U.N. Asks U.S. To Justify Latest "Cruel, Inhuman" Drone Attack That Killed 15 Yemen C

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Good to know the next time a bunch of jews are killed in a school your response will be shit happens.

I'm starting to think minimum wage and a house full of hillbillies is your just desserts...
the jihadjis dont target schools hospitals and airliners based on bad intel, or soembody screwing up, but you know that. youre just pretending to be a retard cuz the actual stated beliefs of mohammedans makes you feel all ooky and racist so you have to create imaginary fantasy worlds where The Mean Old Catholics can be bad because their religious leaders order them to do evil shit, but mohammedans CANT be bad, cuz their religious leaders order them do do evil shit...

fundamentalist theocratic empires ARE evil, and mohammed created his bullshit fake scientology version 1.0 religion for the express purpose of becoming a warlord.

not a lot has changed in sandland since 700 AD, and mohammedanism continues in the grand tradition laid down by it's founder.

you cannot deny this is the case, so you imagine that most moslems are not part of the problem, just a few, just as most catholics werent muderous bastards who whipped native americans to death in their feilds, and yet junipero serra is now a saint.

mohammedans who die while machinegunning a preschool in france are called "martyrs" and are lionized by "the arab street" but yeah, they cant be evil, cuz thats a judgement and judgement is wrong, and racist.

you are childish, and stupid.

if "the arab street" rejected terrorist attacks on civilian targets, schools, airliners and hospitals, the moslem clergy issued fatwas rejecting claims of "martyrdom" for any jihadji who dies attacking non-military targets, and "the arab street" started ratting out katuscha rocket emplacements to the IDF, then your argument might have merit, but it dont.

thats the fundamental difference between civilized people and savages, we dont attack kids in schools or wedding parties deliberately, they do it out of preference.

you got a special pleading or some super important feelings to disprove THIS?


New Member
the jihadjis dont target schools hospitals and airliners based on bad intel, or soembody screwing up, but you know that. youre just pretending to be a retard cuz the actual stated beliefs of mohammedans makes you feel all ooky and racist so you have to create imaginary fantasy worlds where The Mean Old Catholics can be bad because their religious leaders order them to do evil shit, but mohammedans CANT be bad, cuz their religious leaders order them do do evil shit...

fundamentalist theocratic empires ARE evil, and mohammed created his bullshit fake scientology version 1.0 religion for the express purpose of becoming a warlord.

not a lot has changed in sandland since 700 AD, and mohammedanism continues in the grand tradition laid down by it's founder.

you cannot deny this is the case, so you imagine that most moslems are not part of the problem, just a few, just as most catholics werent muderous bastards who whipped native americans to death in their feilds, and yet junipero serra is now a saint.

mohammedans who die while machinegunning a preschool in france are called "martyrs" and are lionized by "the arab street" but yeah, they cant be evil, cuz thats a judgement and judgement is wrong, and racist.

you are childish, and stupid.

if "the arab street" rejected terrorist attacks on civilian targets, schools, airliners and hospitals, the moslem clergy issued fatwas rejecting claims of "martyrdom" for any jihadji who dies attacking non-military targets, and "the arab street" started ratting out katuscha rocket emplacements to the IDF, then your argument might have merit, but it dont.

thats the fundamental difference between civilized people and savages, we dont attack kids in schools or wedding parties deliberately, they do it out of preference.

you got a special pleading or some super important feelings to disprove THIS?
TL;DR - wind you up and watch you flail...


Well-Known Member
do you think him and his fellow muslims got together for secret meetings about how to take over the world?

that they all wake up every morning with the shared goal of world domination and theocratic subjugation?

it's a theory that is on par with the jews waking up every morning scheming on how to take over hollywood and the banks.*

sadly, some MoSlEm TrOoFeRs think this is actually what is happening.
..*or sadly, nazi germany..some schemes do come true, Bucky.


New Member
youre a dumbass.

hows that for a short message to prove you are full of shit as usual?
you're ranting on about Catholics and god knows what else, to justify why the US killed a bunch of innocent Muslims based on NO INTEL, instead using profiling.

You love profiling though...


Well-Known Member
machinegunning a preschool in france
machinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in francemachinegunning a preschool in france

thats the fundamental difference between civilized people and savages, we dont attack kids in schools...deliberately



Well-Known Member
it's not cheating if all three of us are there.
That sounds like a Bill Clinton definition.

I have seen pictures of your wife so I understand why you need outside stimulation to turn your crank...

If it is all among consenting adults I could care less...


Well-Known Member
they may? Saudi Arabia does. When was the last time you read about a US strike within the kingdom?
The US may run bases in country, but I've never read about a drone strike in SA...
I thought we pulled out of the Kingdom, in any presence, but training. IAC, the House, Saud, is something I have no understanding of. I'm sure I'd have to be there.

Aren't there 10Ks of Royals, all on the stipend of Rank? And the many wives of the successful Sheik...define success?

I can quite detach myself from any feeling about it. Perhaps I am more Libertine, in this one matter. Hey. But, if we started Buzzing, don't you think that would just wipe Saud out?

I think the answer is.....we promised them to Iran?


Well-Known Member
That sounds like a Bill Clinton definition.

I have seen pictures of your wife so I understand why you need outside stimulation to turn your crank...

If it is all among consenting adults I could care less...
you are just obsessed with me and my beautiful wife, who is size 8 and wears a 36D bra.

it's kinda creepy.


Well-Known Member
You can do whatever you like and face the consequences of how it makes you look on the forum.
i keep trying to tell that to all the former members of the white supremacy group and they keep telling me i hate their free speech.

anyhoo, have fun sleeping alone tonight.



Well-Known Member
i keep trying to tell that to all the former members of the white supremacy group and they keep telling me i hate their free speech.

anyhoo, have fun sleeping alone tonight.

Have fun getting wasted and passing out again!!


Well-Known Member
do you think him and his fellow muslims got together for secret meetings about how to take over the world?

NO. NOT HIM. He works for the FBI.. His uncles however, in the tribal lands are a different story. So....YES I DO

that they all wake up every morning with the shared goal of world domination and theocratic subjugation? YES I DO

it's a theory that is on par with the jews waking up every morning scheming on how to take over hollywood and the banks.

but, remember, it worked. I call it rightful competition, within the law, and using the power of fellowship to accomplish financial goals. So what? BTW, to me this is the only grip against the Jews I can find, really. They work damn hard, but they head-Start on Sunday. NO FAIR!!! Unforgiven, alas.

sadly, some MoSlEm TrOoFeRs think this is actually what is happening. NO WAY
See inline comments....My friends that are Jews would not say they are in a violent conspiracy to control our brainwaves. But, just ask them Islamist about control. Just listen to what they say. I have asked a handful now. Here doesn't count, but there were those two guys.

I get 1) a little shuffle of the English words. Confirm? Deny? Look over there? Or 2) Cut it off completely as it is a sin to discuss it with me. Or 3) in 2 cases in person, now, I have this discussion about it. And it is hard for them. The one guy I know, the FBI guy, has a friend and we talked, and it was mostly a puzzle for him. He said sure, of course. Ultimately Allah will want everyone.

I love Islam and the love poem to creation it is, and I really understand. So, when I see this look....but, if Allah wills it? It is very sincere.
My friend just says, "Wuddda gonna do?....if Allah wills it...I mean....<shrug>.."

I have been involved in religion and the sweet side is there, but we know there is a deranged anthropomorphism, in all Religion. A certain reflection of self fulfilled, God Made me do IT. There is a difference, though. No other Religions are ultimately intolerant, these days.

Maybe they will calm down.....Insha 'Allah.