Recent content by budleydoright

  1. B

    Control odor & sterilize your room air + surfaces 24/7 + eliminate PM

    Here it is, just installed and up to speed. Been using regalia foliar for Months. Will start root drenching or feeding in as your doing. Sure looks and smells like a tightly controlled corona discharge ozone generator. Perhaps all that reactive oxygen species and trioxidane talk are true...
  2. B

    Control odor & sterilize your room air + surfaces 24/7 + eliminate PM

    Hobbes, How are things going with the Airros system?
  3. B

    Powdery mildew

    I'm seriously looking into a purchase of an Airros unit. Did it eliminate the problem you had, or did you wipe the slate clean and have kept it that way? Also Regalia Maxx or Regalia CG, I understand you get the more powerful stuff in CA. TIA
  4. B

    Major issue! Can anyone help!?

    Is there any chance I could get a photo of the back label of your silver bullet roots? Trying to decide to order or not.
  5. B

    (DWC) Slightly smelly rez & salt buildup?

    any chance I can get a photograph of the labels of your silver bullet roots?
  6. B

    Eagle 20 ew - serious concerns, even in veg

    Not sure if this has been brought up but you can get a Spectricde product at Walmart that has the same active ingredient in it as E 20. I think it is called immunox. Used it before but sure like the way it feels to use nothing at all.
  7. B

    Jacks (JR Peters) nutrients

    I'll check them out. Jrpeters already has my money and will be shipping my order early next week.
  8. B

    Jacks (JR Peters) nutrients

    Just found out the hydro and calnit are on backorder. Oh well.
  9. B

    Jacks (JR Peters) nutrients

    Oh, I was thinking you were talking about MOST from JRpeters. I'm just starting to get into the recipes for this stuff. Been on the fence for a long time on Jacks, decided to take the plunge.
  10. B

    Jacks (JR Peters) nutrients

    MKP? What did I miss? Is that the most? I thought it said not to use with calcium???
  11. B

    Jacks (JR Peters) nutrients

    I just ordered 25# of Jacks pro and calnit for my coco grows.
  12. B

    Is there really such a thing as "too much light"???

    Dont learn this the hard way. Look at pro grows, all the 1k hids are 3-4 feet above the canopy.
  13. B

    Still rocking the Jacks pro?

    Still rocking the Jacks pro?
  14. B

    4 Reservoirs… 1 Chiller

    Remember this effects nutrient water, not fresh water. A good source of info on this subject would be from the salt water aquarium guys. Likely some solid research on those forums. I have just read multiple horror stories of DWC systems taken down by the use of copper in the nutrient solution...
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    Welcome to the jungle!