U.N. Asks U.S. To Justify Latest "Cruel, Inhuman" Drone Attack That Killed 15 Yemen C


Well-Known Member
Anyone that would confuse the hand in question with a mans, hasn't spent much time around any woman that takes care of her body. That's a nice way to put it...
I just wanted to point out how full of shit he is about the whole judging thing.
Well, where I live there are plenty of men with hands like that.

Not much personal actuality, here that I can detect. Who assumes that any personal truth it told? I don't.


Well-Known Member
I'm sticking with it until proven otherwise, the hypocrisy bit is my favorite part though, screaming one thing while doing the opposite. Sounds about right.


Well-Known Member
After all the years and all the time spent by liberal protestors, I am just shocked to see Bush is still allowed to do this.


Well-Known Member
I thought we pulled out of the Kingdom, in any presence, but training. IAC, the House, Saud, is something I have no understanding of. I'm sure I'd have to be there.

Aren't there 10Ks of Royals, all on the stipend of Rank? And the many wives of the successful Sheik...define success?

I can quite detach myself from any feeling about it. Perhaps I am more Libertine, in this one matter. Hey. But, if we started Buzzing, don't you think that would just wipe Saud out?

I think the answer is.....we promised them to Iran?
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Doer again.


Well-Known Member
How is christianity any different? Never heard of the crusades and Spanish Inquisition? A little more modern, Branch Dividians. I bet if Westboro Baptist had the member base of Islam, they'd become quite the terrorists.
You obviously have no understanding of the crusades.

The viking raids of the medieval period turned Europe into an armed to the teeth, warrior filled society. When the viking threat subsided, the roving bands of warriors were left with nothing to do. The pope hatched a plan to get rich; call on a crusade to recapture the holy land (a very worthy goal, IMO, since it was a Christian land that had been taken by force, recapture it with force) and all those who went would come to Italy, and leave from Italian ports.

Also, it isn't as if the muslim people were peaceful, from the rise of Islam until the crusades, the Muslims were burning a path of destruction and war across the middle east, anatolia, the balkins, northern africa and Iberia. The crusades were not an offensive, they were a counter-offensive.

The crusades were a response to the militant spread of islam. Not an act of Christian violence.

St. Paul converted people with his words, Muhammad and his followers converted with the sword.

As to the inquisition, very often this was typical political persecution, using religion as a guise to gain acceptance by the people for the persecution.

Your comparison is false on its face. Christianity, no where, in none of its supporting literature, says that violence should be used to further the faith. This has a few exceptions, the middle ages were a very violent time, after all. There was Charlemaign's verdict of verdun, and the northern crusades to convert the peagan peoples of northern europe. However, these people were constantly raiding the christianized areas of europe, and as a result, their conversion was a peace plan, not simply a mindless act of violence.

The main thing is the "constitution" of both faiths could not be more different. The Bible teaches the inherent value of human life, believer or not. The Quoran teaches to kill the infidel.

You will find those who prevert both faiths. To pervert Christianity is to turn it into violence, to pervert Islam is to preach peaceful Islam. It is a religion of violence, intolerance, and subjugation of women.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
To pervert Christianity is to turn it into government.

Christ was a peaceful civil disobedient and a smoker of the herb.

To believe in a big magical Santa Clausy looking god up in the sky means people have not smoked enough herb.


Well-Known Member
Under Islam, all non-believers are to be converted, killed, or enslaved. You have two choices, fight or submit. There is no option of peaceful co-existence.
there's mosques all around me and yet i am peacefully coexisting. imagine that.

you must be stupid.


Well-Known Member
I'm sticking with it until proven otherwise, the hypocrisy bit is my favorite part though, screaming one thing while doing the opposite. Sounds about right.
only one problem though, i never attempted to guess what you looked like based off your girly little arm.

how's that romney lead holding up, douchebag?




Well-Known Member
ZzzzZz same old retardation. Ypu forgot to call me a racist while lying though....
the fact that you hold a black man in contempt for ronald reagan's assistance program was not the topic, your girly looking arm was.

i'll be happy to point out what a racist shit you are if you want to relitigate that one.


Well-Known Member
I held people in contempt for voting for someone on the basis of getting something. Once again you're full of shit though, might wanna run out and grab another kitty litter box.


Well-Known Member
I held people in contempt for voting for someone on the basis of getting something. Once again you're full of shit though, might wanna run out and grab another kitty litter box.
whatever you say, sparky.

your track record of posts and predictions speaks louder than anything i can say about you, so i don't even need to remind people of what a blithering fucktard you are.

i can simply refer them to the mess of dochebaggery you left all over this forum back in 2012 before tucking tail and bowing out because reality proved what an unremitting failure you are, and how easily duped you are.


Well-Known Member
only one problem though, i never attempted to guess what you looked like based off your girly little arm.
and the skinny white little arm that is so white that it almost glows in translucence.

poor little fuck is so butthurt by me being right over a year ago that he still stalks me to this day.

what a sad, scrawny looking little fucker.

More lying from the piece of shit known as Bucky...


Well-Known Member
More lying from the piece of shit known as Bucky...
you must be reading something that isn't there again, just like when you deluded yourself into thinking that your savior mitt was somehow leading in the polls.

that's the problem with stupid people like you, you're too stupid to even know that you're being stupid, which in turn leads to increased stupidity.

oh well, your stupidity is not my problem.


Well-Known Member
Your habitual lying isn't mine either, I just saw you talking shit about others judging people off a picture of a hand and had a good chuckle.
Have a good day internet raging, you angry little man.


Well-Known Member
Your habitual lying isn't mine either, I just saw you talking shit about others judging people off a picture of a hand and had a good chuckle.
Have a good day internet raging, you angry little man.
remind me who's following who around because you were wrong and stupid over a year ago?

i appreciate you allowing me to stay in your head rent-free like that.

have fun abusing plants in that dirty little utility closet of your tiny apartment. pro tip: if you didn't cram too many plants into that dirty little space, your buds wouldn't be literally transparent, despite your best attempts to leave all the leaf on.




Well-Known Member
Once again your habitual lying is hilarious. You've seen pictures of my current grow, and know that I'm no longer flowering in the armoire as I did in my first grow.
Follow you around? Your ass has 9 million posts, dont flatter yourself if someone reads your filth and calls you out on it.


Well-Known Member
Once again your habitual lying is hilarious. You've seen pictures of my current grow, and know that I'm no longer flowering in the armoire as I did in my first grow.
Follow you around? Your ass has 9 million posts, dont flatter yourself if someone reads your filth and calls you out on it.
yeah, i noticed how you had way too many plants shoved into a tiny, filthy little utility closet. doesn't matter how much light you give plants when you cramp them like that, you're gonna end up with fluffy, transparent buds that you can literally see through (even though, as noted, you left a whole bunch of leaf on to try to hide it).

i thought you already said goodbye in your last post, did you decide that you weren't done stalking me yet? that tiny little apartment of yours not offering you much else to do besides masturbate with those skinny little arms of yours?