U.N. Asks U.S. To Justify Latest "Cruel, Inhuman" Drone Attack That Killed 15 Yemen C


Well-Known Member
i'm not good at long goodbyes. i thought you were done several posts back.

anyhoo, i really do have to go, so enjoy having the last word, as i know it is your womanly prerogative.


New Member
there's mosques all around me and yet i am peacefully coexisting. imagine that.

you must be stupid.
Mohammed said to "wait until we have the upper hand to strike their necks" and "act with guile, deceit, and call for peace while the infidels have the upper hand". You must be something of a liar, as I'm sure you already knew this.


New Member
No, but I still think it looks fake. The blood on the fingers looks like paint. I can't see any scenario where both wires and a brand new looking nail would be driven through the arm at a right angle while the same arm is lacerated lengthwise.


Well-Known Member
Mohammed said to "wait until we have the upper hand to strike their necks" and "act with guile, deceit, and call for peace while the infidels have the upper hand". You must be something of a liar, as I'm sure you already knew this.
so all the muslims i have been friends with are just laying in wait to kill me at the right time?

cool story for a sock puppet. not bad.


New Member
They seem to be killing each other off at a pretty good clip. Every day there Sunni's blowing up Shite's or the other way around. Perhaps we should just kick back and let them kill themselves off to a manageable number and then go in and mop up the survivors?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
So we got DOER and Kynes hell bent on killing every Muslim in the world due to the belief that all Muslims want to kill all non Muslims.
hey look, i disagree with your beliefs and you go straight to Bucky and cheezedick's standard ploy and tell me what i think.

nice work.

if you want to pretend islam's "holy books" dont say exactly what they do in fact say, then youre a fool.

if you think moslem clergy and "the Arab Street" dont lionize assholes who machinegun french preschools, then youre an idiot.

but dont try to tell me what i think or believe cuz you clearly have no clue.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
notice it's always the people that never served that always seem so keen to warmonger.
notice how it's assholes who CLAIM they served who are the first in line to assert the exact opposite shit from everybody i know who DID ACTUALLY SERVE?

fuck, my brother was in Gulf 1 and he doesnt trust a muzzie any farther than he can throw them.

i wouldnt send my kids to a catholic school cuz they are child molestors.
i wouldnt take medical or psychological advice from a scientologist cuz they are all CRAZY
i wouldnt take history lessons from an evangelical christian cuz they are dumbasses
i wouldnt ask an amish guy how to rebuild an automatic transmission cuz they only know buggies.
and most importantly...

i would never listen to what a moslem says when he claims his religion is peaceful cuz everybody knows it aint.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
hey look, i disagree with your beliefs and you go straight to Bucky and cheezedick's standard ploy and tell me what i think.

nice work.

if you want to pretend islam's "holy books" dont say exactly what they do in fact say, then youre a fool.

if you think moslem clergy and "the Arab Street" dont lionize assholes who machinegun french preschools, then youre an idiot.

but dont try to tell me what i think or believe cuz you clearly have no clue.
Christianity is also mind control from the same people. The names just change and who they blame. Their whole goal is keeping us fighting each other so they have a income stream. War, hatred, violence and fear are big business.


Well-Known Member
Christianity is also mind control from the same people. The names just change and who they blame. Their whole goal is keeping us fighting each other so they have a income stream. War, hatred, violence and fear are big business.
But, don't say it like it is a bad thing. It is actually to train the young warriors to have some restraint and not go on a one man punishment beserk, when their buddy gets hit.

It also give comfort about the civilians. What do you think word Innocent is about in Religion. Or Original Sin, for that matter?

In war, we let, "God sort it out."

So, the only thing that is wrong with want you say, my friend is that you say religion causes this endless strife. I say religion comes from endless strife as our attempt to make war, more orderly, ie more profitable.


Well-Known Member
They seem to be killing each other off at a pretty good clip. Every day there Sunni's blowing up Shite's or the other way around. Perhaps we should just kick back and let them kill themselves off to a manageable number and then go in and mop up the survivors?
i've already suggested this..


Well-Known Member
Christianity is also mind control from the same people. The names just change and who they blame. Their whole goal is keeping us fighting each other so they have a income stream. War, hatred, violence and fear are big business.
i've already suggested we do away with the non-profit bullshit status and have them pay taxes..


Well-Known Member
notice how it's assholes who CLAIM they served who are the first in line to assert the exact opposite shit from everybody i know who DID ACTUALLY SERVE?

fuck, my brother was in Gulf 1 and he doesnt trust a muzzie any farther than he can throw them.

i wouldnt send my kids to a catholic school cuz they are child molestors.
i wouldnt take medical or psychological advice from a scientologist cuz they are all CRAZY
i wouldnt take history lessons from an evangelical christian cuz they are dumbasses
i wouldnt ask an amish guy how to rebuild an automatic transmission cuz they only know buggies.
and most importantly...

i would never listen to what a moslem says when he claims his religion is peaceful cuz everybody knows it aint.


Well-Known Member
No, but I still think it looks fake. The blood on the fingers looks like paint. I can't see any scenario where both wires and a brand new looking nail would be driven through the arm at a right angle while the same arm is lacerated lengthwise.
Yeah its obviously fake, its a joke post, it's not even Doer's arm. Which is what the joke is.


Well-Known Member
They seem to be killing each other off at a pretty good clip. Every day there Sunni's blowing up Shite's or the other way around. Perhaps we should just kick back and let them kill themselves off to a manageable number and then go in and mop up the survivors?
But, but, but, Kynes already told us that Muslims only hate other Muslims, why would a Muslim kill a Muslim?

Or maybe Muslims don't hate because of religion, maybe they are just brought up that way since we (USA! USA! USA!) have been killing them for the last 70 years???

You wouldn't hate anyone who killed 4 generations of your family would you?

Naawww I didn't think so.

In the first Gulf war, Muslims didn't even fight, they just gave up and glorified us as we gave them food and shelter. It was the easiest war I was ever in, and I have been in three, which is probably 3 more than any of the people saying Muslims just hate all Non Muslims.

They have oil and we just can't let them control it.