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  • I decided I'm going to give topping a try. I looked in the topping tutorial & didn't quite get it. I'm more visual & a couple of crucial pictures aren't opening up for some reason. I was wondering if there was another link you can recommend. I looked but didn't find anything. Thanks for your time.
    aw thanks man...I don't need the responsibility though...I have enough shit going on lol :D
    Just amazon "ironman 1000 inversion table" it should pop up. I get free two day shipping so it might be more then the 135$ for you. Good luck!
    Great! Found one on amazon for like 135$-even though its not a 300$ model (like the teeter you might see on tv), it is a great product. I use it about 1-2xs a day for ~ ten minutes and it really has helped my back out. Takes a bit of time getting use to hanging upside down but when you do it feels great. Hanging upside down and rotating feels great.
    Hello, I have been a long time reader of this forum and only recently joined up. Although I still prefer to just observe from the side for a while, I have to ask you where you found your avatar picture? My fiance and I recently lost our cat (he was my first) and he happens to look similar to the photo. He had the most luminous blue eyes I have ever seen. I would like to see if I could expand the size of the picture onto photo paper and surprise her with a framed christmas gift. Thank you for your time. RJC
    Hey dannyboy602

    If you get a change check out my last pics, I need your opinion... It is time for the Harvest!!! Thanks!!!
    "Is it Veg Time?, Short and Bushy!!!" is the location.
    I actually think she is to young for cloning... all of the nodes are still getting the stringy things out of them... Should I wait to move her into a flowerpot or can I still move her so that she can finish growing?
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