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  • danny!! i need some advice -- i don't know what to do with my roses. they're still nursing the same buds from last fall, which haven't developed into flowers.... they're all the size of my fingertips. i had one bloom in november?december? that was quite wee and not at all full-blown grandiflora (which was sort of to be expected). but.... now that scent of spring is in the air, i don't know whether i should leave the buds to see what they do, or cut them off to make way for some "prime" first-flush buds. what do you think?
    my thoughts and prayers are with my good buddy jack harer. jack is a stand up guy and a straight shooter. a finer grower there never was...except me...lol
    well i'm back...not in the game...taking a break. lotta legal loopholes to jump through and money wasted on legal leaches. but ima be aight...and one day i'll be be back with a bang...or a bong whatever the case may be...love yall..db
    ps...thatks to PR for cleaning up my mess...you're a good dude. wish i could by you a case of your fav beer.
    something about "protecting the site".
    i'm so glad things are looking up for you; i believe (as i'm sure you do) that your mama's lookin' out for you.
    Much Love going out to Danny boy. I heard about your situation from my bro Dank Hands and was bummed. Needless to say I was even more bummed when I just logged onto my account 4 the first time in a year and saw you were one of the few that had liked my post. Stay strong man
    lol thats very true. and, hopefully things start looking up for me. and for you.
    lol thats a no on the hormones, there was no guy around this semester. I just smoked too much, got too lazy, skipped class, and missed a few big projects. I need to buckle down and focus. and i'll admit, i did let myself get distracted by a guy leaving my life... but alot of the blame is on me and my lack of motivation
    lol well thats good. I wish i had 9 lives, cause then i could redo this semester of school. royally fucked myself over
    Stay strong. Get as good a lawyer as you can afford.
    I'm with Dirty you don't deserve this.
    Wishing you the best of luck.
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