up. I has never stopped.
So, are you really of the mind that if we just play nice and they will leave us alone?
they may? Saudi Arabia does. When was the last time you read about a US strike within the kingdom?
The US may run bases in country, but I've never read about a drone strike in SA...


Well-Known Member
I never said my brothers girlfriend. I don't need a piece of paper to dictate the status of my relationship, but then again i'm not with my girl for money...
Yet she's a co-signor..is she on the note?..bet not..this being a piece of paper as well:wink:


Well-Known Member
Yep, that's it, they want to convert us, they aren't angry that we depose their leaders, kill their children. I mean, you could care less about your own children so i can understand your sentiment.
Exactly how much theology have you had?


New Member
Interesting. The Oil Production is falling off in Aus, but the petroleum imports are rising. IAC, I am glad they don't attack.

Hopefully, you've hardened up, like we did.

we just had $20trillion find in south Australia. Shale oil. So we should be okay in the middle classes. But I agree our foreign dependence is rising, while these projects get under way and forecasts see it rising through 2020 which is, IMO a security issue in terms of the impact caused by a potential disruption in supply. Strait of Hormuz is an lane we watch closely.

Our consumption is still tiny though at just over a million crude barrels per year.